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Golds Gym - to -
Crowley, Tx
I was a worker in the kids club. I kept children of various ages, starting at two months old and up to twelve years old.
My responsibilites were not only just to keep the children, we tried to expand there minds and challenge them to try
things and solve problems they didn't think they were able to do on their own. I also had to keep up with paper work, the
system we used for our paperwork, as it was all manual everything done by hand, filed by hand in notebooks.
Merchandise Collection Services - to -
Ft. Worth, Tx
I was a phone representative for the Paralyzed Veterans of America. My job was to secure donations to be collected
by our trucks, to help the Paralyzed Veterans of America. % of all of our proceeds went to benefit them.
Albertsons - to -
Burleson, Tx
I was hired on as a cashier so i waited on customers and checked them out. I was soon promoted to the customer service desk
where my duties there consisted of handleing returns, I sold tobacco products, developed film, rented out movies, and sold
lottery tickets, and lottery scratch off's.
Tetco (Chevron) - to -
Burleson, Tx
I worked there as a customer service representative. My duties there included ringing up customers for gas, Lottery tickets, Lottery scratch-off's,
tobacco products, and any other in-store merchandise we had to offer.