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CURRICULUM VITAE\\r\\n\\r\\nPERSONAL CONTACT INFORMATION\\r\\nPamela A. Bivens, M.A.\\r\\nMobile: / Email: \\r\\n\\r\\nOFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION\\r\\nDuke University Health System (DUHS), Patient Safety Office\\r\\nOffice: / Email: \\r\\n\\r\\nPERSONAL INFORMATION\\r\\nPlace of Birth: Durham, N.C.\\r\\nU.S. Citizen\\r\\n\\r\\nCHRONOLOGICAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY\\r\\nAdministrative Coordinator / Center Administrator / - Present\\r\\nDuke University Health System, Patient Safety Office\\r\\nDUKE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM (DUHS) \\r\\n Assisting in the operational planning, development and curriculum design for the Duke Medicine Patient Safety Center for clinical, administrative, etc., training on teamwork to reduce medical errors;\\r\\n Manage the Team Resource Center of Excellence, for teamwork training, to reduce medical errors via funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ);\\r\\n Conduct observations in Operating Rooms to ultimately train on teamwork skills to reduce medical errors and establish team trust;\\r\\n Research and development of a Cultural Competency in Medicine training module to integrate into the existing Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS™) curriculum developed by the U.S. Department of Defense;\\r\\n Plan and train on teamwork tools and strategies, and change management, to clinicians/ practitioners, administrators, and medical and nursing students;\\r\\n Assist with the management of three grants: AHRQ, The Duke Endowment, and a collaborative Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) grant with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Health System; and\\r\\n Manage logistics and CME and CEU paperwork for training sessions and large conferences.\\r\\n\\r\\nContractor - Staffing Representative / Recruiter / – /\\r\\nProject View Plus Program – Award Winning Diversity Program\\r\\nIBM / MANPOWER SERVICES WORLDWIDE, Research Triangle Park, N.C.\\r\\n Sourced experienced professionals for administrative and technical career positions;\\r\\n Worked with Senior administrators to source and review experienced professionals;\\r\\n Collaborative partnerships with national/global diversity organizations to source technical professional members; and\\r\\n Planned and deployed quarterly “Informational, Networking & Interview Events” for potential candidates to network and interview with hiring managers and talent partners in collaboration with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nSr. Manager Corporate Relations / – /\\r\\nDevelopment Specialist / – /\\r\\nNATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS (NSBE) WORLD HEADQUARTERS\\r\\nAlexandria, VA\\r\\n Managed the Corporate Relations Coordinator and Exhibition Services Consulting Team toward preparation for the Annual National Convention Career Fair Exhibitors and College and Graduate School Fairs and Regional Conferences and Meetings;\\r\\n Managed the Corporate Relations and Development Departmental budgets;\\r\\n Successfully researched and administered grants for $K+ for educational program support, academic excellence programs and scholarships, event sponsorships, etc.\\r\\n Customer facing with all corporate, Federal, university, and non-profit sponsors; and\\r\\n Managed and nurtured relationships/partnerships with Board of Corporate Affiliate companies, total of $M+ per year, to include: M, Accenture, bp, Bank of America, Boston Scientific, CHM Hill, Cisco Systems, Clorox, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Eli Lilly, EXXON Mobil, Guidant, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly Clark Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Merck, Microsoft Corporation, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Raytheon, Siemens USA, Texas Instruments, Toyota, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, U.S. Navy, Verizon, Weyerhaeuser, etc.; and\\r\\n Established and nurtured solid relationships with sponsors to fund events and technical competitions at the annual national convention and fall regional conferences, academic excellence programs, and community-based and corporate scholarships.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nHuman Resources Specialist – Diversity / – /\\r\\nTRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (TSA) HEADQUARTERS\\r\\nU.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY\\r\\nArlington, VA\\r\\n Strategically planned, developed and promoted Federal internship programs, promoting student diversity, throughout TSAs student programs at TSA Headquarters and the Airports; \\r\\n Managed contract agreements for Association/external partnerships in Student Internship Programs;\\r\\n Ensured the implementation of directives of the President’s Executive Orders on Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government and participation of Tribal Colleges and Universities in hiring initiatives; and \\r\\n Accomplished goals via collaborative partnerships established with TSAs Office of Civil Rights, other Federal agencies, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities and local and national nonprofit interest organizations. \\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nConsultant / Associate Director - Health Policy & State Government Relations \\r\\nNATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (NMA) / - /\\r\\nWashington, D.C.\\r\\n Managed and maintained the health policy compendium for the Health Policy Committee;\\r\\n Developed strategies to assist member physicians with U.S. Congressional testimonies, media appearances, research, and national and regional meetings; \\r\\n Managed the health policy associates; and\\r\\n Salary supported via an unrestricted grant from Pfizer, Inc. (NY).