Women's Job List

Concierge Resume


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Lauren E Stokes

Education -

Texas Woman’s University Denton, TX
BSc Nutrition / Chemistry Minor August
GPA: .

International Study Abroad: Baiko University, Japan, -

Awarded a full scholarship for international abroad study in Japan by the Government of Japan and TWU.

President of the Student Dietetic Association (SDA), -

At the end of my term as Publicity Chair for the Student Dietetic Association, I received a scholarship for recognition of commitment.

Student Dietetic Association Publicity Chair, -

Student Dietetic Association Legislative Chair, -

Secretary for the Core Curriculum Task Force, -

Core Curriculum Task Force Undergraduate Representative, -

During my presidency of the SDA, I wrote a proposal and petitioned for a wellness course to be included in university core curriculum, which was up for review. As a result of the subsequent presentation to the university, I was asked to serve as the first undergraduate representative for the Core Curriculum Task Force.

“Who’s Who Among American College Students,”

National Dean’s List, -

Texas Student Dietetic Association Member, -

American Dietetic Association Member, -


January – present Apple Retail San Francisco, CA

Provide product information and troubleshooting advice to customers
Assist customers at high volume Apple Genius Bar
Deliver audience presentation/tutorial
Manage phone communication for customer inquires and appointments

September - present Aqua Restaurant San Francisco, CA

Organize reservations and the seating flow of a high caliber two Michelin star rated establishment
Responsible for computer input and expediting reservation data and special requests

May – Oct Hansen’s Beverage Company Dallas, TX

Monster Ambassador Team
Member of a self managed team responsible for the coordination of event planning and transportation of materials
Involved in the promotion of Monster Energy brand and provided samples to public
Liaison with distribution channels to calculate and manage inventory
Collected feedback from customers and compiled reports for use in market analysis

June – April Hillstone Restaurant Group Dallas/San Francisco

Houston’s Restaurant Server
Cooperated in a team approach to serve guests
Managed cash receipts and inventory

June - Oct Burgundy Steaks, Seafood and Martini’s Denton, TX

Assistant Manager and Head Waitress
Managed the service staff’s opening and closing duties Responsible for the training of new staff
Involved with in-house marketing and event promotions
Assisted with the development of front of house responsibilities

May – May The Cupboard Natural Foods & Café Denton, TX

Nutritional Advisor
Assisted customers by providing information on nutritional supplements and various subjects related to metabolism and health
Responsible for management of stocks and supplies
Other duties included cashiering and inventory

August – May Healthy Foods and Vitamins Denton, TX

Nutritional Advisor
Provided guidance on nutritional supplements and herbs
Informed customers about product ingredients, nutritional value, and farming practices

Volunteer work
Hosted Pioneer Pace K Fun Run/Walk benefiting Food First Charity
First United Methodist Church Soup Kitchen Cook
Texas Woman’s University Annual Health Fair
Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive for the North Texas Food Bank

Professional Affiliation

Parkour Generations: studied extensively this multidimensional self discipline with the world most renown professional parkour collective in London, England.

San Francisco Parkour: involved with teaching the discipline and performing in media projects.

References available upon request