Women's Job List

English Teacher Resume

Jennifer Huff

Work Experience


Seventh Grade English Teacher,

Ereckson Middle School, Allen, Texas, -

  • Led approximately students to achieve on the TAKS test with % passing the written portion, % passing the objective portion, and more than achieving commended on the overall test. 

  • Created a tracking worksheet, that my principal sampled to other teachers, to aide in the successful implementation of all students IEP’s.

  • Integrated a variety of teaching methods and instructional strategies to generate student interest.

  • Evaluated and tracked student progress in class by using a combination of evaluations and student work samples.

  • Produced successful student achievement reflected on both formal and non-formal assessments.

  • Maintained positive relationship with students and parents while holding students to a high standard of acceptable class work.

  • Interviewer at the Allen ISD Job Fair.


Second Grade Teacher,

Forestridge Elementary, Richardson, Texas, -

  • Working within this Title School, my instruction produced a consistent pattern of % success on district benchmark tests in the subject areas of Math, Reading, and Science.

  • Used a variety of instructional strategies in order to effectively achieve students success with an almost % at risk student population.

  • Fully responsible for all aspects of lessons and development for a self contained classroom.

  • Established and maintained strong communications with parents, students, and colleagues.

  • Able to implement district designed lesson plans.

  • Utilized organizational skills to enable multi-tasking.


Third and Fourth Grade Teacher

Gilbert J. Mircovich, Ingleside, Texas, -         

  • Consistently, I led my students to % (th grade) and % (rd grade) passing on the TAKs Test assessment.

  • Instructed in self contained classroom.

  • Designed all lessons and activities.

  • Lessons and activities were developed to encourage individual, group and whole class instruction.

  • Created a TEKS based course of study for math which involved math centers and developmentally appropriate curriculum.

  • Developed record keeping strategies that the entire grade level utilized.

  • Maintained strong communication with parents through monthly newsletters and parent teacher conferences.


Leadership Experience


Community College Student Educational Mentor

Forestridge Elementary-Richardson ISD,

Richardson, Texas,

  • Advised and supervised a college student in obtaining their internship hours.

  • Evaluated and provided positive and constructive guidance throughout the internship process.


Site Based Team Committee Leader

Forestridge Elementary-Richardson ISD,

Richardson, Texas, -

  • As the team leader, I played a fundamental role in developing and monitoring the English/Language Arts campus goals set for our campus each year.

  • Reviewed Campus Improvement Plan to ensure that campus goals were being met.

  • Implemented Campus goals to align with the campus vision.

  • Summarized and reported campus achievements to Forestridge PTA board.


Cheerleading Sponsor

Forestridge Elementary-Richardson ISD,

Richardson, Texas, -

  • Prepared cheerleading squad for performances at PTA meetings and school events.

  • Maintained a successful after school program for at risk students.


Destination Imagination Sponsor,

Forestridge Elementary-Richardson ISD,

Richardson, Texas, -

  • Created a successful DI team that won third place for our region at competition.

  • Challenged students to use high level thinking skills to meet required challenges.

  • Developed and administered intense trainings for four months prior to competition.


Education/ Certification

            M. Ed. Education Administration, Lamar University,

                        Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas,


            BA      Speech Communication, minor- Business Administration,

                        Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas,


            Principal Certification Texas, (in progress)

            Teacher Certification  EC- Generalist, - Generalist, - English, Texas


Professional Development

“Ruby Payne Training”, Allen ISD, -

“Working On the Work”, Schlechty Center, Dallas, Texas, January .

“Six Traits Writing,” Region X Service Center, Richardson, Texas, .

“Gifted and Talented,” Region IX Service Center, Corpus Christi, Texas, (updated in -Allen ISD).

“Writer’s Workshop,” Region IX Service Center, Corpus Christi, Texas, .