Women's Job List


Highly skilled Toxicologist with a wealth of experience in evaluating toxic substances and how it impacts human health and the environment. Participates in strategic partnership groups, non-profit organizations, and outreach opportunities that encourage safe practices with chemicals and hazardous substances, in efforts to reduce the occurrence of harmful effects/incidents. Possesses experience in generating reports, interpreting analysis results, and verifying compliance in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. Proven ability to design and execute toxicology projects, interpret data, and pen research proposals. Recipient of several awards and recognized professional for the academic activity, research, and contributions to publications.

Work Experience

Harris County, Pollution Control Services Department. Houston, TX                 – June

Environmental Toxicologist

Leverages expertise in the field by performing a range of functions that include assessing the impact of toxic substances on human health and the environment, developing threshold limits for air pollutants, and relaying toxicological information regarding toxic chemical exposures and potential health/environmental effects. Provides data that is published in the PCS webpage for the county, and for use across communities and stakeholders. Conducts systematic literature reviews for potentially hazardous agents and related subjects that consisted of identifying regular pollutants (VOCs, PMs, etc.), and contaminants of emerging concern such as PFAS, etc. Creates PowerPoint presentations outlining how to control the impact of toxic substances.

  • Accurately interprets the results of laboratory toxicological tests derived from air and water; generates reports regarding the adverse effects
  • Conceptualizes and distributes materials regarding information about the potential health effects of products involved in the manufacturing of concrete and related products
  • Designed fact sheets for air/water pollutants
  • Collaborates with the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) reviewing their Fact sheets
  • Connects to the community and gains recognition by its’ members and non-profit environmental organizations, via invitations for conferences related to environmental pollutants.
  • Plays an integral role in predicting how pollution can influence the health status of disadvantaged population while determining factors such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and education level, applying this for COVID adverse effects


MRM -CONSULTOX, Valencia, Venezuela                                                                                                                       


Demonstrated strong management skills to oversee all business aspects of this consultancy firm. Aided clients in various organizations that included industrial settings, government institutions, and public and private facilities

  • Strengthened the performance of client businesses by managing training courses and speaking on a national and international level
  • Mentored upcoming professionals by helping students develop their thesis in health and environmental sciences

University of Carabobo (UC), Health Sciences School. Valencia, Venezuela


Director, Center for Toxicological Investigations (CITUC).                                                                                                

Created the Center for Toxicological Investigations (CITUC) while directing a team of employees and researchers responsible for working in several toxicology-related areas; diagnosed for example, lead contamination in children in several disadvantaged areas, water quality in the city, workers exposure to occupational toxicants, rate of drug abuse in selected populations, etc.

Positively influenced the research team while operating as the lead of technical different activities, such as research, training, consultancy and toxicological analyses

  • Displayed excellent leadership resulting in the CITUC being selected by % of the population that required toxicological consultation/analysis in Carabobo State, and also, in surroundings areas such as Cojedes State and Aragua State, Venezuela
  • Successfully obtained funds through penning research proposals, whose results were presented at national and international meetings



Professor/Researcher (UC-Health Sciences School)                                                                                                  

Demonstrated skill in research and teaching, by providing instruction to students in the following subject areas: General Toxicology, Environment Toxicology, Occupational Toxicology, and Occupational Health

  • Served as the face of the Health Science School (UC), at regional and international meetings
  • Professor of Occupational Toxicology, in the course: Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety.  Fundación Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela (FUNDAUC)
  • Conceptualized and introduced regional courses on various toxicology-related areas; incorporated international speakers, and regional and international participants


MSc Toxicology, University of Surrey, England.

Pharmacy Degree, Universidad Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela.

Examples of Professional Training

  • Training on Chemical Risk Assessment Methodologies, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
  • Laboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA
  • Diagnostic Methods in Toxicology, Kansas State University, KS, USA
  • International Course in Applied Epidemiology, Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA
  • nd Munich Summer School ‘Occupational Health Crossing Borders’. Institute and Outpatient Clinic for the Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian’s University, Munich, Germany


Examples of Professional Memberships

  • US-Society of Toxicology (SOT)
  • Venezuelan Association for the development of science (ASOVAC)
  • Elected Member of Executive Committee in several international professional associations which included:
    • ALATOX (Latin American Association of Toxicologists); involved with diagnosing the development of Toxicology in several Latin American countries, and organizing Latin American Meetings with international speakers and training courses, which allowed the participants to update their knowledge in several areas of Toxicology
    • ICOH (International Commission for Occupational Health); spearheaded several aspects that consisted of promoting and registering new members in Venezuela, promoting the ICOH congresses world-wide

Awards & Recognitions

  • Award Dr. Jesus Maria Bianco. Venezuelan Pharmacy Federation, to the best scientific work
  • Award “ALATOX: Past, present and future”, given at the “X Latin-American Congress of Toxicology. Havana, Cuba, to the best scientific work
  • Acknowledgment given by: National Council for Science and Technology (FONACIT), Award: Program for the Researcher (PPI), July , , and
  • Nomination for the award Dr. Charles C. Shepard , NIOSH-CDC Atlanta, category “Prevention and Control”, for the work titled: “Occupational exposure to airborne mercury during gold mining operations near El Callao, Venezuela”. Authors: Drake P, Rojas M, Reh C, Mueller A and Jenkins M
  • Acknowledgment given by the Pharmacists’ College of Carabobo State, due to the successful activity that enhances the pharmacy profession in Venezuela. Valencia, June ,
  • Acknowledgment given by the Rotary Club of Valencia, as “Professional of the year ”. June
  • Award Dr. Francisco Triana, in its First class, for academic & research merit, given by the University of Carabobo. February


Examples of work in consultancy




Technical assistance in:

  • Development of a Food Safety program, on pesticide residues in food, for the Netherlands Antilles (Curacao and Aruba).
  • Contamination by toxic agents Curaçao and Aruba.
  • Determination of levels of toxic agents of the Arikok National Park, in Aruba.
  • Evaluation of Potential Pollution of Marine Waters by a Shrimp Company. Aruba.
  • Sanitary Landfill Evaluation. Aruba.
  • Report on Permissible Limits of chemicals in Water, Air, Land (Venezuelan Regulations).
  • Evaluation and Management of Chemicals Risks. Panama.
  • Environmental and occupational evaluation of exposure to pesticides, in Lara State, within the “Municipalities Towards Health” program.



Petrochemical Industry in Venezuela.

  • EAST METOR COMPANY (Subsidiary of the oil company PDVSA): Assessment in occupational chemical risks. Anzoátegui State. Venezuela. and .
  • SUPERMETANOL COMPANY (Subsidiary of PDVSA): Assessment in occupational chemical risks. Anzoátegui State. Venezuela.

Other companies:

  • Technical Assistance in the "Pipotes de la Muerte" (Pesticides drums residues) case, Carabobo State, Venezuela.
  • CONVELAC (dairy products manufacturing). Assessment in evaluation of occupational chemical risks. Barquisimeto. Venezuela.

Technical Proficiencies

  • Academy; Research Project Management
  • Strong leadership
  • Consultancy
  • Solid background to conduct, interpret and report scientific projects. Data collection and information
  • Proficient in English and Spanish.
  • Scientific Databases, Windows, MS Office applications, Excel, Power point.
  • Problem solving concerning chemicals exposure vs human/environmental effects
  • Interpersonal and Organizational skills