Women's Job List

Safety Attendent 3 Resume


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Rebecca L. Cross\\r\\n Escobar Street #\\r\\nMartinez, Ca \\r\\\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nOBJECTIVE\\r\\n\\r\\nThe objective is to find a job/career that will get me far in life. Also to give me more working experience in the working field.\\r\\n\\r\\nEMPLOYMENT\\r\\n\\r\\nCertified Safety Specialist\\r\\n Bay Vista Court Suite D.\\r\\nBenicia, CA \\r\\n\\r\\n/-/\\r\\nStarting pay: $./Hr\\r\\nEnding pay: $./Hr\\r\\nForman: Jason Olson\\r\\nMy duties were: Fire and hole watching. Making sure that every-one and every-thing was safe to work. \\r\\nReason for leaving: Reduction of force/Laid off.\\r\\n\\r\\nWestern Appliances\\r\\n S Federal Blvd\\r\\nRiverton, WY \\r\\n\\r\\n/-/\\r\\nStarting pay: $./Hr\\r\\nEnding pay: $./Hr\\r\\nOwner/Boss: Elaine\\r\\nMy duties were: Cleaning, stocking, inventory handler, customer service, appointment setting and calling clients when orders arrived and were ready for pick-up. \\r\\nReason for leaving: Relocation to California.\\r\\n\\r\\nCOMMENTS\\r\\n\\r\\nI am a very outgoing person, I enjoy meeting new people and showing them help. I am a very hard worker and strive to get things done on time. I don not believe in slacking. I am open minded and can usually figure things out (problem/conflict solving skills). I have strong computer skills and customer service skills on the phone. I am detail oriented and very organized. I also get along with most people that I encounter and have been told that I am management material. I am currently investigating educational opportunities leading to a possible career path in nursing but am open to any responsible position within which I can hone my people and business skills.\\r\\n\\r\\nREFERENCES\\r\\n\\r\\nAvailable upon request.\\r\\n