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Highly effective at taking leadership direction from superiors, as well as mentoring peers. Believes that a willingness to learn and an emphasis on teamwork are essential qualities of successful. HIGHLIGHTS hours completed Basic Law Enforcement training hours completed of Basic Correctional Of?cer training Crime scene processing Community relations CPR/First Aid certi?ed Calm under pressure Certi?cate in Medical Billing and Coding EXPERIENCE Police Of?cer Rocky Mount, North Carolina Rocky Mount Police Department/Feb to Current Enforce state and city ordinances. Wrote reports on arrests made, activities performed and unusual incidents observed. Directed traf?c during emergency and congested situations. Prepared cases for trial and appeared and testi?ed in court as a witness. Mediated domestic-related disturbances and protected victims from harm. Inspected squad vehicle and weapons daily and arranged for routine and special maintenance. Searched vehicles, buildings, homes and property for evidence and stolen property. Responded to and investigated security and burglar alarms. Correctional Of?cer Rocky Mount, North Carolina Department of Public Safety/May to Jan Monitored inmate behavior to prevent crime, escape attempts and other dangerous activities. Implemented defensive tactics and physical restraints to maintain the safety and security of personnel and the general public. Conducted internal security checks and distributed meals. Supervised the meal distribution and observed inmates during meals. Maintained appropriate control, security and well-being of youth at all times.
Bus Driver Nashville, North Carolina Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools/Feb to Dec Transport students to and from school. EDUCATION Medical Of?ce
.C Miyeshia Carpenter mcarpenter@gmail. com N. College Ave Tulsa, Ok
Nash Community College Rocky Mount, North Carolina, USA High School Diploma: General Studies Rocky Mount High School Rocky Mount, North Carolina, USA