\\r\\nConsultant / Affirmative Action & Diversity Program Office / – /\\r\\nLAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY (LLNL), Livermore, CA\\r\\nU.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Washington, D.C.\\r\\n Developed a concept proposal, including data research, etc., for a strategic recruitment initiative, entitled Strategic Recruitment Initiative for Women and Students of Color; \\r\\n Presented the concept proposal at leadership meetings to targeted directorates; and\\r\\n Represented the Laboratory at national conferences, conventions, and campus visits.\\r\\n\\r\\nProgram Administrator IV, Science & Technology Base Division / – /\\r\\nLOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY (LANL), Los Alamos, N.M.\\r\\nU.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Washington, D.C.\\r\\n Administered the recruitment of students and faculty in the Science and Technology Base-Education Program Office to ensure diversity throughout Laboratory-wide student programs and technical divisions/areas; \\r\\n Managed the Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Mentored Collaborative Research Programs, and the U.S. Congressionally approved budgets;\\r\\n Served as liaison to the Laboratory for the National Consortium of Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. and the National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship Programs; \\r\\n Served on the Laboratory’s Employees’ Scholarship Fund Advisory Board Team to review and select young scholars for undergraduate scholarships;\\r\\n Represented the Laboratory at national, professional and student conventions/ conferences/symposiums and campus career fairs;\\r\\n Collaborated with other Federal agencies and universities to enhance science education program objectives; and\\r\\n Coordinated the First Annual LANL Student Symposium culminating summer student research.\\r\\n\\r\\nADMINISTRATIVE ACADEMIC POSITIONS\\r\\nAssistant Dean, College of Arts & Science / – / \\r\\nTRINITY UNIVERSITY, Washington, D.C.\\r\\n Assisted senior-level administrators with daily college academic administrative duties inclusive of serving as a liaison to program/division chairs, faculty, administrators, senior and other staff, and the community; \\r\\n Academic Advisor and advisor to a campus sanctioned student organization;\\r\\n Managed the Study Abroad and Internship Programs;\\r\\n Represented the College at various professional meetings and community functions; \\r\\n Managed the development of the yearly Academic Catalog; and\\r\\n Managed collaborative projects and programs with the Dean of Students and Weekend Women’s College Programs.\\r\\n\\r\\nAssistant to the Associate Dean / – /\\r\\nGraduate School of Education and Human Development\\r\\nTHE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, Washington, D.C.\\r\\n Assisted the Associate Dean with leadership and academic projects;\\r\\n Managed the doctoral and education specialist academic program paperwork;\\r\\n Assisted department chair, deans and faculty with departmental paperwork and exam preparation; and\\r\\n Managed the coordination of doctoral defenses and proctored the National Teacher’s Exams.\\r\\nHEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH\\r\\nResearch Associate / Program Manager (laid-off) / – /\\r\\nSheps Center for Health Services Research\\r\\nTHE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA - CHAPEL HILL \\r\\n Managed and administered the goals, mission, and the development of the “Carolina-Shaw Partnership for the Elimination of Health Disparities,” a $M Project EXPORT grant over five years, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD), in partnership with Shaw University; \\r\\n Managed the collaborative relationship between the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Shaw University principal investigators, faculty, administrators, and staff toward securing appropriate outcomes as outlined in the -year federal grant via varying mechanisms of communication to include a listserv, conference calls, meetings, conferences, etc.; and\\r\\n Managed the Administrative Assistant.\\r\\n\\r\\nEDUCATION, CERTIFICATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT\\r\\nDiploma, Hillside High School, Durham, N.C., .\\r\\nB.A., Hampton University, Mass Media Arts / Journalism, Hampton, VA, .\\r\\nM.A., The George Washington University, Education and Human Development / \\r\\n Higher Education Administration, Washington, D.C., .\\r\\nPh.D., The University of New Mexico – Department of Physical Education, Health \\r\\n Education, Albuquerque, N.M. – Incomplete.\\r\\n Lean Healthcare : Applying the Fundamentals, N.C. Hospital Association/N.C. State University, /.\\r\\n Six Sigma Green Belt, N.C. State University, October/November , Certification in Progress.\\r\\n PARIS Accounting System, Duke University, Learning and Organizational Development, /.\\r\\n TeamSTEPPS™ Master Training, U.S. Department of Defense, /.\\r\\n MS Project Management, National Society of Black Engineers, /.\\r\\n Training for Professional Fundraisers, The Foundation Center, .\\r\\n Management Directive – Implementation Training for Federal EEO Professionals, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, /.\\r\\n Supervisory Resources Program, UNC-Chapel Hill, Training and Development, /.\\r\\n Successful Project Management, UNC-Chapel Hill, Training and Development, /.\\r\\n Management Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory Leadership Center, / – /, .\\r\\n Survival Skills for Forest Service Managers and Supervisors, U.S. Forest Service, /.\\r\\n African American Leadership Institute, The Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles, .\\r\\n\\r\\nTECHNICAL EXPERTISE\\r\\nSoftware Microsoft Office Suite, SharePoint, Lotus Notes , Eudora, PARIS, People Click, Resumix, Blackboard, and JMP Statistical Software\\r\\nHardware IBM, Dell, and Macintosh\\r\\nFEDERAL CLEARANCES (Inactive)\\r\\nSecret – U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) \\r\\n Headquarters, VA.