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Procurement Manager Resume


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Rhonda Allamby Mauch Chunk Street
Easton Pa.

Qualified Skills:
Analytical Time Management Problem solving Organized

Betesh Group - Procurement Manager May - August

Ø Primary contact between retailers and suppliers to meet company’s goals and objectives in marketing, merchandising, sales, graphic designers and product development.
Ø Implemented projects for project launch, maintained relationships with licensors and retailers for Eddie Bauer, Disney, Carter’s, Jeep, Avon, Wal*mart, Target, Sears.
Ø Analyzed sales history, identified key performers to strengthened seasonal sales growth.
Ø Coordinated financial analysis for new product margins, reported to VP of operations.
Ø Continually sourced and negotiated cost to maintain competitive margins.
Ø Prepared all purchase requisitions, invoices, scheduled and tracked deliveries interacted with logistics dept., coordinated work orders and prioritized multiple projects.
Ø Supervised product quality and brand integrity to meet consumes expectations.
Ø Managed product testing that adhered to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Faded Glory – Assistant Merchandiser Feb. - May

Ø Managed an extensive line of children’s private label sportswear.
Ø Oversaw production, design, and retail flow to meet timely in-house store deliveries.
Ø Measured brand performance to existing competitors through sales feed back for
areas of growth & opportunity in the market.
Ø Helped develop promotional packaging that specialized in brand call-out features, fabric performance & pricing with advertising department.
Ø Worked with planning department to maintain inventory levels based on prior selling performance & seasonal goals.
Ø Traveled to Magic trade show, and fashion forecast services for trend analysis.
Ø Developed technical design specs to maintain brand recognition and uniformity.
Ø Managed all administrative duties purchase requisitions, file, track and follow-up on orders.

Dance Theatre of Harlem -Costume Seamstress Jan. - Feb.

Ø Executed projects from an expert team of costume designers.
Ø Researched key novelty fabrics, drafted patterns, oversaw fit & maintained fabric library.
Ø Maintained development action calendar, Facilitated cut, sew & assembly process to meet deadlines.

Hanover Direct – Assistant Merchandiser April. - Dec.

Ø Assisted catalogs buyers in footwear selection.
Ø Conducted merchandise meetings, built time action calendar, prepared and tracked all purchase requisitions.
Ø Provided assortment layout, editorial copy to Advertising department.

Education: Fashion Institute of Technology B.S. May , Merchandise Management
Computer skills: Microsoft excel, word