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Renewable Energy Engineer Resume


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Project engineer, hybrid renewable energy engineer, technical writer, disruptive technologist, web content management, copy editor and communications specialist in renewable energy, sustainable development, and IT systems analysis and administration. Greatest strengths include taking bold, decisive and definitive action to solve problems, adept at networking and building strategic alliances by utilizing conventional, unconventional and creative approaches, developing and working in collaborative teams. Comprehensive knowledge of current research and trends in the field of renewable energy and sustainability development; nationally and internationally. Held leadership and decision-making roles in computer software start-up companies during the dot-com. Contributing progenitor of the green jobs movement in Oakland, CA, USA in /.


Photovoltaic systems – Performed solar site assessments and analysis, photovoltaic (PV) design and installation. Composed multiple draft design proposals for residential photovoltaic array installations.

Wind energy systems – Performed data acquisition, data validation and reporting.

Energy monitoring – Define data control points, monitoring equipment and data visualization software selection for building energy and resource performance monitoring.

Systems Analysis – Evaluate, recommend, and install technologies, information design methods, analyze system deficiencies and implement solutions to improve workflow processes.

Computer expertise – Hardware, Software, and Web.

Web: Skilled in using HTML, XML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), FTP, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe GoLive, Adobe • Photoshop and Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Hardware Platforms: Macintosh, PC-compatible, Sun SPARCstation

Software: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Connect, Adobe GoLive, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, ANSYS CFX, Apache web server, ArcGIS, HOMER Energy, Macromedia Dreamweaver, JMP, LabVIEW, Mathematica, MATLAB, Microsoft Office Suite for Windows & Macintosh, PVSYST, SolidWorks, StatView, SunPath, WebEdit Pro, WindFarm, Windographer

Operating Systems: MacOS .x/.x/.x/X, MS-DOS, UNIX (Solaris _Intel x, Sun OS ., Solaris ., .), Windows //NT . & .//XP/Vista/

Languages: C, SAS, UNIX Shell Scripts (awk, Bourne, Korn, sed)

Databases: Access, FileMaker Pro, MySQL, Oracle .., Vignette CMS


Renewable Energy Project Engineer ( – Present)

Silvercrest, South Normanton, Derbyshire, UK (In-perpetuity Telecommuting Contract)
August - Present
Conducted wind and hydro engineering research, provided analysis and compiled information for a consultancy specializing in energy conservation, maximising of resource efficiencies and system automation and integration.

Yang Associates, Sunnyvale, CA, USA (In-perpetuity Telecommuting Contract)
January - July
Provided web copy recommendations for a real-time photovoltaic system and utilities monitoring and intelligent diagnostics web site.

Rumsey Engineers, Inc., Oakland, CA, USA

January - June
Conducted energy and resource performance monitoring on the Carnegie Institution Global Ecology Center building. Conducted performance-based energy calculations. Provided content updates and assisted with report and proposal generation.

Technical Writer ( – Present)

Edited and wrote copy for installation guides, training manuals and patent applications for global audiences including print and on-line web page views. Researched, composed, edited and revised documentation, installation guides, user manuals, and tutorial guides of server products documentation.
Clients: Sustainable Solutions Unlimited, Chinook Wind, Vesticon, Inc., Phreesia.com, The Rahus Institute, MDL, Inc., Siebel Systems, Inc.

Web Architect/Senior UNIX Systems Administration/Programmer ( – )

Provided front-end and back-end technical assistance in the development and design of the web site database. Designed,
developed, implemented, and constructed the navigation, layout, style, graphics and web content. Performed web content management and usability testing. Provided x Level I, II, and III support for all production web servers and end-user workstations in heterogeneous platformed environments. Assisted in data report preparation and special programming projects. Automated programs using interactive scripts.
Clients: Preview Travel, Inc./Travelocity.com, Forté Software, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


PGDipl (MSc non-thesis), Renewable Energy Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
Dates of attendance :: September – June
Graduate coursework in wind, solar, ocean/hydrokinetic and biomass, renewable energy systems integration, sustainability, policy and environmental management. Specialization in hybrid renewable energy systems. Performed research on investigating opportunities for siting small wind turbines in the built environment using ANSYS CFX.

BSc Mathematics, Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Date of graduation :: March


ASME Certificate, Wind Power and Turbine Technology, Portland, OR, USA
Dates of attendance :: January

Graduate Coursework, Sustainability Development/Energy & Resources, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, NL
Dates of attendance :: August – December
Coursework: energy analysis, integrated systems approach to sustainability development and energy and resources policies.

Graduate Coursework, Mechanical Engineering & Sustainability Development, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Dates of attendance :: , ,
Coursework: thermodynamics, quantitative aspects of global environmental problems and environmental law and regulation.

Coursework in Photovoltaic Design and Installation, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA, April - May

Certificate in Photovoltaic Design and Installation, Solar Energy International, March


Energy Institute
International Solar Energy Society
Union of Concerned Scientists


To research and engineer hybrid renewable energy power microgrid systems. Make contributions to hybrid renewable distributive energy power systems and to the development of the distribution of renewable energy via the World Wide Energy Web. Engineer renewable energy efficiency designs.