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Product Manager Resume


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Mill St Unit A, San Marcos, TX
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An enthusiastic and competitive professional with substantiated successes in Product Management and Process Development in complex engineering environment. A leader with extensive experience in demanding work environments and a proven ability to prioritize business needs, then implement creative solutions. Consistently demonstrates a passion to exceed organizational goals by effective resource allocation, improving customer satisfaction, improving quality and reducing cost.


Product Development Product Management Project Management
Project Planning New Product Introduction Program Management
Process Development Process Engineering Continuing Process Improvement
Cycle and Lead Time Reduction Problem Solving Conduct Experiments
Time Management Performance management Technology Transfer


Product Management. Delivered product supply availability to sales and marketing team. Evaluated product performance and communicated bottom line to business units. Results: Enhanced customer relations with commitment to meet demand with confidence.

Implemented change management procedure. Defined containment and change release strategies for product development. Results: Reduced risk to product yield.

Product Development. Innovated a streamlined process for new product introduction. Coordinated key product development milestones and metrics with cross-functional teams in design, manufacturing, package assembly, product test, sales and marketing. Results: Standardized company’s product to market execution schedule.

Launched a new product introduction strategy to monitor product health. Developed a lean manufacturing dynamic sampling plan to evaluate product integrity. Results: Enables real time risk mitigation, increases throughput, improves product yield and reduces cost.

Project Planning. Aligned international product development teams. Established and facilitated discussion forums for effective communication. Results: Well-defined individual and team activities focused on executing achieving organizational goals.

New Product Introduction. Innovated a methodology to highlight product performance capability. Defined and created an application that demonstrates and models product operation. Results: Executive business staff utilizes this performance operational tool in customer acquirement and sales.

Program Management. Directed top talent growth development plan. Provided guidance to junior staff to enable effective lateral and horizontal communication techniques. Results: Increased key contributor talent pool.
Process Development. Analyzed new process technology on mature product design. Utilized company software systems to evaluate process integrity. Results: Identified and root caused a product marginality that enabled a timely design fix for company’s quickest product to market launch.

Continuing Process Improvement. Generated a product test methodology for improved throughput. Adopted learning from previous experience and implemented a condensed test flow. Results: Reduced cost and cycle time.

Technology Transfer. Launched technology transfer seminar. Communicated key learning for future product development. Results: Improved product to market launch.

Product Development Manager
Product Development Engineer
Process Development Engineer
Materials Engineer
Co-Op Engineer - Photolithography

B.S., Materials Physics, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX