The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
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to Present
ELLS CPA\'s Santa Ana, CA
File Clerk/Backup Receptionist
File Clerk: scan documents, file back client files, create files, set up tax interviews, call clients to set up tax appointments, assist all staff members in locating files
Receptionist: answer multi-line phone, daily deposit, greet all walk-ins, dictation, distribute mail, and assist all partners with formatting letters.
to March
Consumer Portfolio Services Irvine, CA
As an underwriter I would help customers get their auto loans approved. I had to calculate paychecks, speak to auto dealerships, insurance agents, landlords, and interview the customers over the phone. I had to learn how to spot falsified documents. I also had to have great people skills since I dealt with so many different dealers. Most of my clients, and
dealers where in the Midwest.
to March
Mitsubishi Motors Huntington Beach, CA
Title Clerk
With this job all I really did was stamp the titles as they came in, and went out.
to September
Triad Financial Services
Huntington Beach, CA
Title Clerk
I had to assist outside representatives with collecting auto titles. I had to speak with dealerships, and DMV\'s to find out what was wrong with the titles. I had to run Carfax, and a title tracker program.
to November
Onyx Acceptance Corp
Foothill Ranch, CA
Customer Service Rep
I answered a multi-line phone, and worked on a program called Daybreak. I had to assist customers with any questions regarding their auto loan. I had to have knowledge of
pre-calculated and simple interest loans.
San Dimas High School
San Dimas, CA
Diploma General Ed GPA: .
Phone Etiquette Microsoft Word ProSystem Fx Practice
Multi-line phones Microsoft Excel Project Management
Customer service ProSystem FX Engagement Outlook
Dictation ProSystem Fx Document