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Vibhati Gauri Vijay Kulkarny
- Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program: Neuroscience, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Neuroscience Specialization: Fundamentals in Neuroscience, Neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology, Developmental Neurotoxicology, Neurobiology of Alcoholism, Neuro-genomics, Neurobiology of Disease, Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience
Dissertation: Genetic Contributions to Brain Fiber Architecture and Neuroanatomical Alterations in Alcohol Dependent Individuals: A Correlation Study
Bachelor of Science, Psychobiology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Neuroscience Specialization: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience; Systems and Integrative Neuroscience; Molecular, Cell and Developmental Neuroscience; Fundamentals of Learning; Neuropsychopharmacology; Human Neurophysiology; Cognitive Neuroscience; Mapping the Mind through Molecules; Neuroscience of Aging
-present Research Associate II Mind Research Network Testing whether a functional SNP (AG) in the OPRM influences the effects of an acute infusion of alcohol, as compared to a saline infusion, on physiological and subjective measures of stimulation, sedation, and mood. This research allows the examination of whether or not the effect of genetic variants in the OPRM and CNR have an immediate effect on responses to alcohol or whether these variants interact with repeated exposure to alcohol to produce an enhanced sensitivity to the effects of alcohol (i.e., a gene by environment interaction) that is more evident in alcohol dependent individuals. Acquired Skills: Administration of Alcohol Dependence Diagnosis from Structured Clinical interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV), Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS), Alcohol Urge Questionnaire (AUQ); Whole-genome Genotyping on Illumina® Infinium® Assay, BeadStudio, Golden Helix (SNP & Variation Suite)
- Graduate Assistant/Research Associate II Mind Research Network Supervisor: Kent Hutchison, Ph.D., Director, Chief Science Officer: Mind Research Network, Albuquerque, NM. Dissertation focused on genetic contributions (candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms) to brain fiber architecture and neuroanatomical damage in alcohol dependent young adults. Acquired Skills: MRI/DTI imaging, DTIStudio/IDL, FSL, FreeSurfer, Haploview, Whole-genome Genotyping & CNV analysis on Illumina® Infinium® Assay Platform using the HumanM-duo V BeadChip, BeadStudio
- Graduate Assistant Univ. of New Mexico-School of Medicine Department of Neuroscience: Dr. Nora Perrone-Bizzozero University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Project consisted of analysis of cerebellar granules cells and dentate gyrus hippocampal cells in adolescent rats and their survival under alcohol exposure. Restructuring was measured via growth associated protein- (GAP-) and brain derived growth factor (BDNF). For the characterization of acute, chronic and withdrawal states of alcohol intoxication we used a novel vapor chamber paradigm. Acquired Skills: RNA Isolation, cDNA synthesis, primer construction, RT-PCR, protein isolation, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot, In-situ hybridization
- Research Assistant II: Department of Neonatology, LABioMed, Full time research under Virender Rehan, M.D., Asst. Prof. of Pediatrics, Department of Neonatology Research included perinatal lung development and oxygen sensing by pulmonary type II cells and surfactant Part time research under Dr. Jayaraman Lakshmanan, Ph.D. Lead researcher on Neuronal Growth Factor (NGF) and prohormone during fetal development and ontogeny. Part time research under Ravin Kumar, M.D., Chief, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Asst. Prof. Of Surgery Reviewed colo-rectal surgery medical files, documented remission cases of colo-rectal cancer in depth to extract and extrapolate trends. Acquired Skills: Western Blot, Protein Isolatin, Protein Assay, Beta-galactosidase Assay, Triolene Incorporation, Cell Culture, RNA Extraction and Isolation, Rat Dissection (fetal lung extraction and explants)
- Physician’s Administrative Assistant UCLA, Dept. of Hematology and Oncology, Part time work for Dr. Peter J. Rosen, M.D., Prof. of Clinical Medicine, Director of Oncology Program, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Research Assistant I UCLA, Dept. of MIMG, Conducted research on the regulation of cellular respiratory functions in micro organisms by elucidation of mechanisms for aerobic/anaerobic gene regulation in E. coli under Robert P. Gunsalus, Ph.D. Acquired Skills: Protocols for amplification, sequencing, digestion, purification of plasmid DNA, and PCR.
