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Key Qualifications:
Pam Matthews, a culturally diverse individual with a broad and diverse background in business operations and program development for more than years, she is an expert on Conflict/Dispute Resolution systems, with a special emphasis on ADR program design and development the past years. She has provided technical assistance to public and private sectors, nationally and internationally. She began her dispute resolution/mediation career working for the courts in Los Angeles during her graduate studies at Pepperdine University; she has also served as a graduate consultant to the Director, for the Georgia Supreme Court Commission, Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution planning and coordinating volunteers for the th Annual ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference. She has served as a Legal Specialist for the American Bar Association, Rule of Law Initiative in Amman, Jordan in , on a USAID funded democracy and governance project, emphasizing judicial reform. Upon her return from the Middle East, she worked in Maryland, and Texas to assist organizations with technical expertise on business development and dispute resolution.
Ms. Matthews provides assistance to clients through consultation, training, organizational development, project management and related services and is committed to providing community service; she has worked with organizations such as American Speaks as a facilitator for: the United New Orleans Plan (UNOP) Community Congress II & III, in Atlanta, GA for Hurricane Katrina victims; and the Rebuilding Lives Summit in Lake Charles, LA for Hurricane Gustav, Ike, Katrina and Rita victims; she has also served as a volunteer hostess coordinator for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration of events in Atlanta, GA in conjunction with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference promoting conflict resolution philosophies of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to stem violence in communities around the world. Ms. Matthews holds () Master Degree’s in Business Administration and Conflict/Dispute Resolution and speaks fluent English and fair Spanish.
M.D.R., Pepperdine University, School of Law, Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution
M.B.A., Pepperdine University, Graziadio School of Business Management
B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Professional Experience Related to Conflict/Dispute Resolution:
President, Conflict Management Resources Group, LLC., Atlanta, GA. (Present). Founder/President of the firm specializing in assistance to both public and private clients through development and management consulting, training and technical assistance in areas of program administration.
For the past years she has provided analysis and assessments for court and community ADR programs. Pam Matthews spent months in the Middle East, providing administrative oversight of court related mediation programs and delivered the final evaluation report on the pilot court program to the ADR Steering Committee in Jordon, in . Clients have included, state and city governments, universities, associations and private corporations. Projects have included the design, coordination, implementation, assessment and management of complex programs. She had developed seminars on conflict resolution and workplace conflict; training of trainers while also making presentations on the use of ADR to the Security and Insurance Commissions in Jordan, non-profit organizations, universities and community organizations. She participated in policy dialogues with the Arab Council for Judicial Legal Studies and the Arab Women’s Legal Network to address some of the most pertinent policy issues dealing with access to justice.
University of Houston, Enrollment Services Office of Dispute Resolution, Houston, TX (). Served as the Sr. Dispute Resolution Specialist for the Enrollment Services Division, reporting to the Executive Associate Vice Chancellor/Vice President of Academic Affairs. Responsible for the design, development and implementation of all functions associated with Dispute Resolution. Developed polices and procedures for intake, confidential investigation and interviews. Resolved disputes referred by the President, Provost, Board of Regents and government officials regarding student issues in the departments of: Admissions & Recruitment; Registrar, Financial Aid & Scholarships and Financial Services. Identified errors in policy, procedure or regulations and responsible for independent research, analysis, coordination and recommendation of the appropriate course(s) of action(s) for resolution or intervention. Also, maintained statistical data to monitor program objectives and goals.
American Bar Association, Rule of Law Initiative –Amman, Jordan, (/- /). ADR Legal Specialist responsible for building capacity, sustainability and transparency for governance and democracy on judicial reforms in Jordan. Provided administrative oversight in the Middle East for ADR capacity with court pilot mediation program at the Palace of Justice; assessed and analyzed program activity; provided strategic direction for growth and referral of cases to the mediation program; developed capacity with public and private organizations by providing training for judges, lawyers and private sector professionals in mediation; and creating and executing public awareness/education materials on ADR. Maintained informational linkages with civic and community organizations in targeted areas; coordinated, planned and developed budget for a -day US study tour for Jordanian dignitaries; supervised and trained employees on accurate data collection and reporting processes and procedures; maintained
statistical data to monitor program objectives and goals; developed, and implemented appropriate policies and procedures for mediation and developed a model on codes of conduct for mediation professionals.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs, Los Angeles, CA and Atlanta, GA (/ – /)
Supreme Court of Georgia – Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution, Atlanta, GA (/-/). Program Assistant and Graduate Extern who provided assessment of Court ADR Programs, reviewed and assessed registration and data collection process and provided recommendations for improvement; maintained statistical data to monitor program objectives and goals to develop annual report. Attended Supreme Court Commission meetings, assisted with the planning and coordination of volunteers for the th Annual ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference held in Atlanta, GA. A registered Neutral in Mediation, Arbitration and Domestic Violence Mediation provided several advanced mediation skills seminars for Continuing Education credit, for neutrals registered with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution as an Independent Contractor.
Fulton County Courts – ADR program, Atlanta, GA., (-). Served as a graduate extern; responsible for developing a handbook for judges on the “Role of Judges in Mediation.”
Los Angeles Superior Court, Los Angeles, CA., (-). Mediated cases referred to ADR program; completed all necessary paperwork and signed agreements for court administration.
