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T. Jakubowski
West Street, Naperville, IL
Quickly assimilates new technical knowledge suitable for sales and sales support in: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, and Optics; and in Network Management;
Develops superior relationships with customers, face-to-face, to sort out the best solution to their issues; and to work with staffers and managers in support of their commitment to company missions and goals;
Functions well as team member to present the best possible solution or alternative action to satisfy the customers;
Accepts the challenges that arise in changing conditions based upon numerous roles in several different company cultures.
Pays attention to detail while maintaining the larger, strategic view.
Awarded teaching contract (Northern Illinois University) for college boards prep test.
Awarded training contracts from collective bargaining units associated with AT&T and Lucent Technologies.
Awarded “Sales Representative of the Year,” “Sales Manager of the Year,” by exceeding goals by % and by developing and maintaining the
best relationships among customers, staffers, managers, and officers.
Commercialized an intellectual property owned by an Illinois firm by introducing it to Dept of Defense (Army, Navy, US Marine Corps, SOCOM.)
Having no experience, landed GSA and Defense contracts, ultimately leading to $, in federal income for client in .
Closed a stalled multi-year, $,+ infrastructure project with Disparate stakeholders (engineering, finance, administration, collective bargaining, IT, and State Police on time and within budget.
In a multi-year sales management project, developed and motivated winning sales and service teams, showing by example, reinforcing successful interpersonal techniques.
In a one year marketing project, reached % of goal by developing national model of telemarketing campaign.
General Manager, Thomas Technology Management - .
Industries Served: Federal and Defense (GSA, DOD, SOCOM, USMC);
University; Corporate Education; Consumer Retail.
Network Manager, ISTHA, Downers Grove, IL, .
Industry Served: Local and State Government.
Commercialization Executive, Lockheed-Martin Idaho Technologies,
L-M was the prime contractor to the DOE\'s Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.
BB Industries Served: Biotechnology, Chemicals, Chemical Engineering, Optics.
Special activity required close collaboration with Department of State, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Energy, Department of Commerce.
Field Application Specialist - Spectroscopy, Varian Associates, Wood Dale, IL, Palo Alto, CA, and Melbourne, VC, Australia.
BB Industries Served: University research, Government research, Corporate R&D (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, drug discovery, biotech, diagnostics, and optics)(immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, cardiology), Environmental monitoring and clean-up.
Sales and Marketing Executive, Pafra BioPreservation, Skokie, IL, and Cambridge, UK. .
BB Industries served: Corporate R&D (drug discovery, process development, food, chemicals).
Sales Manager, Pharmacia Biotechnology, Piscataway, NJ, and Uppsala, Sweden. .
BB Industries Served: Corporate R&D (drug discovery, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, chemicals), University (immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, cardiology), Government.
Program Manager, US Army Medical R&D Command, Ft. Detrick, MD.
Satisfied military obligation. Projects included biochemistry, medical, engineering, packaging, controlled substance.
University of Arizona, MS, Biochemistry
Loyola University, BS, Biology
Commercializing Intellectual Property, Mohawk Research, Bethesda, MD
Negotiations in Difficult Situations, Univ. of Utah School of Law
Web Design and Development, Depaul University
LAN/WAN Operations and Management, DePaul University
Six Sigma Green Belt, Northern Illinois University
Project Management, Northern Illinois University
Supply Chain Management, University of Illinois
Illinois Type Teaching Certificate