Women's Job List

Motivated Experienced Business Professional - Investigation, Audit, Accounting, Resume

Skilled in leading teams or performing as an individual. Diverse background in private and government work in dynamic environments.

May – February SPECIAL AGENT (Criminal Investigator / Law Enforcement) REDACTED


Worked in a variety of dynamic environments to complete operative goals while mindful of safety. 


Developed sources and relationships with key partners.


Created operational plans; fact-finding case plans; safety plans; and circular letter ‘surveys.’


Conducted investigations, observation, analysis of data, and interviews.


Note taking or documenting for forensic purposes. 


Testifying and presenting.


Created various types of written products or reports, presentations, and visual aids (spreadsheets, graphs, charts, tables, schedules, or other pictorial exhibits) summarizing of critical findings.


Additional duties and skills including, but not limited to: reconciliations, cash counts, transcription, proofreading, forensic photography, organizing operations or events, instructing, leading operative teams, and conducting outreach.


February – February Dispute Analysis & Forensic Services Associate Alvarez & MARSAL, Boston, MA


Analysis of financial data.


Calculated amounts of damages.


Communicated results in oral or written form.

        CONTINUED June – August Internal Auditor I & II Science Applications International Corp., San Diego, CA


Identified complete audit populations and selected sample sets using standard audit techniques.


Created audit work plans.


Audited (analyzed and assessed) operations and accounting process compliance.


Identified trends, causes of outliers, mitigation responses, and areas for improvement.


Calculated materiality.


Communicated results to senior management in oral and written reports.

    February – June OFFICE MANAGER CommunicatiONS USA, INc., San Diego, CA


Held various full and part-time positions leading to Office Manager. Reported to C.O.O. 


Performed inventory counts and some basic bookkeeping functions such as processing invoices and performing reconciliations.


Communicated with major clients regarding sales, service, credit, and customer service matters.


Education & TRAINING:
December Master of Science - Crime & Justice Studies Suffolk University, Boston, MA
  July Post-Graduate Certificate – Forensic Accounting Northeastern University, Boston, MA     June

Bachelor of Arts & Science - Business Admin with Distinction in Accountancy

San Diego State University, San Diego, CA








January INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL JOURNALISM TRAINING THOMSON Reuters CORPORATION       XXX TRAINING National Criminal Investigator Training Academy (NCITA), Brunswick, GA  


    July SPECIAL AGENT BASIC TRAINING National Criminal Investigator Training Academy (NCITA), Brunswick, GA     April Criminal Investigator BASIC TRAINING

Department of homeland security federal law enforcement TRAINING CENTER (FLETC), Brunswick, GA