Women's Job List

GIS Support Resume


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GIS Objective

Use GIS techniques and skills to create web maps, and web applications. Create geodatabase, Feature Class, Domains, types, and subtypes. Preform Geocoding, Parcel Mapping, Digitizing, Spatial Analysis, GPS, and Projection Systems. Knowledge of GIS open source software.


ArcMap .        ArcGIS Online               GeoExplorer                 Web GIS

Open Layers         PostgreSQL                  GeoServer                    QGIS

JavaScript            ArcGIS for Mobile        AutoCAD                      Geodatabase Design

Project Design     Python                         Project Management    OpenLayers



M.S. in Geographic Information Systems; University of Redlands –

Esri Training; ArcGIS II: Essential Workflows, ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality, ArcGIS Desktop III: GIS Workflows and Analysis, Building Geodatabases, ArcGIS for Server:Sharing GIS Content on the Web

B.A.-Communications/Public Relations; California State University Fullerton

GIS & CAD Certificates; San Bernardino Valley Community College


ESRI, Facilities Intern                                                                                               to

Performed CAD to GIS conversion for Esri Redlands Campus and updated Feature Class datasets. Digitized Fire Alarm points to building footprints. Created HVAC zones for building footprints.  


MCE Consulting Services, GIS Support                                                                 to

Digitized parcel inventory for San Bernardino County GIS Department. Inventory of site plans, drawings, and sketches for a California Historical Landmark. Created custom maps using Labor Market Data and EDD Unemployment Census Demographics. Plant Vegetation Analysis for USDA Forest Service.


Sorenson Engineering, Development Assistant                                                         to

SharePoint Administrator for ASC. Assessed training needs through surveys and interviews. Organized and developed training procedures, manuals, guides, course materials, handouts, and technical instructions.


ADT (Tyco), Commercial Account Executive                                                                        to

Designed Closed Circuit Television, Access Control, Burglar, and Fire Alarm System Applications for Commercial Clients. Provided risk assessments for loss prevention and employee safety. Worked closely with local city governments to ensure Fire Alarm Systems met code requirements. Negotiated Contracts, Proposals, Pricing and responded to RFP and RFQ request.


Kaiser Permanente, Associate Account Manager                                                      to

Collaborated with brokers, consultants, human resources staff, and business owners regarding employee health benefits. Monitored census, member eligibility, premium rates, employer contributions, and medical plan design.


Sequent Technologies Inc., Account Manager                                                          to

Developed and maintained new business and RFP opportunities. Worked with the sales team to plan and execute sales strategy. Worked with engineering team to develop custom presentations for Police In-Car Video Solutions and Surveillance Mobile Data Terminals.