Women's Job List

Active TS/SCI CWMD Professional Executive Resume


PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY:  An acknowledged resourceful, decisive and caring leader, who relishes driving goal-oriented change during crisis and exults in creating innovative solutions to solve conflict.  Able to provide advice to and influence senior decision makers for improvement of strategy and policies.  Unique professional with a sustained record of success across the entire spectrum of Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) - from development of senior-level curricula for education, leading and conducting exercises and training, to implementing research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) programs.  Fluent in directing, managing and executing research projects, analytic studies, exercises and wargames from small group to full-scale, working alone or leading a team of professionals.   Recognized for a passionate devotion to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) Preparedness and Emergency Management (EM).   

SKILLS INCLUDE: • Active TS-SCI/Q Clearance • Communicator • -degree Leader  • Scholar and Educator • Process Improvement • Problem Solver • Project Management • Executive Advisor • Teamwork/Collaborator • Systems Thinker • Management Analyst • Tech Savvy



• Matrixed a stove-piped EM division into three branches and two geographically separate offices on two separate continents, mandated emergency management training for all subordinates and cross-training across the organization allowing the division to more expeditiously meet client requirements, survive personnel gaps, and meet an % increase in customer demand with an under-resourced organization

• Led a geographically dispersed department of personnel and over administrative and performance contractors for RDT&E of innovative offensive technologies to combat state and terrorist WMD threats, reduced workforce uncertainty with several proven managerial techniques, improved awards and recognitions by % in months improving the morale of the workforce

• Organized and developed a conference for all members of a disparate and geographically dispersed group of over EM professionals, utilizing a structured analysis methodology examined gaps and requirements resulting in complete accord on mission and vision and increased productivity in the first six months


• Developed an inaugural institutionalized strategic plan for the department, which included aggressive technical evaluations of programs which forced program managers to create defensible, realistic acquisition timelines and then obtained a consensus among the six divisions (recognized as the first ever) to prioritize programs and budget lines improving expenditure rates by % over the previous fiscal year and preventing a planned % loss of resources.  This effort allowed senior leaders to defend and shield ten percent of the Agency's RDT&E budget from an aggressive OSD budget realignment attempt

• Exceeded research support standards by advising a minimum of one undergraduate and two to three graduate level research students each year while at the National Defense University- adept at evaluation of writing quality and authenticity. Every research student advised won a competitive writing award at the end of their year and one research study influenced a national policy being evaluated by the National Security Council

• Evaluated and taught over students at National Defense University in deterrence theory, military strategy and history, modern military operations, strategic planning, industry and regional studies with a % student satisfaction rate


• Identified a gap in the curriculum at the University and spearheaded, obtained a small grant, developed and taught an original CWMD elective which specifically linked National and Defense level strategies with the resources to meet mission requirements; this included assessments of facilities, equipment, and processes and policy at the national level. Taught for three years at zero increase to the University’s budget

• Conducted a strategic analysis which created opportunities to partner with other organizations and interagency partners to more quickly transition capabilities to the warfighter by tightening timelines by % or eliminating programs that were not performing and reinvesting funds into successful technologies

• Utilizing research-based methodology, conducted a -month qualitative analysis with interviews, small groups, and peer led groups to analyze causes of the dissatisfaction of women in the workforce measured quantitatively by the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS).  The analysis was presented to the Department senior leaders with recommendations to rectify unfair hiring and performance evaluations resulting in immediate action steps taken and improvement in the FEVS scores the following year


• Obtained Congressional approval for % more money than originally estimated to Build Partnership Capacity efforts across the globe and for all Geographic Commands which allowed the Agency to meet all client requirements

• Facilitated a meeting between the senior leaders of three colleges and obtained agreement from all of them to allow the students from each of the colleges to participate in a course that one had never participated in and that one had not participated in for five years resulting in multiple successful iterations of the course for all the students of the University


• Identified a gap in knowledge on nuclear weapons effects and launched a successful Senior Leader Engagement initiative pilot which met all leadership strategic objectives and tied directly into National and Defense level guidance resulting in a first ever international bi-lateral conference with a specific partner nation and further requests for support from four multimillion-dollar clients

• Originated the creation of the University's WMD Concentration with the Center for WMD Studies then sponsored and represented the program for two colleges resulting in an average of eight Concentration graduates each year from -

• Implemented a certification process for the Agency’s Emergency Management advisors based on the International Association of Emergency Management model resulting in professional development and vetted professional advisors for senior leaders that has continued for over ten years at the Agency


• Currently a Doctor of Science in Emergency Management Student, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL. ( expected graduation)

• MS National Resource Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Ft. McNair, Washington, DC.      

• MS Biology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.

• BS Zoology and BS Pre-Veterinary Medicine North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.


• Master Consequence Management Advisory Team (CMAT) Specialist, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)

• Professional Development Series Certificate for Standards of Excellence in Emergency Management, FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Institute, MD.

• Defense Acquisition University, Acquisition Level Certification

• U.S. Army Instructor Qualification