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Director Resume


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Priscilla Peebles

th Avenue, # Home:
San Diego, CA Work:



M.A. Sociology, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
Specialization: Race and Ethnic Relations
B.A. Sociology, Humboldt State University

Lifetime Member of Pi Gamma Mu – International Honor Society in the Social Sciences

- Glenn Hoffmann Award – Exemplary Program. Santa Clara County School Boards
- Certificate of Commendation – Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
- Appreciation Award for Outstanding Contribution
- TRIO Distinguished Service Award, years in WESTOP
- Most Outstanding Staff Member – Undergraduate Studies Student Development Services, San Jose State University

California Community College Instructor Credential – Life
California Community College Supervisor Credential – Life


•EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT, Strategic Educational Planning & Organizational Development, Inc. (/ – present). Provide a broad list of services that includes grant writing, proofreading, identification of funding resources, strategies for writing and obtaining grants, revision of documents, letters of intent, needs assessment, evaluation, and budget preparation.

•DIRECTOR: OFFICE OF PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS, Academic Services, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA (/-/).

Upward Bound Program, Educational Talent Search, TRIO Dissemination Partnership Program, CAL SOAP, Pre-Academic Development Program, Collaborative Training Institute and st Century Community Learning Centers.
San Jose State University’s Office of Pre-College Programs was designed to increase student success and accessibility into higher education by coordinating the development and implementation of comprehensive, continuing school-family-community academic and motivation support programs.

Responsible for the administrative management of comprehensive educational programs, which included planning, developing, managing, and evaluating the San Jose State University’s Office of Pre-College Programs. Responsibilities included develop, expend, and monitor budget, .k; supervise full-time staff and over part-time staff/students; hire, supervise, and direct the training of staff in the delivery of services; ensure grant compliance; oversee core curriculum, coordinate public relations, outreach, and marketing campaign, develop and maintain community/statewide collaborations; maintain relations with school district administrators, teachers and counselors, community college instructors and staff, and university faculty and staff; research and write project proposals to maintain funding levels; maintain comprehensive database system; attend annual conferences; and evaluate program and prepare annual performance reports. Major accomplishments:

•% increase in funding, ($, - $,,).


• years directing the successful operations of the Upward Bound Summer Residential Program.

• - Glenn Hoffmann Award for Exemplary Programs, Santa Clara County School Boards Association, presented to Pre-College Programs and the Alum Rock Union Elementary School District for their collaborative work with the after school st Century Community Learning Centers Program.

• - California State Assembly Certificate awarded by S. Joseph Simitian, Member of the st Assembly District, for receiving the Glenn Hoffman Award for Exemplary Programs.

• - Certificate of Recognition, California State Assembly, presented by Assemblyman Manny Diaz, rd District, for leadership and resourcefulness exhibited through commitment in promotion of college opportunities to San Jose high school students.

• - Commendation Award, City of San Jose District , presented by Mayor Ron Gonzales and Council Member Nora Campos, for the success of the PCP after school centers to increase student performance of low-income, first generation students so that they meet and/or surpass state and local standards in core academic subjects.

•Certificate of Commendation, Alum Rock Union Elementary School District Board of Trustees, for PCP’s tireless enthusiasm, dedication and leadership in shaping and building the ongoing image of educational excellence.

•Pre-College Programs voted the Most Outstanding Program in Undergraduate Studies Student Development Services at SJSU. Program students enter postsecondary programs at a rate of %.

EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT - st Century Community Learning Centers, Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, San Jose, CA (/ – /). Responsible for securing and administering two st Century Community Learning Center programs (CCLC) at middle and elementary schools, approximately . mil. These were after school learning centers, which offered K- students an opportunity to increase their academic performance in mathematics, English and computer technology.

EOPS OUTREACH COORDINATOR, West Valley Community College, Saratoga, CA
(/-/). Responsible for planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring a comprehensive outreach program for the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services Office and Summer Readiness Program for West Valley Community College.

Responsibilities included the coordination of student outreach and recruitment; preparation of annual need data report to the Chancellor’s Office; development and coordination of public information material; preparation and evaluation of statistical reports on program students; coordination of the Summer Readiness Program; liaison with Financial Aid and Admissions and Records; financial aid counseling; development of proposals for outside funding; collection and analysis of data; preparation of written and oral reports; and service on College and District committees. Major accomplishments included the expansion of student/program activities and improved strategies, which achieved % EOPS enrollment increase; the development and coordination of the successful campus wide “High School Day” Program; the improvement of the delivery of services to financial aid students; and the development of media resources which enhanced perception EOPS program on campus and throughout the community.

&#; Goal oriented, challenge motivated
&#; Strong leadership abilities
&#; Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills
&#; Innovative project direction and completion
&#; Ability to build trust and loyalty – team player


&#; SEPOD CONSULTANT, $ per hour
&#; Director, Office of Pre-College Programs, $, month