Women's Job List

Studio Art Major seeking Commercial Art Job or Internship Resume


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•\\\\r\\\\n E. Washington St. •Chagrin Falls, OH •\\\\r\\\\\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nEDUCATION\\\\r\\\\nSweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA \\\\r\\\\nClass of \\\\r\\\\nBachelor of Arts in Studio Art\\\\r\\\\nMinor in Business Management\\\\r\\\\nRELATED EXPERIENCE\\\\r\\\\nCamp Vega for Girls, Fayette, ME Summer \\\\r\\\\nCounselor \\\\r\\\\n•Managed and organized projects for the art department\\\\r\\\\n•Partnered with the art director to design projects to be completed by campers\\\\r\\\\n•Developed creative program for future art counselors to follow\\\\r\\\\n•Implemented artistic skills to effectively lead campers through completion of artwork\\\\r\\\\n•Coached upcoming female athletes in lacrosse bettering stick skills and field vision\\\\r\\\\n•Lived with campers strengthening their interpersonal living and group dynamic skills \\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nSweet Briar College Development, Sweet Briar, VA August – October Phonathon Caller\\\\r\\\\n•Applied effective marketing skills and successfully increased annual fund one donation at a time\\\\r\\\\n•Called alumnae of the college and persuaded them to give to the annual fund\\\\r\\\\n•Compiled information and call logs to help the Development Office determine next calls\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nRemington Productions, Cleveland, OH May Advertising Intern\\\\r\\\\n•Contributed to the successful design of a Goodyear anniversary cake model \\\\r\\\\n•Used problem solving skills, to solve challenges quickly\\\\r\\\\n•Constructed the Ellen Lavar hair products production set \\\\r\\\\n•Employed successful strategic decision making and design skills to effectively create the production set for the National City Advertising campaign’s Cleveland location\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE\\\\r\\\\nAthletic game worker, Sweet Briar Athletic Department, Sweet Briar, VA Fall -present\\\\r\\\\nOffice Aid, Sweet Briar College Department of Athletics, Sweet Briar, VA Fall \\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nSKILLS\\\\r\\\\nProficient in Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Adobe Photoshop; experience with Mac and PC computer systems; well developed verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills; high level of professionalism and ability to work independently or on a team; strong leadership skills and organizational talents\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENT\\\\r\\\\nDual Sport Starter, Equestrian and Lacrosse, Equestrian All Conference Team member in the ODAC \\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n