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Senior Geologist Resume


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VIlma Perez_________________________________________________________ a ASH Street home phone Hays., Kansas () .. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\




PROFESSIONAL REVIEW Senior Geologist with more than years of work experience as petroleum / exploration geologist in Oil & Gas Companies. Studied Basins: Central Kansas Uplift, Jujo-Teco sub-basin - SE Mexico, Maracaibo Basin (onshore and offshore), Easter Venezuelan Basin, Gulf of Venezuela Basin, and Caribbean Basin, offshore Venezuela. Specialized skills in: subsurface interpretation and mapping; prospect generation and appraisal; stratigraphic and sedimentary descriptions (outcrops-cores-cuttings-well log descriptions and correlations); cross-sections generation; volumetric estimations (reserves/resources) GAEAPAS; basin- petroleum system-risk analysis, D/D seismic interpretation (SMT), and GIS spatial analysis. Decisive problem-solver able to operate effectively with lean staff in developing practical approaches that reduce costs, improve productivity and build teams. Adept at performing under growth, decline or turn around conditions. Geologist – instructor, willing to create and facilitate geological staff-training courses. Bilingual: Spanish / English, with a high level of integrity, analytical, service oriented, self-motivated, responsible, with effective communication skills (reading/writing/comprehension, as well as verbal), a self started professional who enjoys computer work and challenges. EXPERIENCE RESEARCHER: STUDING KANSAS PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, CONDUCTING A -D SEISMIC INTERPRETATION, SUBSURFACE MAPPING, WELL LOG ANALYIS AND INTERPRETATION, CROSS SECTIONS AND PROSPECTS GENERATION. GIS SPATIAL (TREND) ANALYSIS, AND TEACHING ASSISTANT (TA) OF GEOLOGY LABS. Fort Hays State University, Department of geosciences to Present Graduate student of the Master Science Program in Geology conducting an interpretation of a -D seismic survey recorded in Kansas; generate subsurface maps, cross sections, well log interpretations and correlations; create a consistent geological model, GIS spatial analysis and generate prospects. Also, work as teaching assistant in geology labs. MANAGER GIS PROJECT AND GIS TECHNICIAN (INTERNSHIP) Allied information Solutions, Hays, Kansas Team Manager in a people team project designed to create new County roads maps, aero photo interpretations in several Kansas counties. GIS Technician in charge of developed, implement and assessed a spatial analysis with petroleum (production) data of a Kansas County. PETROLEUM EPLORATION GEOLOGIST PLUTUS S.A. Caracas, Venezuela, INELECTRA / INEPETROL, Caracas, Venezuela - Multidisciplinary teams member. Responsible of: subsurface mapping; interpretation, generation and evaluation of prospects; and volumetric (Reserves/Resources) estimation. Job was done in different projects and basin: Maracaibo basin, Gulf of Venezuela Basin, Eastern Venezuela Basin GEOLOGIST – INSTRUCTOR OF STAFF TRAINING COURSE Spectrum Consultores S.A., Landmark MX, PEMEX, Ciudad del Carmen, México. Instructor of a staff-training course “Evaluation of Exploratory Opportunities” facilitated to PEMEX exploration technical personnel, engineers and exploration managers. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION GEOLOGIST GEOAMBIO. Caracas, Venezuela. March - October Member of an multidisciplinary team, in charge of the geological and volumetric evaluation of exploratory opportunities (plays, leads, prospects) in the Gulf of Venezuela and reviewing consistency in Petroleum System analysis. EXPLORATION GEOLOGIST Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), Venezuela January - March years of professional experience as exploration geologist in a large Oil company. Along this interval of time different roles (positions) and responsibilities were taken. Exploration Geologist, Exploratory Planning Annalist, Administrator of the Venezuelan Base of HC Resources, Subsurface Interpreter, Well Site Geologist, and Sedimentologist were the positions that through time I had. The job took place in different regions of Venezuela: Maracaibo, Lake Area, Ciudad Ojeda, Caracas, Puerto La Cruz, and the names of the main company changed through time PDVSA, MARAVEN, GEMIPET. Responsibilities as Exploratory Planning Annalist: create, keep and update Venezuela Inventory of Exploratory Opportunities (Plays, Leads and Prospects) Maps, and its associated volumes of HC (highly confidential data). Be a member of the auditor team in charged of Ranking Prospects and making exploratory activity plans for the whole country (Venezuela). As Geologist and Instructor: plan staff training courses related to Estimation of Resources, Probabilistic Estimations of HC, Monte Carlo simulations, Uncertainty evaluation and geological Risk analysis, Petroleum System Analysis. As Geologist – interpreter - member of multidisciplinary teams: performed subsurface interpretations, petrophysical analyses, well log and stratigraphic correlations, outcrops, cores, cuttings description, tie geologic and seismic data, created subsurface maps, generate and evaluate new drilled sites (prospects), well proposals, operational follow up of drilling wells, elaboration of technical post-mortem in clastics and carbonaceous layers and regional or local settings. GEOLOGIST – ASSISTANT OF PALEO-LAB Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas, USA Responsible of picking fossils for Dr. Michael Nelson’ research. EARTH SCIENCES COORDINATOR - EARTH SCIENCES TEACHER Ministerio de Educación. Caracas, Venezuela. Responsible for coordinate the earth Sciences classes in sections of high school, supervising teachers. Earth Sciences Teacher. EDUCATION M.S. in D seismic Interpretation GIS Spatial analysis in Exploration, in progress – plan to finish July Fort hays State University, Hays, Kansas GIS Certification (Geology), Fort hays State University, Hays, Kansas B.S. GEOLOGY (Venezuelan Certification), Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela. M.S. Geology, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas B.S. Geology, Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas. Certification English as a second Language, Kansas Wesleyan College. B.S. Education: Earth Science and General Sciences Teacher, Instituto Universitario Pedagógico de Caracas, Venezuela. TRAINING AND INDUCTION COURSES Seismic/Seismic Interpretation/New Technology Seminar (), Risk Analysis and Decision Making (); Reserves Estimating, Geological Prospects and Plates Evaluation, Risk Management to Improve E&P Performance (); Geological Risk Quantification, Applying Geochemistry to Petroleum Exploration (); Probability & Statistics; Subsurface Mapping (); Sequence Stratigraphy, Finder (); High Resolution Well-log Sequence Stratigraphy, Introductory Workshop Stratworks, Exploration and Production Geochemistry, Terrigenous Clastic Depositional Systems (); Introduction to the Geological Interpretation of Reflective Seismic Profiles and Its Applications in Venezuela, Basin Analysis Workshop: an Integrated Approach, Exploratory Prospects Evaluation (); Evaluating and Managing Petroleum Risk (); Geophysics, Seismic Interpretation, Structural Geology and Geological Styles, Prospect Appraisal (); Chained System and Basin, Variation Tools and Reserves Calculations (); Introduction to the Gipsie / Intergraph System (); Operational Geology, Introduction to Exploration, Basic Geophysics, Well Logs Interpretation, Geological Applications to Well-logs Interpretation, Tectonics and Advanced Exploration (); Clastic Facies, Venezuelan Geology (); Seismic Interpretation (). Other Technical courses were taking: with Schlumberger, SPE (US), AAPG (US), OGCI (Canada), TOTAL, Shell Exploration Training Courses (in Nederland, England, Scotland) and others. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Member since Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Member since Sociedad Venezolana de Geólogos (SVG) Member since Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela (CIV) Member since Personnel REFERENCES Available upon request.