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United Stated Probation Officer Resume


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Bachelor’s of Science; Major: Urban Studies with Concentration in Criminal Justice


\\r\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nWorcester State College, Worcester, MA\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n




Associate’s of Science; Major: Criminal Justice

Middlesex Community College, Bedford, MA\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n







- United States Probation Office for the District of New Hampshire, Concord, NH




United States Probation Office for the District of Maryland, Greenbelt, MD




United State Probation Officer (PSI Unit): Attend Re-Arraignment/Guilty Pleas; Evaluate current offense characteristics/computations; Submit victim impact statement requests/ and mandatory restitution letters; Conduct exhaustive criminal history investigation; Conduct intensive interviews (birth to present) with offenders and Defense Counsels; Submit requests for social history verification; Conduct financial investigation to assess offender’s ability to pay fines and/or restitution; Conduct home verification visits; Incorporate investigation into a comprehensive Presentence Report, to include Current Offense Specifics, Criminal History, Sentencing Options, Offender Characteristics, Fines/Restitution Information, Offenders’s ability to pay, Departure Issues; and Recommendations; Prepare Addendum to Initial Presentence Report to include further disclosures, objections submitted by Counsels, and Probation Officer’s position, to include well-supported documentation; Complete Post Sentence Reports and Collateral Responses; Conduct bail interviews and attend bail hearings to provide recommendations regarding release.










Maryland Army National Guard, th Military Intelligence Battalion, Laurel, MD


Intelligence Analyst:




  Bosnia-Herzegovina:  Tasc Force Eagle, Tracked, interviewed, and prepared assessments on Displaced Persons, Refugees, and Evacuees’ (DPREs) to assist the Commanding General, International Community, and ground forces in operational decisions involving resettlement and refugee threat information; Developed and maintained resettlement/anti-settlement violence infrastructure data systems.





  Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA): Maintained Officer Safety Deconfliction Even Monitoring System, thereby minimizing interagency law enforcement conflicts; Prepared comprehensive record checks for law enforcement agencies, to assist in the rapid exchange


of information regarding drugs, weapons trafficking, and associated crimes.









State of Maryland Division of Parole and Probation, Montgomery County, MD


Senior Parole and Probation Agent:




Assigned to the Montgomery County Pre-Release and Rehabilitative Center; Monitored offenders’ progress prior to release; Acted as a liaison between the Pre-Release Center and Maryland Parole Commission; Supervised an intensive caseload by monitoring offenders and their compliance with conditions of release; Submitted treatment/vocational referrals and monitored offenders’ monthly progress; Conducted monthly home/employment visits; Assisted offenders in adapting acceptable behavior patters; Prepared violation reports and appeared in Court/Department of Corrections for violation hearings.




The Martin Pollack Project, Incorporated, Millersville, MD


Martin Polack Project, Millersville, MD:  Case Manager/Child Advocate for abused and/or neglected children placed in therapeutic foster homes. Court representation for agency.  Supervised natural family visits. 


Provided twenty-four hours crisis intervention and counseling for\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n



Charles Smolkin Vocational Services, Baltimore, MD


Vocational Consultant:


Evaluated training facilities, potential employers, physicians, and families.


\\r\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nCounsel, develop, and locate employment for individuals receiving workers’ compensation \\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n



The Key Program, Worcester, MA


Outreach Tracking Caseworker:


program serving troubled adolescents and families.

Provided twenty-four hour crisis intervention for community-based\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n



The Bridge of Central Massachusetts, Norton Street -Day Assessment Center


(Staff Secure), Worcester, MA


Counselor: behavior management strategies; Prepared case management assessments and presented such at case


conference; Prepared termination evaluation; Assisted six adolescent females develop social and basic


skills, nutrition, and hygiene;


Provided crisis intervention to adolescent females exhibiting maladaptive behavior.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n








The Martin Pollack Project, Incorporated, Millersville, MD


Martin Polack Project, Millersville, MD:  Case Manager/Child Advocate for abused and/or neglected children placed in therapeutic foster homes. Court representation for agency.  Supervised natural family visits. 


Provided twenty-four hours crisis intervention and counseling for\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n



Charles Smolkin Vocational Services, Baltimore, MD


Vocational Consultant:


Evaluated training facilities, potential employers, physicians, and families.


\\r\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nCounsel, develop, and locate employment for individuals receiving workers’ compensation \\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n



The Key Program, Worcester, MA


Outreach Tracking Caseworker:


program serving troubled adolescents and families.

Provided twenty-four hour crisis intervention for community-based\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n



The Bridge of Central Massachusetts, Norton Street -Day Assessment Center


(Staff Secure), Worcester, MA


Counselor: behavior management strategies; Prepared case management assessments and presented such at case


conference; Prepared termination evaluation; Assisted six adolescent females develop social and basic


skills, nutrition, and hygiene;


Provided crisis intervention to adolescent females exhibiting maladaptive behavior.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\r\\n


