Women's Job List

Customer Service Representative-Receptionist Resume

     Phone:  Home/Fax:    Cell:
Available immediately:  experienced Cashier, Book seller and Customer Service Representative


To obtain a position that encompasses my knowledge of data entry and information systems, customer service and cashier experience.

Work Experience:

/-- Dan’s Keyfood

Duties:     Preparing fresh food: Soups and Salads, Wrapping fresh produce and cleaning.

/-/          K-Mart (Division of Sears Holding Corp.)

Duties:                Duties: Cashier, data entry, accounting, restock clerk, cleaning.

/-/          Sears Holdings Corporation

Duties:                Duties: Cashier, data entry, accounting, restock clerk, cleaning.

Computer Experience:  Power Point, Microsoft word, electronic data entry, cashiering

Duties:                      Use of Microsoft word for data entry into cash register

/-/            Barnes and Noble (Hired for seasonal employment)

Duties:               Data Entry, book search, cashier, book/miscellaneous products seller, restock clerk, cleaning

Computer Experience:  Power Point, Microsoft word, electronic data entry cashiering


/-/              Westchester community College, Valhalla, NY

Major:              English language and literature (Degree incomplete)                           

/-/                Herbert H. Lehman High School, Bronx, NY
Major:                   Academic Subjects -- High School Diploma earned /              


 Caroline; Customer Service Representative (Supervisor)
Kmart, Bronx, NY

Janelle Gill; Sales Lead (Supervisor)
Sears Roebuck & Company, Yonkers, NY

Kateryna Patsovska Rivera