Women's Job List

Resume Resume

Worcester, MA




Looking for full-time employment in Mechanical Engineering / Control for May .





  • Extensive background in Mechanical and Control engineering areas.
  • Experienced in estimation, synchronization and control of multi-agent systems.
  • Experienced in offshore drilling, well-logging and directional drilling.
  • Delivered professional engineering activities in a highly competent and efficient manner and ensured that the technical and safety integrity of the engineering is maintained while completing the tasks.
  • Reliable, diligent and self-motivated, excellent communication and organizational skills.




PhD, Mechanical Engineering                                                                                               January – May

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA                                                                                        GPA: ./.

Dissertation: "Adaptive distributed observers for a class of linear time-varying systems".



M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering/ Applied Mechanics                                      September – January

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (Rank st in Engineering between Iranian Universities)

Dissertation: "Vibration analysis of a cracked Timoshenko beam with a continuous model for crack".



B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering/ Solid Mechanics & Design                                September –June

Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

Thesis: "Studying the properties of all six-stroke engine types".




Field Engineer                                                                                                                  October –November

Schlumberger Oilfield Limited, Drilling and Measurement (D&M) segment, Kish Island, Iran

  • Worked with both MWD (measurement while drilling) and LWD (logging while drilling) tools. These tools are the most advanced tools used in logging and directional drilling.
  • Acquired and delivered high-quality formation evaluation, wellbore quality data and directional drilling service to clients.
  • Led D&M team and was responsible for operation monitoring, equipment on-site maintenance, logistics, contingency plan-making and failure analysis.
  • Coordinated other service providers, provided technical solutions, including adjusting drilling parameters and mud property according to real-time situations for risk-control and drilling optimization.


Technical Engineer                                                                                                          February – August

Delta Sanat Sharif, Tehran, Iran

  • Consulted clients in the field of machinery condition monitoring based on vibration technique, thermography technique.


Summer Internship                                                                                                                                         Summer

Majmoueh Sazi Toos Co., Mashhad, Iran




Programming: Matlab/Simulink; Fortran; C/C++;

Applications: SolidWorks; Catia; Ansys; Maple; MS Office; Latex; Comsol; Abaqus; LabVIEW; Mathcad;

Applied Skills: MWD; LWD; Well-logging; Offshore drilling; Directional drilling; Rotor dynamics; Condition monitoring; Fault diagnosis of rotating machineries;




Teaching Assistant, Worcester Polytechnic Institute                                                    January – Present

Held conference sessions and office hours, taught lab sessions, prepared course and lab materials, and graded assignments for the following courses:


  • Introduction to Static Systems
  • Spacecraft Dynamics & Control
  • Guidance, Navigation & Communication
  • Introduction to Control of Dynamical Systems
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Stress Analysis
  • Control Engineering I
  • Introduction to Dynamic Systems
  • Mechanical Vibration
  • Modeling & Analysis of Mechatronic Systems
  • Kinematics of Mechanisms



Ph.D. Dissertation                                                                                                                          January – Present

Title: Adaptive distributed observers for a class of linear time-varying systems.

  • Designed adaptive Kalman consensus filters for a class of continuous time linear time-varying systems.
  • Designed adaptive Kalman consensus filters for a class of discrete time linear time-varying systems.
  • Designed adaptive unknown input consensus observers for a class of continuous time linear systems.
  • Designed adaptive functional consensus observers for a class of continuous time linear systems.



M.Sc. Dissertation                                                                                                                                                  -

Title: Vibration analysis of a cracked Timoshenko beam with a continuous model for crack.

  • Studied of Timoshenko (short) beams for crack in the horizontal and vertical faces using a most recently developed continuous model for crack in the beams and rotor.
  • Studied the effect of crack properties on the dynamic behavior of cracked beams.
  • Examined forced vibration of cracked Timoshenko beams.



Research Assistant,                                                                                                                                              –

Condition Monitoring & Fault Diagnostics Center, Sharif University of Technology

  • Worked on industrial projects in the field of condition monitoring of industrial machineries.




  1. Heydari, S. Jani; "An ellipsoidal model for head to studying response of impacts", Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics (), , -.


  1. Heydari, H. Salarieh, M. Behzad, "Stochastic chaos synchronization using unscented Kalman-Bucy filter and sliding mode control", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (), , .


  1. Behzad, A. Ebrahimi, M. Heydari, A. Alasti, M. Asadi, "Experimental investigation on the fault diagnosis of DC electro motors", Insight – Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring (), , -.


  1. Heydari, A. Ebrahimi, M. Behzad, "Continuous model for flexural vibration analysis of a Timoshenko cracked beam", Archives of Mechanics (), , –.
  2. Ebrahimi, M. Heydari, M. Behzad, "A continuous vibration theory for rotors with an open edge crack", Journal of Sound and Vibration (), , –.


  1. Heydari, A. Ebrahimi, M. Behzad, "Forced vibration analysis of a Timoshenko cracked beam using a continuous model for the crack", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (), , -.
  2. Heydari, A. Ebrahimi, M. Behzad, "Continuous model for flexural vibration analysis of Timoshenko beams with a vertical edge crack", Archive of Applied Mechanics, , DOI: ./s---z.
  3. Ebrahimi, M. Heydari, M. Behzad, "Forced vibration analysis of rotors with an open edge crack based on a continuous vibration theory", Submitted.
  4. Ebrahimi, M. Heydari, M. Behzad, "Optimal vibration control of rotors with an open edge crack using an electromagnetic exciter", Submitted.
  5. Ebrahimi, M. Heydari, A. Alasti, "Active control of a passive bipedal walking robot", Submitted.
  6. Salem, M. Heydari, M. Agheli, "A new approach in modeling of guide and conical rolls in ring rolling process", Submitted.
  7. Heydari, M. Demetriou, "Distributed Kalman filters with adaptive strategy for linear time-varying interconnected systems", Submitted.
  8. Heydari, M. Demetriou, "Adaptive strategies for interconnected functional observers", Ready for submission.
  9. Heydari, M. Demetriou, "Unknown input consensus observer for a class of linear descriptor systems", In preparation.




  • Ranked th amongst about participants in M.Sc. university entrance examination in Iran (Top %)
  • Ranked rd amongst nearly students in Azad University of Mashhad
  • rd “IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation) Most Successful Papers Award” for the paper entitled as "Stochastic chaos synchronization using unscented Kalman-Bucy filter and sliding mode control” published in “Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”.
  • Honor member of IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation), .