Women's Job List

psychotherapist/ Social Worker Resume


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th St W., Apple Valley, Minnesota
Home Phone: *Cell phone:

Masters in Clinical Social Work; University of St. Thomas/ College of St. Catherine,
St. Paul, Minnesota. May .

Bachelor of Science in Child Development and Family Life (emphasis on Family Systems); University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie,Wisconsin. May . Minor: Speech Communications

Psychotherapist for adults in an Urban Counseling Center; treatment of mental health using a variety of therapeutic interventions.(-present)

Diagnosis of clients on the DSMIV criteria.(-present)

Safety planning for clients; crisis referrals and assessments for suicidal and homicidal risk. (ongoing)

Facilitated psychoeducational support groups for children in the areas of family change, friendship, grief and social skills ()

Provided crisis support for families (both adults and children) in the elementary school ()

Created and facilitated a friendship group for children with medical issues at school, to increase assets and overcome barriers for children. ()

Gave elementary age appropriate classroom presentations on peace, safe touch, bullying /teasing, community connections, and sensitivity awareness. ().

Met with children and parents individually for support; used psychodynamic skills with these clients.(ongoing)

Wrap team facilitation: Facilitated several wrap teams for children with mental health diagnosis. Recipient of a Scott County Family Net Outstanding Plan Award. (-)

Assessed and wrote safety plans for children and adults who were in abusive or domestic violent situations. (- present)

Grant writing: wrote and successfully funded a grant to train teachers on trauma and children. (internship- -)

Developed and used a plan for ethical dilemmas and assessing professional boundaries. (ongoing)

Assessed the biopsychosocial situation of client and implemented plans to address the whole person in the environment. (-present)

Helped create a Family Resource Center, through the Weed and Seed Program in my role as Family Support Worker. ()

Participated in the Family Service Collaborative, IEP teams, Children’s Mental Health Collaborative, and TAT team (-present)

Latino Parenting Support Group Facilitator().

Mandated reporting to child protection when necessary (ongoing)

Record keeping, client case notes, treatment plans and data entry for client case files (ongoing).

Wrap-Around Facilitator Certification and Train the Trainer Training ()
State of Minnesota Pre-kindergarten Teaching License (current)
Restorative Group Conference Facilitation Training ()
Cultural trainings (ongoing)


Therapist, MSW intern Urban Counseling Center,
Catholic Charities

Teacher; Tutor Sylvan Learning Center

School Social Worker, MSW intern Richfield Intermediate School

Relief Staff Worker Robert B Lewis House
Battered Women’s Shelter

Elementary School Family Support Worker Community Action Council

- Early Childhood Educator Early Childhood Family Education

- Preschool Developmental Screener School District #

- Preschool Teacher Small World Preschool