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Lingmin Zeng
Latham Street, Apt , Mountain View, CA
Email: , Phone:
I’m seeking a challenging .Statistician position within a creative firm that will allow me to utilize my skills in statistical modeling, multivariate analysis, data mining, as well as their applications in bioinformatics.
Ph.D., Statistics, Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, / (expected).
Dissertation title: Group variable selection methods and applications in genomic data
M.S., Computational Finance, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, /.
B.S., Applied Mathematics, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, /.
. Proficient programming skills in SAS, R/S.Plus, C, C++, QTL, Matlab, Python,Excel.
. Familiar with various operating systems: Linux, Windows NT/XP.
- Summer Intern, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, / – /.
Collect, combine and clean large dimensional data, design the experiment, write up the analysis plan, conduct the statistical analysis (ANOVA, ANCOVA, FDR and so on) using statistical tools (SAS and R) , summarize and present projects results, collaborates with Clinical trial scientists, Bioinformatics group, Biology scientists as well as senior biostatisticians.
- Research Assistant, Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, / – Present.
. Developed methods and algorithms to analyze large scale data with complex structures to do multivariate analysis.
. Applied factor regression and canonical correlation analysis to build a network for microarray genomic data.
. Conducted survival analysis to find different patterns of coherent genes which can help explain and predict cancer in patients with different survival time.
. Worked on comparing and implementing multiple sequence alignment tools to improve precision and accuracy in sequencing.
- Statistical Consultant and STACOM Consultant, Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, / – /.
Being a SAS, SPSS/R consultant for Purdue students and statistical method consultant for thesis preparation of Purdue graduate students. Design survey, compile and edit survey questions, code the questions and analyze the survey results for Department of Redevelopment of the City of Lafayette.
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics and Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, / – /.
Lecturer for elementary algebra, trigonometry, calculus, elementary statistics. Grader for advanced probability, mathematical finance, and options.
Publications and Submissions
. Lingmin Zeng, Jing Wu, and Jun Xie. “Statistical methods for inferring gene regulatory modules and networks”. Submitted to Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology.
. Lingmin Zeng and Jun Xie. “Penalized unbiased variable selection via SCAD L”. In preparation. Expect to submit in August, .
. Lingmin Zeng and Jun Xie. “Regularization and variable selection for data with interdependent structures”. Expect to submit in August, .
. Lingmin Zeng and Jun Xie. “Regularization and variable selection for data with interdependent structures”. Submitted to WNAR Conference for student paper competition.
. Lingmin Zeng and Jun Xie. “Regularization and variable selection for data with interdependent structures” for JSM conference as invited paper.
. “Regularization and variable selection for data with interdependent structures”. WNAR Conference, UC Davis, CA, /.
. “Integrative analysis for active regulation and network”. At the Third Annual Indiana Bioinformatics Conference, Indianapolis, IN, /.
. “Supervised analysis for yeast gene regulation”. In the Computing Research Institute (CRI) Seminar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, /.
Select Course Works
Experiments Design
Mathematical Statistics
Statistical Methodology
Multivariate Analysis
Data Mining and Visualization
Computational Statistics
Stochastic Process
Time Series Application
Probability Theory
Linear Models
Simulation Design and Analysis
Population Genetics
Quantitative Trait Locus and Mapping
Honors and Activities
. Member of ASA and WNAR.
. Leading officer of Graduate Student Organization, Department of Statistics, ..
. Officer of Graduate Student Organization, Department of Statistics, .
. Volunteer, P. Outreach, .
. Member of Statistics in the Community (STATCOM), .
. Folk dance leader, Chinese Students and Scholarship Association, .