Women's Job List

Project Manager Resume


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  • Project Management – Coordinated all aspects of execution for a broad range of project work throughout my career. The outcomes reflect my attention to detail, my ability to juggle multiple and complex assignments, my experience and skill in working with people, and my ability to incorporate broad objectives and goals into my work. Specifics regarding budgets, timelines, coalition partners, timely communication with clients – to name a few – have been a key part of almost every project I have managed. 


  • Organization Development – Initiated and implemented the principles of good organization development to the subunit structure of my organization. Key basics of political participation theory were incorporated at my direction into subunit communication, training and development with excellent results. Attention to development of goals for subunits actually based on their geographic location, resources and local goals, and abandoning a one-size-fits-all approach to these subunits, was highly successful. Surveying subunits annually and evaluating their overall progress, as well as tracking problems and concerns, was very helpful in illustrating to leaders what organizational challenges these subunits were facing.


  • Writing-Editing - Drafted, wrote and edited articles for nationally distributed publications, content for web sites, and training manuals and materials. Topics covered include field organizing, subunit structure, leadership development and research on issues, and required a clear understanding of different styles of writing, i.e., sample letters to the editor, training and instructional materials, correspondence, and articles about public policy and legal issues. My broad liberal arts background, as well as my creative abilities, is evident in materials that have garnered wide respect and interest from audiences beyond the client base. 


  • Event Planning – Designed and implemented strategies for successful event planning ranging from conferences and trainings to political events, such as lobby days, to coordinating specific parts of huge national events. Event work included well-designed field planning, member and constituent outreach and recruitment, and coordinating with national campaigns when needed. Training events and conferences included development of workshop content and scheduling of speakers as well as event logistics and day-of management, usually on limited time frames with less-than adequate resources. 






            Organizational Chemistry – - present


Principal.  Provides strategic problem-solving, leadership training, and donor and volunteer stewardship training programs, as well as offering infrastructure and organizational development services to a range of non-profit and charitable organizations. Organizational Chemistry prepares materials for staff and volunteer use, and assists with follow up and additional levels of training via on-site or Internet per training agreement. Oversees event planning and coordination. 


National Organization for Women


National Action Center Staff

                        Organizational Development Director, -. Led the expansion of NOW’s weekend training programs for grassroots leaders to link skill development needed by state and local level leadership throughout the organization’s subunit structure. Researched, wrote, and edited chapter development materials and updated resources on topics including structure issues, leadership development, campaign and election law, and involving new participants. Researched, wrote and edited materials for a -page nonviolent direct action program for subunits and community activists including history, legal questions, sample training exercises, event planning, and noted writings and resources on nonviolent direct action.  

                        Chapter and State Development Director, . Convened new chapters and supervised communication, skill building and action training, goal setting and other organizational development strategies with over existing chapters and NOW’s state organizations. Developed and implemented leadership training for state and chapter activists on a wide range of topics, combining targeted issue work with development and organizational concerns for growth and strength. Executed projects ranging from organized responses to legislation, judicial appointments and ballot initiative campaigns; political and electoral participation projects were designed in compliance with PAC work. Traveled extensively throughout the U.S. meeting with new activists, building chapters, organizing for political campaigns and legislative initiatives, actions, and events. Supervised staff, interns, and volunteers; coordinated administrative work, including planning timelines, budgeting resources, and communication with staff and subunits on projects. 

                        Legislative Liaison, . Tracked federal and state legislation and initiatives as well as special campaigns, through coalition meetings and contacts.  Generated and updated project reports on bills and ballot initiative work. Coordinated communication among states facing similar legislative initiatives. Created legislative summaries and status reports for organizational publication and distribution.


Professional Affiliations and Organizations


National Political Science Association

American Society for Training and Development

Project Management Institute (PMP certification pending)

National Organization for Women ( to present)

National Coalition Building Institute, Washington DC


St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church – Church Street NW, Washington, DC - Vestry member, - ; Junior Warden, – ; St. Thomas’ “Grow With Us” Capital Building Campaign - 

Community groups’ memberships: Girl Scouts of the USA, Developmental Disabilities Resources work, and various groups devoted to diversity and local civil rights issues, including various religious organizations, and political party activity.


Training and Continuing Education


            National Coalition Building Institute. Leadership Training Programs

            NGO Forum, UN Fourth World Conference on Women, . Beijing, China

            Numerous workshops, seminars, and conferences in areas of organizational development, civil rights issues, and electoral work.




Graduate Studies: Public Law and Political Participation, University of Maryland ()

            B.A. – Political Science, Central Michigan University . Mortar Board National Honor Society


Additional Undergraduate Studies - Liberal Arts: Indiana University and Saginaw Valley State University