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Talented, visionary strategic PR Communications professional with vast knowledge, technical expertise and international experience developing media, community, internal and external public relation activities. Creative leader in proactive media relations development and enhancing/expanding marketing communications, public relations and community outreach along with legislative liaison, strategic events management, exceptional writing and graphics skills. New and Social Media savvy, strategic public relations development. Exceptional knowledge of AP Styleguide and journalistic formats. Advanced computer skills, especially graphic design, digital imaging and videography. Gifted in media, public, vendor, customer and government relationship management.
Public Relations, Business Development
Public Affairs/Strategic Communications Director, US Army -
Managed, developed and executed proactive internal and external strategic communications and marketing plans, projects and campaigns along with public and community relations and new/social media platforms. Developed multi-faceted brand messages and strategic vision statements, positioning communications and public relations to achieve local, national and international corporate objectives. Secured strategic opportunities and external alliances for local national media coverage, advertising campaigns, national sporting franchise appearances, community and business organizations and other stakeholders/corporate sponsors in private and public sectors. Served as official spokesperson responding to press queries, managed complex crisis communications on national and international level. Maintained exceptional rapport by establishing credibility and media venue discernment with local and national media, leveraging media and community contacts germane to sector interests. Provided strategic planning and communication leadership for executive presentations, speech writing, events management, congressional liaison and protocol. Developed partnership alliances and VIP events management on local and national levels. Developed and executed strategic planning/coordination for local, regional and national events (up to , attendees), implementing marketing campaigns, programs and trade shows to include vendor relationship management/vendor selection and proper protocol for C-level executives and high-ranking government officials. Conceptualized and produced all event-related promotional materials, including related campaign research/planning, audio-visual enhancement materials and tradeshow display multimedia design/content. Established and expanded external marketing communications that engaged organizational vision and strategies, leveraging internal communications and community relation events for external release in trade journals, newspapers and television appearances. Evaluated program objectives, identified audiences, determined appropriate communication methods and implemented a highly proactive, dynamic public relations and strategic communications programs. Directed community relations, events management, official protocol activities and Congressional liaison. Fostered our various publics’ understanding of organizational policies in positive, innovative media approaches, receiving numerous accolades and awards throughout tenure. Managed Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and website design/content.
CEO, Raising Health, (-)
Researched and developed innovative and strategic corporate health education programs geared toward healthy living, preventive medical techniques, cost-effective medical care and health care news. Write and design marketing products, health newsletters, advertising materials and press releases. Published in numerous magazines and regularly interviewed as expert on health communications. Serve as communications consultant/trainer and keynote speaker for organizations on human resource communications, public relations and corporate wellness programs along with managing a variety of events and seminars, especially educational events. Researched and developed presentations/programs and events germane to customer corporate wellness needs. Managed financial and company operations to include full P&L responsibility. Editor of weekly worksite wellness customized newsletters that empowers and encourages employees to understand their risk for major diseases because of their unhealthy habits, teaching employees the importance of health awareness to the financial future of both the individual and the organization.
CEO and Realtor, Vision Graphics and Allen Tate Realtors ((phone hidden))
Business management with full P&L management; cost analyses; design/develop marketing/advertising strategies and campaigns; negotiating costs and legal contract terms. Market and develop commercial and residential real estate, managing state and federal environmental issues, site development, valuation and complicated acquisitions. Compiled, analyzed and audited valuations based upon market activities in acquisition and sales, negotiating terms. Managed complex commercial transactions, researching and producing pro forma analyses for large tract development and commercial acquisitions. Top Five Percent in sales production for the company. Founded a a boutique advertising agency serving corporate clients in all industries (i.e., banking, healthcare, sports, manufacturing) developing public relations, marketing and advertising campaigns. Managed numerous events and seminars in corporate imaging, marketing strategies, presentations/public speaking and community relations.
Public Affairs Manager/Editor, Dept of Army, US and Germany ((phone hidden))
Public relations and communications leadership in construction/energy/environmental and hydroelectrical engineering with the Corps of Engineers-Savannah District (NC, SC and GA); hospitality and sports marketing communications with the Armed Forces Recreation Center (Garmisch, Germany); and strategic communication direction/public affairs for various military communities in the U.S. and Germany. Expanded award-winning employee communications that engaged employees in our corporate vision and strategies, leveraging internal communications and community relation events for external release in trade journals, newspapers and television appearances. Designed and produced dynamic, graphically-appealing print materials and video productions, presentations, digital imaging and website content utilizing technical knowledge in production software (i.e., Creative Suite, Photoshop, PowerPoint) and journalist/photography/videography skills. Evaluate program objectives, identified audiences, determined appropriate communication methods and implemented a highly proactive, dynamic public relations and strategic public relations/communications programs. As an official spokesperson, managed and held press conferences as appropriate, to include coordinating events and media coverage. Directed all upper-echelon events for C-level executives and VIPs (national and international), including coordinating vendors and specialized accomodations (security, etc.) for high-level government officials per protocol. Directed community relations, events management, official protocol activities and Congressional liaison activities. Managed budgets and vendor relationships/contracting along with logistics and detailed coordination with various segments, internal and external, in coordinating events and press conferences in the US and Germany. Fostered our various publics’ understanding of organizational policies in positive, innovative media approaches, receiving numerous accolades and awards throughout tenure. Expanded media market and more than doubled number of press releases written and accepted by editors and news directors in local and national media markets. Editor of award-winning newspapers and magazines, including writing, photography and graphic design. Managed website content and design, providing expertise to cross-functional teams and content authors to improve website effectiveness in targeting and engaging various public audiences, stakeholders and customers.
Awards/Education: hidden)
Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service (fifth highest military decoration rarely awarded to civilians); Keith L. Ware and Thomas Jefferson Awards (first place in journalism excellence); Journalist of the Year; numerous journalism, advertising, graphic design and Community Relations awards (including awards from Vice President Al Gore and Secretary of the Army); PICA (Print Industry of the Carolinas) Advertising Campaign Design (first place); Fourth Estate Award (Georgia Press Association).
Defense Information School, Ft. Meade, MD, BS (Equiv), Public Affairs:
Graduate of numerous accredited journalism, photojournalism, graphic design, digital and social media, video production, media and community relations management, public administration, international relations and top-tier public affairs leadership (masters level) certification schools.
Graduate of Capitol Etiquette School (diplomatic and executive protocol/etiquette for events) and Government Protocol School (VIP, foreign and national dignitaries, government/military protocol for events and official appearances/travel).
Graduate of Civic Leadership program. TQM and Myers-Briggs Administrator and Facilitator.
Mingle School of Real Estate (NC) and Triangle Real Estate Appraisal Schools graduate. U.S. Army veteran graduate of numerous military leadership schools and organizational management programs. Exceptional knowledge and training in AP Style Guide and Media Law. Currently enrolled in college.
Social Media (all venues); Adobe Creative Suite, InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere, PageMaker; Quark; SharePoint; Microsoft FrontPage; PowerPoint; Microsoft Office; various video production software; Internet. Advanced Level.