Los Angeles City Attorney’s Dispute Resolution Program, Los Angeles, CA., (/ – /). Mediator/Arbitrator/Facilitator and Graduate Extern for program administration, responsible for Case Management- intake, investigation and intervention; program administration; facilitation of focus groups – ‘Days of Dialogue’, sponsored by the Mayor and local clergy; trained program participants; made presentations to local business, community and social organizations for ADR referrals; completed all necessary paperwork and signed agreements.
California Academy of Mediation Professionals, Encino, CA., ( /-/). Mediator, responsible for mediating civil cases at the Culver City and Santa Monica Courthouses; and completing all necessary paperwork and signed agreements for court and program administration.
Experience Not Related To Conflict/Dispute Resolution
McFarland & Associates, Silver Spring, MD., (/ – /). Served as a consultant, responsible for responding to Maryland State Highway Administration Request For Proposal (RFP) on a project for Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE) Technical Assistance Supportive Services Program to include: Scope of Services, Work Plan, Key Staff, Subcontractors, Similar Contracts and Financial Capability.
Emory University, Center for the Study of Public Scholarship, Atlanta, GA., (/ - /). Program Coordinator responsible for processing and reconciling financial accounts; processing invoices for accounts payable; coordinating events, lectures, housing and tours for visiting South African fellows; creating marketing materials and brochures on guest speakers and international fellows and updating the CSPS website.
Sony Pictures Entertainment, Los Angeles, CA., (/ – /). Executive Assistant, provided support to the VP of Marketing and Communications and VP of Integrated Marketing. Duties performed; coordinated and planned events in conjunction with the Public Relations department; assisted in changing Sony Integrated global marketing strategy with market trend analysis and brand strategy prepared for presentation at Tokyo, STEF – Sony Technology Exchange Fair ; “Out–of-the-box” thinker who prepared and in-depth analysis of SPDE, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for MBA project, which helped in developing a new department in the division; prepared and monitored department budgets and reconciled invoices for accounts payable; planned and coordinated studio tours of Imageworks-(digital pictures studio) for foreign dignitaries and political constituents.
Motor City Films and Sundance Films, Los Angeles, CA., (-). Served as an intern at Motor Civil Films, to assist executive producer with the development of film projects; Served as a volunteer reader for Sundance Films, responsible for reading scripts and providing synopsis for potential film development and funding.
Boeing- Canoga Park Campus, Canoga Park, CA., (-). Contract office administrator responsible for coordinating conferences and planning events with NASA, Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Centers regarding space launches to the International Space Station. Provided support to the Director of the Engineering Division; prepared presentations, project reports, month-end reports and reconciled budgets. Made travel arrangements.
University of California. CA., (/- /). UCLA Supervisor-Administrative, III. Responsible for supervising administrative support staff and student workers in the Radiation Safety Division; maintaining expenditure records, preparing financial forms, budget database reports, PO’s and recharges for Environmental Health & Safety department. Managed, monitored and tracked radiation safety records of employees, faculty and researchers in accordance with OSHA guidelines and regulations and prepared division invoices for accounts payable. (UCSB) Administrative Assistant, II (Work-Study). Responsible for assisting the Re-admissions officer with intake and processing of applicant(s) re-admission paperwork. Also worked as a videographer, where I videotaped academic lectures/seminars for the library resource center and served as a Governing Board Member of UCSB, Daily Nexus, newspaper.
Marketing/Research Consultant -Atlanta, GA., (/ - /)
Strategically analyzed market trends; identified and forecasted future product development for Clients; developed qualitative and quantitative survey questionnaires for use in client focus groups; analyzed survey results and provided summary reports to clients.
Burelle and Sharp Advertising, Atlanta, GA / -/
Media coordinator utilized AC Nielsen and Arbitron Services to research data to compile information for niche marketing/media presentations to clients (Coca-Cola USA, McDonalds, Proctor and Gamble, Ford and Sears.) Created and developed niche media plans to increase awareness for client – Coca-Cola USA, African American Consumer Market (AACM). Researched and strategically analyzed market trends utilizing traditional research techniques, on-line tools and industry reports. Made strategic recommendations for national advertising budgets/media campaigns in print and broadcast to deliver brands (Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite and Minute Maid) to marketplace within budget. Tracked and prepared monthly flow charts for advertising media budget of $M for AACM. Assisted Media Director in preparing marketing presentations to clients to secure funding for annual advertising budgets. Attended focus groups; evaluated and analyzed respondent surveys for product(s) marketability. Analyzed television program proposals for sponsorship opportunities; provided POV to clients. Developed and implemented program ideas to broaden brand recognition for clients.
Del Green Associates, Foster City, CA., (/ -/). Worked with the management consulting firm, as a research assistant and consultant to the President on several contracts with federal agencies, i.e. (DOL, SBA, EPA, DOE, HUD). Prepared reports and findings for submission and assisted in preparing budgets and generating billing for payment.
Professional Memberships and Honors
International Network to Promote Rule of Law
American Bar Association (ABA)
ABA-Section of Dispute Resolution,
Association of Conflict Resolution (ACR)
Georgia Supreme Court Commission - Office of Dispute Resolution
Los Angeles County Superior Court, ADR program (inactive)
Facilitator, America Speaks
ACR-Georgia (ACRGA)- Member of the Board of Directors for -
Texas Association of Mediators
Pamela Matthews has received multiple certificates, awards and recognitions for her contributions in the field of Conflict and Dispute Resolution