Women's Job List

Mechanical Draughtsman Resume


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Secondary Education


Highest Level:                 Grade / Matric

Institution:              Hoërskool Secunda


Tertiary Education


Institution:             Technikon Pretoria

Course:                           N.DIP. Language Practice: Study of languages and translation, editing and Language facilitating. Languages included English, Afrikaans & French.

Period:                            years ( - )


Institution:             InTech

Course:                           Nat. Dip. Mechanical Draughting: Includes all aspects of draughting, including site sketches, strength of materials, machine drawings, measurement techniques, lay-out of drawings, different welding types, dimensioning and standards among others.

Period:                            / Years ( - )


Institution:             MegChem Engineering & Drafting

Course:                           Cert. Mechanical Drafting: In Office training. Includes all aspects of the Drafting Office, including drafting, admin and job handling, invoicing, drafting standards, notes, dimensioning and signing-off the project.

Period:                            Years ( - )


Computer Skills


Microsoft Office (Word, Excel…)

MicroStation (D drafting)

SolidEdge (D modeling)


Work Experience


Company:             Danile Neethling Audiology

Period:                            Feb to Apr

Job Title:                         Receptionist

Job Description:              Handling all administrative work, appointments and accounts.

Reason For Leaving:       To follow my passion for drafting.



Company:                       MegChem Engineering & Drafting

Period:                            Apr to Present

Job Title:                         Mechanical Draftsman

Job Description:    Making Mechanical drawings for companies like SASOL, and handling all the administrative work included in a drafting project. Design Drawings (AFC) and Drawings from Engineering sketches, Spare-part drawings and measurements, AS-BUILT Drawings and site sketches, as well as measurements on site and creating a drawing with dimensioning according to all the drawing standards.