Women's Job List

Freelance journalist Resume


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Career Summary
I am an award-winning journalist having covered everything from abuses of political power to murder trials, and from local governmental bodies to statewide legislation changes.

Bulldog News Services, freelance writer/editor
May to present
Cover meetings and write feature stories as assigned by the (Elgin, IL) Courier-News, (Aurora, IL) Beacon-News. Also wrote for the Chicago Tribune and the (Oak Park, IL) Wednesday Journal, Inc. newspapers. Assist not-for-profit organizations with press releases, brochures and ad copy.

Staff writer, Pioneer Press, Oak Park, IL
September to May
Covered the Village of River Forest board and its committees. Also covered the village\'s school and library boards, police and fire departments. Reported on some Oak Park issues, as well.

Freelance writer/editor, various print media
March to September
Covered meetings and wrote feature stories for west and northwest editions of the Daily Herald, Press Publications and Pioneer Press.

News editor, Press-Republican Newspapers, Inc., St. Charles, IL
April to February
Managed staff of three city editors and several freelancers. Edited staff copy. Covered the City of St. Charles city council, school district and police department, as well as the Kane County Board of Commissioners. Helped coordinate news coverage for the seven-paper chain. Worked with staff writing coach to create copy desk notes/stylebook. Created paper’s first computerized library/morgue and corresponding hard-copy index of articles.

Political reporter, The Naperville Sun, Naperville, IL
January to November
Started as education reporter. Promoted to city reporter within months. Covered government beats in the City of Naperville, including the city council and its various committees. Wrote an award-winning, five-part series about heroin use by Naperville teenagers.

County reporter, Press Publications, Inc., Elmhurst, IL
October to January
Began as part-time reporter covering various school and park districts in Chicago’s far west suburbs. Promoted to full-time reporter covering the DuPage County Board and Forest Preserve District. Wrote a series of articles exposing sketchy meeting attendance by paid elected officials that resulted in changes in the way roll call is taken.

Publications editor, Batavia School District , Batavia, IL
October to March
Produced two quarterly public newsletters and a monthly staff newsletter that included minutes of school board meetings, features on staff and special programs. Wrote all copy, took and collected photos and other artwork. Wrote press releases and served as media contact.

City editor, Press-Republican Newspapers, St. Charles, IL
August to October
Began as general assignment reporter covering various boards and commissions for the City of Batavia. Promoted to city editor within nine months. Generated stories for myself and for one full-time reporter. Also was responsible for the layout of local news pages.

• W.E. Williams Award, : In-Depth News Story from the Northern Illinois Newspaper Association (NINA), for a story tracking campaign contributions and those contributions played into government decision-making and the economy.

• First Place, : In-Depth/Investigative Reporting from the Illinois Press Association (IPA) for a report about how campaign contributions are linked to decisions affecting the local economy.

• Honorable Mention, : News Story from the NINA for a story about two Batavia, IL, police officers being attacked while serving a warrant.

• First Place, : In-depth/Investigative Reporting from the IPA for a package about drug use, abuse and prevention efforts in Chicago\'s western suburbs.

• st Honorable Mention, : School Board Coverage from the IPA for a story about a violation of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

• Honorable Mention, : News Story from the IPA for a story about a Naperville woman who underwent a controversial late-term abortion procedure and who spoke to Congress about abortion rights.

• Second Place, : Community Service from the NINA for coverage of a controversial school referendum campaign.

• First Place, : Best School Board Coverage (special category award) from the IPA for a series of stories detailing the March Batavia School District building bond referendum.

• First Place, : Best Breaking News Story from the Suburban Newspaper Association of America for coverage of a sniper attack on, and standoff with, police near downtown Batavia, IL.

Memberships /Community service/Volunteer work

Society of Professional Journalists/Chicago Headline Club
to , to present
Have assisted with mailings; attended group functions to discuss journalism-related topics, expand resources and network.

Vital Bridges (formerly Community Response, Inc.), Oak Park, IL
February through
Assisted this non-profit agency for people stricken by HIV/AIDS with food distribution, mailings and fundraisers. Helped edit monthly newsletter for volunteers. Aided executive director with correspondence and grant writing.

Oak Park Township Youth Services Committee, Oak Park, IL
May to April
Examined program proposals for at-risk youth and considered township funding of programs designed to help teenagers live healthy lives.

HOPE Fair Housing, Wheaton, IL
Helped housing agency investigate discrimination by making inquiries about home availability, loan possibilities and other housing related issues. Followed up with written reports.

Bachelor of arts in journalism, minor in psychology, from Northern Illinois University at DeKalb, .
Certificate of Continuing Studies, women\'s issues, from Rockhurst College, .