Women's Job List

CEO Resume


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AMH Consultants, Inc. / Co-Founder and CEO

  • A  Planning, Economic Development and  Special Projects  consulting firm based in Silicon Valley since .


  • Special Projects Consulting:

~ Congressman Patrick Kennedy – Hosted major-donor event for the Congressman from Rhode Island.

~ Friends of Blanca Alvarado – Produced special event for the Chair of the Board of Supervisors in Santa Clara County.

~ Joe Coto Golf Tournament – Lead political fundraiser for this successful event for the elected Assemblyman.

~ Silicon Valley Latino Democratic Club – Hosted launching of this important political party in San Jose.

~ Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez – Hosted political fundraiser for the Los Angeles incumbent.

~  Mayoral  Campaign – Special Project - Consultant hired to develop policy briefing book for the Cindy Chavez for Mayor campaign.  Identified, coordinated, and co-facilitated policy working groups with responsibility for final product.


Sanworkshops.com – a real world, national training initiative in the Storage Area Network market.  Private sector sponsors included Veritas, Brocade, LSI Logic, Emulex, StorNet and StorageTek.  Developed a national media campaign.


International Business Incubator and the Software Business Cluster - Provided planning, fund development, evaluation

and grant writing expertise.  Targeted large corporations and foundations.


Office of the County Executive/Office of Economic Development – Strategic planning consultant.  Facilitated

and developed a Job Creation Plan which included economic development strategies for CalWORKs clientele.


City of San Jose, Office of Cultural Affairs

  • Lead Negotiator for the relocation of the San Jose Arts Incubator to a community-based site.

  • Site Feasibility, Space Planning and Organizational Development Consultant for the San Jose Arts Incubator.

  • Co-facilitated development and final evaluation of three-year strategic plans within six arts groups.

  • San Jose Multicultural Artists Guild (Arts Incubation Project) - Developed an organizational preliminary feasibility study of facilities, funding and staffing for emerging incubation arts organization.  Focused on long-range plans.

  • San Jose Dance Theatre - Developed site-specific, facilities feasibility study for a local ballet company.


San Jose Arts & Culture Roundtable – Arts and Culture Advocacy Project.  Managed research and development of ‘white paper’ and ADVO-KIT on the Economic Impact of the Arts and Culture Industry in San Jose: information from groups.


Center for Employment Training - Provided executive consulting expertise in the areas of community economic development, strategic planning and fund development.  Coordinated team in all aspects of a projected $M capital campaign.


CET Development Corporation - Directed concept for a $M mixed-use, affordable housing project with architects and

executive staff.  Coordinated Fund Development.  Wrote a ‘-Year Economic Development Strategy Plan’ for the agency.


Gavilan Community College/HSIAC Site – Conducted facilities feasibility and management reorganization study for a community-learning cultural arts center. Met with key policy makers and community stakeholders. Emphasis was placed on cultural arts, micro-enterprises and development of a culinary lab.


East Side Union High School District - Principal Consultants on a Wireless ISP project which was projected to connect , laptops within student’s homes.  Included two economic development models utilizing hubs and skills sets for a variety of students.


Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Jose - Served as a member of the Executive Staff and team member for years on capital & planning projects which exceeded $M.  Positions within the agency included the following:


~ Executive Staff Member/Assistant to the Executive Director - Responsible for the 'Operations' of the Office of the

Executive Director and a $M budget. Provided research and analysis of major redevelopment matters including

strategic planning, policy analysis and community relations.  Coordinated press relations for the Agency. Liaison to

Mayor, City Council Members, City Manager and Staff, Executive Staff and the public.



~ Special Projects Coordinator/Executive Staff Member - Developed and coordinated Grants Management and

College Internship Programs. Designed and implemented marketing and public relations programs.  Managed media

relations for capital projects and special events. Developed Outreach Program related to the Downtown Strategy Plan.


~ Training Coordinator/Executive Staff Member - Created comprehensive staff development and training programs for the Agency. Conducted organizational development needs assessments, research, program development and evaluations.


~ Development Officer Consultant - A team member on capital projects that exceeded $M. Developed, implemented and managed comprehensive community relations program for construction management, site delivery and % Housing Programs.  Projects included: the Convention Center, Children's Discovery Museum, the San Jose Arena and others. Developed and coordinated videos, brochures, multi-lingual newsletters, notices and literature, training and community meetings.


~ Development Specialist Consultant - Facilitated coordination with various CSJ and Agency divisions, residential

communities, as well as, privately-owned small businesses in delivery of programs. Monitored relocation issues.


WestEd Institute for Professional Development (E Institute) - Preschool for All Master Plan for Santa Clara County - planning consultant for the county-wide master planning process: years/$M budget.


Vision Literacy – Health Literacy Forum: Coordination of special event featuring Dr. Dean Schillinger, expert in describing the economic impact low literacy has on an individual’s ability to make informed decisions regarding their health.


FIRST Santa Clara County– Facilitated and developed strategic plans which focused on an inclusive, civic engagement process.  The process included: a large ‘Brain Trust’ with key stakeholders and a ‘Core’ group, community focus groups, individual interviews, e-survey and written surveys.  All facets were delivered in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

  • Arts Enrichment Initiative-Facilitated and developed strategic plan and implementation plan: covered a three-year  

      period and a $M budget.  Worked closely with the community, philanthropists, business owners and artists.

  • Literacy Collaborative for Early Childhood Development-Facilitated/developed strategic/implementation plans.

  • Collaborative for Inclusion of Young Child in Early Education - Facilitated and wrote strategic & implementation plans.


San Jose Jazz Festival/San Jose Jazz Society - Volunteer Chairperson of Festival/ Steering Committee Member. 

Provided overall direction of this major cultural arts event: Attendance - - , in attendance. Coordinated budget,

artistic direction, graphics, public relations & sponsorships. Volunteer for years.



C's – Provided legal research, grant writing and contracts consulting for the organization.

San Jose Housing Service Center – Represented clients at HUD hearings.  Provided financial counseling and advocacy.

Friends Outside – Developed Legal Resource Center for women and children impacted by incarceration of loved ones. 

Facilitated workshops and counseled family members. Managed summer school program at Bellarmine College Prep.


San Jose Children's Musical Theater – General Manager of the organization.  Managed all aspects of the program.


WOMA – The Women’s Alliance – Team member of the first battered women’s project in the Bay Area.  Provided counseling,

grant writing, education and advocacy on behalf of the women and children.


Project DARE – Taught clerical skills class for one of the first vocational training programs available to recovering addicts.

Also provided one on one counseling and follow-up.


Project DARE Eastside – Assistant to the Executive Director of a treatment and counseling program for recovering addicts.


March of Dimes – Began my career in the nonprofit sector as a file clerk while attending college.  Learned all aspects of

running the office from the ground up.


ASSOCIATIONS -  On Board of Directors  of CreaTV.  Past BOD of the YWCA, San Jose Jazz Society, and the Nonprofit Development Center.  Served as advisory member of the ESUHSD-Academy of Travel and Tourism, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose Athletic Club, United Way and SCU Paralegal Institute.  Previous member of the National Society of Fund Raising Executives.



~ B.A. from California State University San Jose:  Sociology/Chicano Studies

~ Legal Studies Certificate from Santa Clara University, School of Law:  Paralegal Studies, Concentration: Contracts