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General Manager Resume


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T. Jakubowski
West Street, Naperville, IL

&#; Quickly assimilates new technical knowledge suitable for sales and sales support in: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, and Optics; and in Network Management;
&#; Develops superior relationships with customers, face-to-face, to sort out the best solution to their issues; and to work with staffers and managers in support of their commitment to company missions and goals;
&#; Functions well as team member to present the best possible solution or alternative action to satisfy the customers;
&#; Accepts the challenges that arise in changing conditions based upon numerous roles in several different company cultures.
&#; Pays attention to detail while maintaining the larger, strategic view.


&#; Awarded teaching contract (Northern Illinois University) for college boards prep test.
&#; Awarded training contracts from collective bargaining units associated with AT&T and Lucent Technologies.
&#; Awarded “Sales Representative of the Year,” “Sales Manager of the Year,” by exceeding goals by % and by developing and maintaining the
best relationships among customers, staffers, managers, and officers.
&#; Commercialized an intellectual property owned by an Illinois firm by introducing it to Dept of Defense (Army, Navy, US Marine Corps, SOCOM.)
&#; Having no experience, landed GSA and Defense contracts, ultimately leading to $, in federal income for client in .
&#; Closed a stalled multi-year, $,+ infrastructure project with Disparate stakeholders (engineering, finance, administration, collective bargaining, IT, and State Police on time and within budget.
&#; In a multi-year sales management project, developed and motivated winning sales and service teams, showing by example, reinforcing successful interpersonal techniques.
&#; In a one year marketing project, reached % of goal by developing national model of telemarketing campaign.


&#; General Manager, Thomas Technology Management - .
Industries Served: Federal and Defense (GSA, DOD, SOCOM, USMC);
University; Corporate Education; Consumer Retail.

&#; Network Manager, ISTHA, Downers Grove, IL, .
Industry Served: Local and State Government.

&#; Commercialization Executive, Lockheed-Martin Idaho Technologies,
L-M was the prime contractor to the DOE\'s Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.
BB Industries Served: Biotechnology, Chemicals, Chemical Engineering, Optics.
Special activity required close collaboration with Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Energy, Department of Commerce.

&#; Field Application Specialist - Spectroscopy, Varian Associates, Wood Dale, IL, Palo Alto, CA, and Melbourne, VC, Australia.
BB Industries Served: University research, Government research, Corporate R&D (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, drug discovery, biotech, diagnostics, and optics)(immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cardiology), Environmental monitoring and clean-up.

&#; Sales and Marketing Executive, Pafra BioPreservation, Skokie, IL, and Cambridge, UK. .
BB Industries served: Corporate R&D (drug discovery, process development, food, chemicals).

&#; Sales Manager, Pharmacia Biotechnology, Piscataway, NJ, and Uppsala, Sweden. .
BB Industries Served: Corporate R&D (drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, chemicals), University (immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, cardiology), Government.

&#; Program Manager, US Army Medical R&D Command, Ft. Detrick, MD.
Satisfied military obligation. Projects included biochemistry, medical, engineering, packaging, controlled substance.


University of Arizona, MS, Biochemistry
Loyola University, BS, Biology


&#; Commercializing Intellectual Property, Mohawk Research, Bethesda, MD
&#; Negotiations in Difficult Situations, Univ. of Utah School of Law
&#; Web Design and Development, Depaul University
&#; LAN/WAN Operations and Management, DePaul University
&#; Six Sigma Green Belt, Northern Illinois University
&#; Project Management, Northern Illinois University
&#; Supply Chain Management, University of Illinois
&#; Illinois Type Teaching Certificate