Women's Job List

Account Executive Resume


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Candice Sharda McDade

Morgan State University, /-/ B.A. in English: Literature and

G.P.A. .

Courses Related to Major
* Advanced Grammar
* Business Communication
* Writing
* Creative Writing
* Literature For Adolescents
* English Language/Linguistics
* Political Science
* Intermediate Spanish
* Literature of Aids
* Speech
* Philosophy/Logic

Professional Organizations
* Member of Sigma Tau Delta International English Honors Society
* Chapter Pi Upsilon. May th,

Awards and Certificates
* Ivan L. Johnson Student Award For Service April
* English and Language Arts Scholarship April
* Edgar Allen Poe Award for Writing

Computer Skills
* Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Access
* Long Hand; , Short hand wpm

Experience Related To Major
* Volunteer regularly at the Harford County Public Library, Joppa Branch
Written or Published Works:
and Pieces of Our Hearts. \"You\". Hartshorn & Students.. Pg .
* Teach The Learning;
Concept Syllabus for High School English: Introduction to African
American Literature. April th,
* Mark Of The Beast February nd,
Short Story (Re-writing as a Sci-Fi/Mystery Novel)
* Protection. March th,
Short Story
*Strange Relationship. April th,
Short Story
Research Papers:
* Euthanasia: The Right To Die in The Terri Schiavo Case Spring
Alexie Sherman The Toughest Indian In The World March th,
* Kevin Powell Step Into A World March th,

Work Experience
Account Executive, Comcast, White Marsh, //- //
* Call resolution
* Set up all new accounts and effectively handle current accounts
* Handle all billing issues
* Handle all product issues/troubleshooting
* IP Support/Troubleshooting
* Care and Repair

Dispatch, Comcast, Manassas Va, //-//

* Track technician

* Update job status

* Contact customer as needed

* Supplement canceled jobs with new jobs

* Maintain quota on a weekly and monthly basis

* Handled all issues that pertain with the technician job

Cashier, Customer Service Home Depot, Bel Air Md, ,-,

* Handled the till effectively.
* Opened and closed store.
* Achieved Bonus for Excellent Customer Service.

Sales Associate, Zales Jewelers, Bel Air Md, Fall - Summer

* Sold $,-$, a day.
* Sold $,-$, a week.
* First in District to sell Diamond exclusive to Zales Jewelers.
* Managed all money transactions successfully.
* Maintained audits and inventory when needed.
* Occasionally prepared nightly paperwork.
* Key holder, opened and closed store.

Cashier/Assistant Manager, Hair Cuttery, Abingdon Md, Spring -Fall

* Only person allowed the managing and handling of all money transactions.
* Prepared nightly paperwork when needed.
*Only person (including manager) to deposit or withdraw money to/from the
* Helped maintain Inventory whenever needed.
* Sold hair products to customers.

Extracurricular Activities
* First Published Book, “Write Out Of This World”.

* ShardaInk.com is launched for the making and distribution of Custom Art and Writing
* Created Art Business-Something Universal LLC
* Own a major portfolio of artwork consisting of more than pieces
* Won Art Competitions:
May th, - st Place for Sophomore Yr, st Place overall School
May th, - st Place for Junior Yr, st Place overall School
May th, - st place for Senior Yr, nd Place overall School
* Artwork displayed in the Board of Education Building in Bel Air,
* Artwork displayed in the Museum on Main Street, Winter
* Completed over portraits for pay
* Read over , books