Women's Job List

Adoption Social Worker Resume


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Jessica Marks

MSW, Simmons College,Boston, MA: May .
Masters in Social Work with Certification in Jewish Communal Services from Hebrew College

BA, Boston University, Boston, MA: May, .
Major: Psychology; Minor: Business Administration and Judaic Studies

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Completion of the Mediation Training, Community Dispute Settlement Center: November

Completion of the Sexuality Education Certification Series, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts: Education and Training: June, .

/ - Present
Norristown, PA
Kinship Caseworker

Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth investigates reports of abuse made to the office and work with families, when appropriate, to address conditions which adversely affect a child’s care.

Responsible for working with families directly and coordinating services with community resources to improve family conditions and meet the needs of children in home and in foster care. Manage and maintain family and child(ren) case data, records, actions and events. Monitor client progress towards service goals and objectives. Initiate court proceedings when necessary to protect child(ren) and assist in case preparation and testimony in court. Conduct assessment and investigation of child risk and related family problems. Maintain ongoing contact with provider agencies and other professionals, police, physicians, etc., involved in service provision with client families.

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Cambridge, MA
Adoption Social Worker

Cambridge Family and Children’s service provides adoption, respite, foster care, and mentoring services for children and families in need.

Responsible for carrying a mixed caseload of approximately case management and - single service cases referred to the Adoption Unit by the Department of Children and Families. Case management services include: assessing child’s needs; visiting monthly; developing a service plan to address identified needs; working with the child’s provider; attending case review meetings to evaluate progress; recruiting an adoptive home; providing all services needed through legalization; and preparing cases for closing. Single service cases include: child assessments, relative or foster home assessments, recruitment cases, and interstate resource home assessments. In addition, partially responsible for program administrative duties and supervision of MSW Interns.

/ – Present
(Concurrent with Present position)

Middlesex County, MA
Independent Court Investigator

Independent court investigator responsible for gathering information from all collaterals involved when a Care and Protection is filed for a child in need of protective services. Duties include: speaking with involved parties, collaterals (including teachers/day care providers, doctors, therapists, and relatives), and the ongoing social worker if applicable; gathering information regarding any past involvements; and providing an unbiased report followed by an appropriate clinical recommendation based on information collected to the appointed judge.

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Cambridge, MA
Clinical Social Work Intern

Provided individual, family, couples, and group therapy for people who have been touched by adoption, foster care, guardianship, or kinship care for this adoption support agency

Responsibilities included: direct response to Clinical Director; recording intakes and creating genograms and family histories for all potential clients to the agency; co-facilitating therapeutic groups; leading individual therapy sessions; working with senior staff clinicians to co-lead therapy sessions for individuals, couples, and families; maintenance of all paperwork and files on clients; and helped
develop new outlets for marketing to promote a greater awareness of the agency in the community.

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Brookline, MA

Temple Ohabei Shalom is a family reform congregation in the Boston area. The Ansin Religious School serves more than children and specializes in reaching students with special education needs and teaching with a “camp like” attitude.

Teacher, Religious High School

Responsible for creating a curriculum and weekly lesson plans for Grade Holocaust class, using the Facing History and Ourselves: Jews of Poland text. Also responsible for leading a “Hot Topics” class for Grade & students and incorporating Jewish text and/or though into the discussion.

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Education Programs Coordinator

Duties included: direct response to the Education Director, facilitating communication between Education Director and school teachers, designing a curriculum for and teaching the ninth grade Holocaust course, leading a group in the Hebrew High School program to address “hot topics” and sexuality, responding to parent concerns, serving as youth group advisor for Grades & , and working as a part of the youth team to develop programming for overnights and day events. Responsibilities also included all administrative duties for the religious school such as creating marketing materials, school newsletters (print and electronic), and facilitating all communication from the school office.

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Clinical Social Work Intern
Brookline, MA

Duties included: meetings with and assessment of school-aged individual clients, facilitation of groups in the high school program, and direct supervision of a court-mandated community service client. Participated in assessing needs for special education students, as well as communicating strategies to their teachers and tutors. Responsibilities also included discipline management for students’ whose behavior prevented them from remaining in the classroom. Population consists of Jewish students ranging from Pre-Kindergarten to High School and interaction with their parents and guardians. Students come from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and family make-ups (adoption, single parents, two same-sex parents, intermarriages, grandparents, etc.).

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Newton Centre, MA
Volunteer Intern – Kol Isha (Domestic Violence)

Duties included gathering materials for training/information sessions, reading and summarizing texts about domestic violence and domestic violence in the Jewish community, developing a familiarity with issues that victims of domestic violence face, and attending meetings shadowing the Kol Isha director.

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Boston, MA
Outreach Intern

Served as the Outreach Intern during the summer months. Duties included contacting state representatives on a variety of issues, gather information about the state government’s stance on Women’s reproductive rights, contacting supporters, and general administrative functions. Major task was to plan an event at a local bar to promote Planned Parenthood’s VOX program, for young adult involvement.

National Association of Social Workers- Member - Present
Boston University Alpha Phi Chapter Financial Advisor: -

List can be provided upon request.

Furnished upon request.