Vice President Quality Services Resume
Posted on: 2012-03-13
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Kellwood Company / to /
Vice President – Quality Services / to /
- Continued with all responsibilities as Director of Quality Services, but was given additional responsibilities.
- Merged the quality departments of two distribution centers into the main Kellwood DC without adding head count. This reflected a reduction of quality auditors that were not needed to be replaced in the merger which reflected a savings of $ Million dollars.
- Worked extensively with vendors and factories to improve their quality performance and to push the quality process up into the supply chain. In doing so, was able to reduce the distribution center quality staff by % reflecting savings of over $,..
- Conducted two Kellwood vendor seminars in Shanghai, China with over in attendance in each seminar. Seminar focused on overall quality performances of the vendors as well as reviewing the Kellwood social and trade compliance requirements, Kellwood’s quality requirements. Detailed information was provided for each vendor’s factories along with an overview of the complete corporate uality performance by country. Printed and electronic copies of all manuals and data was distributed to the vendors.
- Worked on special projects as assigned by the corporate Chief Operating Officer. Work with several newly acquired divisions to help implement Kellwood’s systems (Web PDM, EBA, Costing and Production tracking WIPS).
- Worked as part of the Kellwood acquisitions valuation team. Responsibilities were to visit the company that we were interested in purchasing and evaluate the production process in the company (WIP tracking system, personnel, on time performance, vendor base) evaluate the tech designdepartment (systems, pattern making, grading and markers, construction specifications).
- Traveled extensively in China and Vietnam over the three years n this position. Worked with several new vendors and their factories setting up specific programs for Kellwood’s major retail customers.
- Attended numerous AAFA seminars for product safety and product testing requirements as mandated by the CPSIA and garment flammability seminars. Monitored CPSC and CAL PROP requirements for product safety (lead testing) of children’s product as well as new requirements and communicated these requirements to the various divisions manufacturing executives. Updated the Fabric and Garment Testing manual and distributed new editions as needed.
Global Division, NY, NY (Division of Kellwood) / to /
Director of Quality Services – was promoted to Vice President of Quality Services in / and responsibilities were expanded to cover the entire company.
- Developed and implemented a standardized quality manual for use in all business units. This manual defines criteria from acceptance/rejection of garments, procedures for fabric inspection, cutting procedures, inspection processes through final audits.
- Established fabric standards and testing requirements implemented across the corporation world wide. Developed Fabric & Garment Testing manual to standardize across the corporation. Nominated fabric testing labs and negotiated prices resulting in savings of up to % in lab fees.
- Evaluated quality department procedures in multiple distribution centers. Established inspection processes, audit reports and shipment tracking procedures. Developed reporting system comparing field audits to the distribution center audits.
- Conducted training of quality inspectors and factroy staff in inspecrion and reporting procedures.
- Developed Points of Measure manual with detailed descriptions and sketches of the points of measurement for all garments produced in all business units.
- Tested web based quality module for reporting audit results and comparisons.This system has been installed in the distribution centers and factories were production is placed.
Koret of California, INC, Oakland, CA (Division of Kellwood) / – /
Director Worldwide Quality Assurance and Compliance – moved to Kellwood Corporate in / as Director of Quality Services for Kellwood Company.
- Responsible for all quality assurance functions, Repair and Rework Department and Fabric Warehouse.
- Conducted training for all agents and contractors to ensure their quality staff complied with Koret standards.
- Monitored all factories for quality performance and established reporting system showing results of audits and compliance ratings.
- Implemented quality inspection procedures that resulted in significant efficiencies and staff reductions with a savings of $,.
- Conducted quality assurance seminars for agents and factories in Central America, Asia, India and Kenya.
- Sourced new factories worldwide and evaluated for production potential and compliance. Scheduled third part compliance audits for all new and existing Koret factories. Reviewed and communicated the Correction Action Plan (CAP) to insure the factories corrected and met the compliance standards.
Guess? Inc, Los Angeles, CA / – /
International Quality Assurance Manager
- Established quality evaluations and procedures for all Guess? agents and factories.
- Sourced new factories and conducted factory evaluations.
- Developed wash standards for laundries in Mexico and Middle East.
- Developed manufacturing procedures ensuring all sewing operations conformed to Guess? Inc. standards.
- Established denim manufacturing standards for agents in Mexico and Brazil.
- Wrote and published Guess? Inc. Vendor Quality Assurance Manual.