Associate Scientist Resume
Posted on: 2010-03-05
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E d u c a t i o n
– University of California, San Diego, CA
Ph.D. Neurosciences
Thesis: G-Protein Mediated Trafficking of
Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels
– University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
B.S. Psychology, magna cum laude
(minors: Zoology & Mathematics)
T e c h n i c a l S k i l l s
Cell Culture
- Maintenance and transfection of multiple mammalian cell lines (including HEK, CHO-K, N, RH, neuronal-like PC cells)
Molecular biology & Biochemistry
- Standard DNA manipulation, including preparation, cloning, site-directed mutagenesis, PCR, etc
- SDS-PAGE, Western blotting
- Immunoprecipitation, preparation of biontinylated membrane proteins
- In vitro protein binding assay,expression & purification of fusion proteins
Signaling assays
- FLIPR intracellular calcium mobilization assays
- Homogenous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) assays of IP-one and cAMP
- Analysis of dose-response curves, pharmacological profiles of GPCRs & ion channels, assays in - and -well formats
- Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)
- Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
- Confocal microscopy, Immunofluorescence
- Flow cytometry, FACS
- Whole-cell voltage-clamp patch clamp & cell-attached single channel recordings
- Analysis of EEG, EMG & EOG for polysomnographic studies
Computer Skills
- Proficient with MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat and Photoshop
- Proficient with EndNote, NIH ImageJ, Axon pCLAMP, Graphpad Prism
W o r k E x p e r i e n c e
– : Associate Scientist, Multispan, Inc
- Quality Control, Cell Line Testing & Validation, and Customer Profiling Projects
Assayed surface expression & function of cell lines stably expressing GPCRs for QC purposes
Directly supervised one RA in other QC-related duties including RT-PCR and mycoplasma testing.
Managed and maintained or more cell lines at any given time. Oversaw QC of + cell lines.
- Performed profiling studies of customer compounds for transient or stably-expressed GPCRs and prepared customer reports.
- Performed molecular biology duties related to creating GPCR cDNA library in proprietary expression vectors for stable cell line development.
– : Graduate student
Dissertation Advisor: Paul A. Slesinger, Ph.D., Salk Institute for Biological Studies
- Dimerization of GABAB and muscarinic receptors Demonstrated a novel, direct association of GABAB R subunits with m muscarinic receptors, which rescues surface expression & function of m receptors after agonist-induced desensitization
- Co-regulation of GPCRs and potassium channels Showed that acetylcholine endogenously released from NGF-treated PC cells acts on muscarinic receptors, downregulating surface expression of both m receptors and associated Kir (GIRK) channels as a complex.
- Specific association of RGS proteins with Kir channels Established that regulator of G-protein signaling protein (RGS) selectively associates with Kir. but not Kir., suggesting that subunit expression can determine the G-protein coupling & pharmacological profile.
- Small GTPase Rac regulates cardiac Kir. channels Demonstrated that Rac acts as a novel regulator of surface expression for the cardiac potassium channel Kir.. For these studies, my advisor was S.V. Penelope Jones, Ph.D., at UCSD.
– : Undergraduate Researcher
PI: Michael J. Harnish, Ph.D., Lynn Health Science Institute, Oklahoma City, OK
- Analyzed PSG & statistical data for clinical studies of IBS & insomnia patients and ADHD research patients.
P u b l i c a t i o n s
Boyer SB & PA Slesinger. Probing Novel GPCR Interactions Using a Combination of FRET and TIRF. Invited article for Communicatie & Integrative Biology – submitted.
Boyer SB, Clancy SM, Terunuma M, Revilla-Sanchez R, Thomas SM, Moss SJ, Slesinger PA. (). Direct interaction of GABAB receptors with m muscarinic receptors rescues muscarinic signaling. J Neurosci ():-.
Boyer SB, Slesinger PA, & SVP Jones (). Regulation of Kir. channels by the Rho-GTPase, Rac. J Cell Phys ():-.
Labouebe G, Lomazzi M, Cruz HG, Creton C, Lujan R, Li M, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Watanabe M, Wickman K, Boyer SB, Slesinger PA, & C Luscher (). RGS modulates coupling between GABA(B) receptors and GIRK channels in dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area. Nat Neurosci ():-.
Clancy SM, Boyer SB & PA Slesinger (). Coregulation of natively expressed pertussis toxin-sensitive muscarinic receptors with G-protein-activated potassium channels. J Neurosci ():-.
Boyer SB, Clancy SM, & PA Slesinger. () GABAB receptors modulate muscarinic receptor trafficking in PC cells. th Society for Neuroscience.
Boyer SB, Clancy SM, & PA Slesinger. () GABAB Receptors Modulate Muscarinic Receptor Signaling to GIRK Channels. st Biophysical Society Meeting.
Boyer SB, & SVP Jones. () Differential Regulation of Kir Subunits by the Rho GTPases. Program No... th Society for Neuroscience.
Harnish MJ, Boyer SB, Kukas L, Mason P, Bowles AM, Orr WC. () Symptoms Of Sleep Disorders In Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). th Associated Professional Sleep Societies Meeting.
References available upon request.