ImageJ, Adobe Photoshop, GraphPad Prism , SPSS, Endnote, DTIStudio with IDL, FSL, Haploview, GenomeStudio, Golden Helix (SNP & Variation Suite), and Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS)/TFCE
Feb rd Place in Poster Presentation, Student Research Day, April Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Travel Award, March Research Society on Alcoholism (RSoA) Student Merit Travel Award, June National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA): Alcohol Training Grant, Winner Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Category Award, Winner st Place Los Angeles County Science Fair, EarthWatchÓ Scholarship
Distinct effects of acute ethanol binge exposure on GAP- gene expression in the cerebellum versus hippocampus of juvenile rats. Vibhati V. Kulkarny; C.P. Marquez; N.E. Weist; S. Nixon; C.F. Valenzuela; N.I. Perrone-Bizzozero (submitted)
Alterations in brain anatomy and fiber architecture in alcohol dependent young adults. Vibhati V. Kulkarny; R. Chavez; F. Soto-Endicott; M. Morgan; E. Claus; and K. Hutchison (submitted) ABSTRACTS/POSTERS Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting in Chicago, IL – July . Poster Presentation: Chronic ethanol exposure alters GAP- protein levels in the rat cerebellum. Vibhati V Kulkarny, C. Marquez; M. Rosenberg; C.R. Wolf; C.F. Valenzuela; D.D. Savage; and N.I. Perrone-Bizzozero. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego, CA – Nov . Poster Presentation: Alterations in GAP- gene expression in the rat cerebellum in a model of acute and chronic binge alcohol exposure. Vibhati V. Kulkarny; C. Marquez; M. Rosenberg; C.F. Valenzuela; and N.I. Perrone-Bizzozero Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting in Washington, DC – June . Poster Presentation: Distinct effects of acute ethanol binge exposure on GAP- gene expression in the cerebellum versus hippocampus of juvenile rats. Vibhati V. Kulkarny; C.P. Marquez; S. Nixon; M. Rosenberg; C.F. Valenzuela; and N.I. Perrone-Bizzozero Society for Gynecologic Investigation nd Annual Meeting – Feb . Poster: Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) exists as unprocessed glycosylated pro-NGF in mouse and rat placenta and brain. E. Bornshtein; J. Lakshmanan; M.H. Beall; Vibhati V. Kulkarny; and M.G. Ross
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
- Research Society of Alcoholism (RSA)
Teaching Assistant for st year Biomedical Sciences graduate students: BIOM – Introduction to Neurobiology; Teaching Assistant for st year medical students, during Neuroscience Section; Teaching Assistant for st year medical students, during Neuroscience Section.
Dec Youth Leader for Soka Gakkai International; Apr - Category Judge for Student Research Expo (SRE), New Mexico Regional ISEF; March - Northwest Regional Science Fair: Department of Neuroscience Special Award Judge, Junior/Senior Science Projects; Mar Judge, Native American Indian Science and Engineering Science Fair; May Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) Grand Awards Judge in Medicine and Health Category; Mar - Ronald McDonald House; - Committee Member for UNM Biomedical Science Graduate Program Student Retreat Day; Judge, Honeywell Science Fair Southern Los Angeles Regional Science Fair, Rolling Hills Estates, CA; - South Asian Studies Task Force, SAS Minor obtained in Fall at UCLA, Co-founder (), Publicity Director (-); - UCLA Sangam: UCLA’s South Asian Progressive Student Organization, Facilitator and Publicity Director for South Asian Youth Conference, Media, Arts and Culture Director (-), Director of the annual South Asian Heritage Week, , Director of the annual South Asian Heritage Week, , Creator/Director of the annual South Asian Heritage Week, , Graphic Design Director (-).