Volunteer Manager Resume
Posted on: 2011-04-22
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iMentor, New York NY -Present
Volunteer Manager, -Present
Volunteer Coordinator, -
Responsible for volunteer outreach, recruitment, training, screening and engagement to ensure that iMentor provides quality, well-trained mentors for high impact mentoring relationships with more than , pairs.
- Supervised team of full-time Volunteer Coordinators and college Interns in mentor recruitment, screening and training
- Planned and executed appreciation/networking events for mentors in order to increase mentor engagement and encourage mentors to support one another in their mentoring relationships
- Spearheaded and oversaw the “Mentor of the Month” appreciation initiative, highlighting exceptional mentors in the program via email, the iMentor blog and social media
- Collaborated with iMentor’s CEO and COO to create a comprehensive social media strategy
- Created the iMentor Facebook and Twitter page, managed social media messaging and online recruitment, regularly contributed to the iMentor blog and the NYC Twestival Blog
- Developed new mentor training session with the Director of Volunteers
- Facilitated/led mentor trainings covering issues of race, socio-economic status and recent immigrant status
- Revamped mentor screening, making it more efficient, cut the cost of mentor screening by %
- Coordinate all components of mentor screening and quality control, ensuring safe and healthy relationships between mentors and mentees
- Supervised entire screening operations for mentors including criminal background checks, mentor interviews and reference checks
- Planned and executed iMentor NYC’s first National Mentoring Month celebration including multiple networking events and online discussions
- Oversaw iMentor’s first mentor recruitment competition
- Spearheaded and oversaw the iMentor Community Team
- Orchestrated the production, dissemination & collection of program materials & information to over schools, libraries & other community & program partners
- Organized volunteer events to prepare program educational kits, registration packets & other related materials
- Directed & negotiated kit delivery & massive coin pick up efforts. Liaise with vendors to manage services provided to create effective delivery of program materials
- Grants Administration, including creating the processing schedule, training coworkers on inputting grant decision reports in a timely manner. Sending processed grant decisions to various members of the board via email for review and approval
- Marketed program to recruit schools
- Trained and consulted with program coaches (teachers).
- Provided ongoing support to schools via site visits, phone/fax and ongoing email/Internet reminders
- Document quantitative and qualitative outcomes, including maintenance of school and regional records and other observation tools
- Supervised college interns in their school support roles
- Assisted in organizing Philadelphians United to Support Public Schools, a citywide education coalition.
- Recruited and trained volunteers to make phone calls to build support for equitable school funding in Pennsylvania
- Assisted in managing the Picasso Project, to provide music and art grant funding to support Philadelphia Public Schools.
- Participated in lobbying with elected officials at state capital
- Duties included: Phone Banking, Canvassed campaign literature in Philadelphia community, knocked on doors.
Common Cents, creators of the Penny Harvest NY, NY-
Senior Operations Fellow, -
Operations Fellow, -
Education Intern, Philadelphia Citizens for Children and Youth fall
Field Operations Volunteer, “John Street for Mayor” campaign, Philadelphia PA fall
Kenyon College, Gambier OH
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Major May
The Philadelphia Center, Philadelphia PA, fall
Participated in an off-campus semester combining hour per week professional internship, academic seminars and independent living in an urban setting
Other Experience
iMentor, New York, NY - Present
Mentor to a high school student in Flushing Queens
Exploring entrepreneurial pursuit- T-shirt business
Microsoft Office, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, Public speaking, Familiarity with both Windows and Macintosh operating systems, Customer Service, Training, Constant Contacts, Hootsuite