Women's Job List

Technical Editor Resume


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M.A., Writing (Science & Medical Concentration), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,


B.S., Chemistry (Writing Minor), Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY,




The Shaw Group, Inc., Concord, CA            /–/

The Shaw Group is a worldwide provider of engineering, construction, technology, remediation, and support services for federal, state, and commercial clients.


Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc.

Technical Editor, Applied Science & Engineering Group

  • Content-editing of technical presentations and documents for technical and general audiences such as proposals, work plans, final reports, standard operating procedures, fact sheets, and marketing materials


  • Created a process for document planning, technical review, tracking, and production

  • Initiated weekly writing tips by e-mail and monthly seminars on writing skills for scientists, engineers, and project managers

  • Revamped content for a set of marketing flyers about remediation technologies


American Chemical Society (ACS), Washington, DC                                                /–/       

ACS is a Congressionally-chartered, independent membership organization of professionals in chemistry and related fields and publisher of C&EN, ES&T, and Analytical Chemistry.


      Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN)

Associate Editor, Science/Technology/Education, West Coast News Bureau, Oakland, CA and Washington, DC,


  • Researched, reported, and wrote news, cover stories, and feature articles for a weekly print newsmagazine with audited circulation of , and the magazine’s online formats

  • Created approximately magazine pages of stories with additional web content annually

  • Beat included general chemistry, education, geochemistry, chemical oceanography, and atmospheric science

  • Helped set up the Oakland office with two other field staff writers

Responsibilities included:

  • Pitching story ideas to editors and arranging interviews with scientists, engineers, and other experts in academia, government, and industry around the world

  • Collecting graphics, images, or videos; photographing shots personally; or working with a photographer to illustrate stories

  • Fact-checking own stories and working with multiple editors

  • Traveling to and reporting from scientific conferences and research facilities

  • Monitoring scientific journals and web resources


Chemical & Engineering News

     Assistant Editor, ACS News & Special Features, Washington, DC,                           

  • Wrote employment articles and ACS-related news and feature stories

  • Participated in writing the magazine’s first official blog

  • Initiated and helped write and edit a series about standing ACS-related committees

  • Chaired the magazine’s annual editorial advisory board meeting planning committee

Responsibilities included:

  • Lead role for obituaries and scientist job status pages

  • Contributed stories to business, government, and science departments of magazine


            Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T)           

                        Senior Associate Editor, Washington, DC,

                        Associate Editor, Washington, DC,       

            Analytical Chemistry and ES&T

                        Assistant Editor, Washington, DC,                              

  • Wrote and edited journalistic news and feature articles for the print magazine and online sections of peer-reviewed research journals published semi-monthly

Responsibilities included:

  • Reviewing layouts and releasing magazine sections for web and print

  • Pitching stories and covering press events and international scientific meetings

  • Inviting, processing peer review, and technically editing features written by scientists

  • Running news assignment meetings with freelance and staff writers

  • Managing copy flow between writers, editors, and copy editors and frequently communicated with design staff regarding graphics, layouts, and covers


Freelance Writer            /–Present

  • Magazine articles include scientist profiles and features on chemistry-related careers, medical issues, dental technology, indoor air quality, science museums, and fashion

  • Technical and general audience publications include Science, Brandeis University Magazine, Washingtonian, Washington Woman, and Oakland Magazine


E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE             /–/ 

DuPont is a science-based company operating in countries and numerous markets, including agriculture, communications, and transportation.


Nylon Intermediates & Specialty Polymers

      Senior Laboratory Research Technician

  • Synthesized organic and organometallic complexes and assisted in mechanistic studies related to optimizing nylon manufacturing

Responsibilities included:

  • Presenting data, writing lab safety procedures, training staff, and managing hazardous materials and laboratory waste


Professional membership


National Association of Science Writers               Present



References and samples Available Upon Request