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Human Resource Specialist-Recruitment Resume


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Deborah Ives






DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES                                                                       Stafford, VA




June to June  




Human Resource Specialist




Ms. Ives worked in a fast paced human resources department with a heavy emphasis on customer service for Stafford County employees and citizens.  She was responsible for all aspects of recruitment, advertisement and hiring.




Recruiting and Community Outreach


      Attends local job fairs to recruit prospective employees.


      Composes employment ads for specialized websites, County Website (http://www.co.stafford.va.us ), publications, newspapers and local Cable TV (Channel ).


      Coordinates with the VEC (Virginia Employment Commission), four local Colleges and Universities, and the local cable TV channel with weekly County employment opportunities.


      Performed weekly recordings for the County’s job information line for seven consecutive years.


      Organized and facilitated the annual employee Health Fair for eight consecutive years.






      Schedules pre-employment interviews, maintenance and updates of interview questions.


      Assembles interview packets for interview panels and new hire orientations.


      Coordinates biweekly full-time and part-time orientations.


      Approves invoicing for pre-employment physical, drug and alcohol testing, and background checks as well as the County’s Risk Manager for employee random drug testing. 


      Coordinates and schedules pre-employment physicals; pre-employment background checks, drug and alcohol tests; random drug and alcohol screening; and DMV review of record for all safety sensitive positions.


      Monitors/receives background and drug and alcohol test results for new hires and random testing.


      Responsible for medical, job recruitment, background and I- (employment eligibility) files. 


      Processes verification of employment forms.


      Schedules temporary hires for various County departments.






      Composes offer, promotion, demotion, status change, seasonal, lateral, second, and third position letters


      Reports new hire data to the Virginia Employment Commission


      Compiles weekly reports of current and past position vacancies; employee hires; new employee orientation; and EEO reports to Sheriff’s Department, the Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, and the County Administration Department.






      Maintains the HR applicant tracking database NEOGOV.com.


      Instrumental in the development and implementation of the On-Line Application (OLA) process


      Conducts daily vacancy updates and maintenance of the “Employment” side of the Stafford County’s website. 


      Reduced errors and increased accuracy by redesigning the recruiting and staffing processes, background, and drug and alcohol tests resulting in a system more responsive to hiring managers and potential employees.




STAT TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES –                                                             Fredericksburg, VA




September to June




Temporary Employee




Ms. Ives was assigned to various companies for temporary work regarding sales/office work.






DOWNEY, INC -                                                                                            Lake Ridge, VA




March to August




Marketing/Sales/Customer Service




Ms. Ives was employed in a multi-facetted position for a packaging machinery and supply company.  She held numerous positions involving marketing, sales, customer service and accounting services. 




Ms. Ives was the sole salesperson for industrial batteries (EXIDE) and chargers to government, military, commercial, foreign and domestic accounts.  She also demonstrated and sold machinery at packaging trade shows throughout the United States.  Ms. Ives was responsible for the composition of new product press releases, advertisements, marketing letters and the design of company brochures and inserts used at packaging conventions.  




Her sales duties involved the sale of packaging machinery, packaging supplies and fire retardant coatings requiring heavy phone support and constant customer contact.  She visited customer sites to observe current warehousing packaging and advised clients on better packaging solutions.




Ms. Ives maintained the account support for sales personnel including client sales, purchase orders, invoicing, problem solving, and collections.


Ms. Ives maintained her membership with NIPHLIE (National Institute of Packaging, Handling Logistic Engineers) while employed with Downey, Inc.






PERLE SYSTEMS, INC. –                                                                            Oakbrook, IL




August to July




Manager, Office Operations and Marketing Support




As the Office Operations and Marketing Support Manager, Ms. Ives was responsible for the planning and administration of office functions for the U.S. sales headquarters of ATM hardware-software manufacturing. 




She coordinated the establishment of new sales offices in several U.S. states, purchasing office equipment, computer systems, office supplies, and phone systems.   Ms. Ives was responsible for the coordination of sales personnel, meetings, planning and scheduling and was the administrator for the employee health, life and dental claims, budget control accounts, employee advance and expense reports. 




Ms. Ives attended and worked as a Sales Representative at all “Banking” trade shows.  She assembled proposals and composed marketing letters for sales representatives, designed company brochures and booth presentations used for banking conventions.




Ms. Ives held a pivotal role as marketing support coordinator for the sales force and composed and conducted marketing surveys and reports to the president.  As a direct result of the marketing surveys, Ms. Ives received calls of inquiry from potential customers, made referrals, and placed cold and follow-up calls to prospects.  She interacted daily with U.S. and Canadian consultants, three regional directors, vice president, and reported directly to the president. 




As part of a process improvement plan, she created and implemented a customer tracking database for quick reference and follow up.






DISCLOSURE PARTNERS                                                                            Bethesda, MD




December – to February –




Customer Service Representative




Ms. Ives was responsible for invoicing new orders, renewals, cancellations, and back orders for twenty six international abstract scientific journals and related manuals.  She was the daily global clientele contact regarding research problems, journal information and specific questions from correspondence received from all over the world.  Ms. Ives coordinated subscription scheduling and circulation control and monitored and administered subscription reports to company executives. She also performed telemarketing duties as needed for new and regular clientele and maintained the customer accounts.






ARCHDIOCESE OF WASHINGTON                                                 Bethesda, MD




July to September




Manager, Accounts Receivable




Ms. Ives was responsible for new and current accounts, updating and daily maintenance for four cemeteries and sixteen parishes. She was in change of the monthly billing of client companies and customer accounts.  She administered customer service, research, daily screening and data input of cemetery and parish invoices, receipts and new customer contracts.  Planning payment schedules for new accounts, monthly and weekly closings for each profit center with appropriate reports.






Software & Office Equipment


IBM compatible personal computers, Microsoft Office Suite products, HTE payroll system, FrontPage , Greentree HR Applicant Tracking System, NEOGOV HR Applicant Tracking System, Livescan fingerprint & background hardware and software, and standard office hardware.






Leadership Courses: CORHORT I and COHORT II conducted by University of Virginia


Fundamentals of Personnel Law for Managers and Supervisors


Behavioral Interviewing


Mentor Training




Microsoft Office- Word Excel- Level


MS FrontPage Intermediate


MS FrontPage Advanced


Fred Pryor Seminar: The Exceptional Assistant


                                 Successful Communication Skills for Women


Padgett Thompson Seminar: Human Resources and the Law


SHRM- HR Generalist Seminar


Gut Decision Making –






How to Recruit, Hire and Build Inclusive Workplaces for Combat Exposed Veterans and People With Disabilities


Workplace Drug Testing, Does Your Approach Work?


Hot Topics in Background Screening


Best Practices in Online Recruiting


Recruiting the Talent Within


Perspectives on Successful College & University Recruiting


“Dot” Jobs- What have we learned about Internet recruiting?


Does Your Candidate Screening Work?


Next Steps After Restructuring & Layoffs


Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce


Safe Harbor Procedures For Employers That Receive No Match Letters


Is Federal Relief from the State Patchwork of Verification Laws on the Horizon?


Planning for the Worst: HR’s Role During Pandemics and Other Crises


Getting your I-’s Done Right


Privacy in the Workplace


Ten Key Steps in Protecting HR Data






Organizations, Certifications and Memberships




Member of the County’s Customer Service Committee


Employee Benefits Committee


Mentor Program (Stafford County Elementary School)




SHRM Membership


Notary Public.
