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Senior Research Scientist Oct. -to date
Spectral Associates, San Diego CA
Project manager and key developer to a quantum chemistry code development project sponsored by the US Department of Energy.
Off-Site Consultant, Oct. October
Investigate the possibility of designingphotoactive protein devices.
Lecturer, Sept. to
Provided academic advising for students.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Sept. to August
Developed, coded and applied a fully quantum, first-principles multi-electronic state molecular dynamics code.
Interfaced proprietary molecular dynamics codes with commercial ab initio and semi-empirical electronic structure programs.
Postdoctoral Fellow, May to Sept.
Coded a multi-electronic state molecular dynamics code and interfaced it with NAMD: a parallel, object-oriented molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large bio-molecular systems.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Sept. to May
Developed and derived theoretical and computational tools for modeling ultra-fast x-ray and electron diffraction patterns.
Graduate Student, Sept. to Sept.
Studied solvent effects on bimolecular reactions using molecular dynamics simulations and reduced dimensionality analytical models.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem, Israel
Skills: Expert programmer in fortran, fortran and C.
Excellent Python and Perl scripting skills.
Expert user of SVN and other code repository systems.
An experienced user of the Unix, Linux and Windows computer platforms.
Well versed with commonly used quantum chemistry software: Jaguar, Gaussian, MolPro and MOPAC.
Proficient with computer software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
In-depth knowledge of numerous numerical methods, including, but not limited to, integration algorithms, Fourier transforms and spectral methods, random numbers and Monte Carlo methods, vector/matrix algebra, and large eigen-systems.
Adept at modeling complex systems using mathematical models.
Excellent science writing and editing skills: Co-author of peer-reviewed papers, first author of of them, and three invited book chapters.
Proficient with the writing, submission and review process of federal grants proposals.
Excellent preparation and presentation skills for both semi-popular and quantitative science seminars.
Able to work and collaborate in a multi-disciplinary environment that includes chemists, physicists, mathematicians, biophysicists and computer scientists.
Charles Clore Fellowship (-)
References: Available upon request.
Status: US citizen.