Women's Job List

Animal Caretaker Resume


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                                                  EMPLOYMENT HISTORY


TUCSON WILDLIFE CENTER, Tucson, Arizona                                                   / - Present

Shift Leader--Volunteer

Responsibilities: ensuring animals are handled safely and food is prepared per protocol for wild birds of prey and mammals. Assisting with medical examinations, including administration of inoculations, intubations of fluids to dehydrated birds, conducting physical therapy, assisting in radiology procedures and euthanasia. Driving TWC vehicles to rescue wounded mammals and birds of prey, with the goal of releasing these animals once they have been rehabilitated.  Other duties: conducting tours, educating people on wildlife behavior, generating donations, new members, and volunteers.


GARVIN’S PET TRAINING, Tucson, Arizona                                                           / – /

Dog Training

Completed months of intensive study of dog training methodology and behavior.  


HUMANE SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA, Tucson, Arizona                                     / -/

Off-site Adoptions Counselor

Coordinated and conducted complete screening and adoption process; maintained adoption records, handled animals, and completed forms. Extensive knowledge of dog and cat behavior helped to educate public. Increased public awareness regarding the importance of spaying/neutering pets.


CONVERGYS CORPORATION, Tallahassee, FL                                                                 -

Senior Benefits Administrator

Statewide Benefits Liaison responsible for trouble-shooting and problem solving issues related to a new insurance benefits software program being implemented by the State of Florida. 




BIRDSONG NATURE CENTER, Thomasville, GA,                                                               

Board of Directors Member

Four years on the Board of Directors. Involved in: budget, education, and fundraising. Helped implement program to bring under-privileged children to the Center; helping them to appreciate nature and beauty.  Program continues to this day.




Certified Veterinary Assistant

                   Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ    December

Bachelor of Arts Degree, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND,

                  Major: Psychology,    Minor: Sociology/Criminology

Graduate Coursework, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, Psychology-- hrs