The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
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US Academia, Bratislava, Slovakia and International House Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Taught English as a Second Language to adult learners, both groups and individuals.
April to April
Principal Investigator, Gray & Pape, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio
Principal Investigator in architectural history. Work involved extensive research, technical writing, and editing.
September to December
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Taught Introduction to Historic Preservation to a combined class of graduate and upper level undergraduate students.
December to July
Preservation Officer, City of Covington, Covington, Kentucky
Administered wide range of local, state and federal preservation programs, assisted building owners with rehab techniques and design issues, and administered preservation incentive programs. Other activities include neighborhood organizing, meeting planning, providing technical assistance, promotional activities.
March - November
Program Director, Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
Assisted board of directors in identifying priorities for preservation in Chicago and in implementing strategies to preserve significant buildings. Wrote, edited and produced bi-monthly newsletter.
January - March
Architectural Surveyor, Cincinnati Preservation Association, Cincinnati, Ohio
Surveyed and documented historic and architectural resources; researched local history. Reviewed county-sponsored rehabilitation projects for compliance with federal legislation (Section ).
January - December
Graduate Intern, Historic Conservation Office, City Planning Department, Cincinnati, Ohio
Worked with community group to establish boundaries and guidelines for local historic districts; assisted in preparation of Conservation Guidelines and Designation Reports.
June - September
Legal Secretary, Dinsmore & Shohl, Cincinnati, Ohio
Developed routine correspondence and documents; in-house instructor for word processing equipment; compiled office Policies and Procedures Manual; instructed and supervised new personnel.
Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, M.ED., Human Resource Development,
University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning, B.S., Design,
University of Cincinnati, University College, A.S.,
Prague Schools, Prague, Czech Republic, Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate (required to teach English in Europe), June .