\\r\\nL – U. S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), N.M.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nAWARD\\r\\nDistinguished Performance Award, Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund Advisory Board Team/Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation, Los Alamos National Laboratory, .\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nCURRENT BOARD MEMBERSHIPS AND VOLUNTEERISM\\r\\nDuke University Hospital Diversity Leadership Team, N.C.\\r\\nBoard Member & Vice President, Jr. Leadership Durham, Health/Environmental Committee,\\r\\n N.C.\\r\\nChair, Alumni Giving, Durham-Chapel Hill Hampton Alumni Chapter, National Hampton \\r\\n Alumni Association, Inc., N.C.\\r\\nAdvisory Board, Women’s Employment Opportunity Project, Inc., Atlanta, GA\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nPUBLICATIONS\\r\\n, Investing in Our Most Valuable Asset – A Diverse TSM Work Force, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), LA-…P. Bivens…\\r\\n\\r\\nFall , “Laboratory Partners with Morehouse College,” Inside STB, Vol. , No. , LANL Publication.\\r\\n\\r\\nSummer , “National Consortium Provides Opportunities for Minority Graduate Students in Science and Engineering,” Inside STB, Vol. , No. .\\r\\n\\r\\nFall , “Changing the Face of the st Century Workforce at LANL,” Inside STB, Vol. , No. .\\r\\n\\r\\n/, “Achieving Workforce Diversity Through Strategic Program Initiatives,” National Association of Minority Engineering Program Administrators, Atlanta, GA, / Conference Proceedings.\\r\\n\\r\\n//, Article, “Creating a Competitive Edge,” Last Word, Black Issues in Higher Education.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nPROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS\\r\\n/ – Present, Six Sigma Green Belt Project Outcomes to Durham Regional Hospital / Duke University Health System (DUHS) Perioperative Unit, N.C.\\r\\n\\r\\n/ – /, Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS™) Training, Duke University Hospital, N.C.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nPROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS cont.\\r\\n/, Professional Development Conference, “Fundraising ,” National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Inc., Sponsor: IBM, Palisades, N.Y.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, National Association of Medical Minority Educators, Inc., “Preparing for the Minority Medical Community: The Student National Medical Association,” Baltimore, MD.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Meeting, South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus, “Inmate Healthcare in our Nation’s Correctional Facilities,” Columbia, S.C.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, Research in Science & Engineering Orientation , “Graduate School/Research Opportunities Within Government and Industry,” Orlando, FL.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering & Science, Inc. (GEM) th Anniversary Celebration, “Sustaining GEM’s Mission,” San Diego, CA.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Tech Symposium , “Unique Career Building Research Opportunities at Los Alamos National Laboratory,” Miami Beach, FL.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, “Creating A Competitive Edge,” NSBE, Charlotte, N.C.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, “African-American Leadership Institute Program Overview,” National Association of Minority Engineering Program Administrators, Inc., Chicago, IL.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc., Facilitated “Empowering Women in Science” Session, Orlando, FL.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Symposium, Technical Symposium for Minority Students in Science, Engineering, and Technology, “How The Success of the University Programs Office at Los Alamos National Laboratory Serves to Increase and Enhance Its Technically Diverse Workforce,” West Palm Beach, FL.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, “Science & Technology Based Research Opportunities at Los Alamos National Laboratory for Students and Faculty,” NSBE, Kansas City, MO.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Symposium, “Opportunities at Los Alamos National Laboratory for HBCU/OMI Students and Faculty,” The Seventh Annual HBCUs and OMIs Symposium, Energy Research and Development Technology Transfer Symposium, U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Fossil Energy, The Federal Energy Technology Center, The Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, Florida International University, Miami, FL.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Symposium, “The HBCU Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory,” The Sixth Annual HBCUs and OMIs Program, Energy Research and Development Technology Transfer Symposium, U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Fossil Energy, The Federal Energy \\r\\nTechnology Center, The Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, MD.\\r\\n\\r\\n/, Conference, “Diversity in the Government: The Effects of Affirmative Action in California,” National Association for Minority Engineering Program Administrators, Albuquerque, N.M.\\r\\n\\r\\nPROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS cont.\\r\\nFall , Conference, “Stereotypical Expectations in the African American Female Scholar,” International Conference for Women in Higher Education, El Paso, TX.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nINTERESTS AND LEISURE (Passport is Current)\\r\\nDomestic travel throughout the United States including Hawaii and Puerto Rico\\r\\nInternational travel to Canada, the Caribbean, North Africa and South America\\r\\nContemporary and Smooth Jazz / Easy Listening Music\\r\\nReading novels, books, and poetry\\r\\nJournaling / Writing\\r\\nPhotography