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Head Teacher Resume


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OBJECTIVE; To gain a teaching position in the field of Early Childhood Education

-present -Head Teacher West Haven Head Start Program West Haven, CT
Developed and implemented weekly lesson plans
Developed individual learning plans for each child in the classroom. This was done in the areas of Language
Development, Math, Science, Social/Emotional, Creative Arts, Literacy, Physical Health Development, and
Approaches to Learning.
Assessed students in the social/emotional area using the Deveruex Early Childhood Assessment
Assessed students three times a year using The Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum.
Wrote monthly observations in the areas of Language Development, Math, Science, Social/Emotional, Creative
Arts, Literacy, Physical Health and Development, and Approaches to Learning.
Home visits done twice a year to discuss initial goals and then end of the year progress.
Consulted with Board of Education staff to diagnose special needs. Then attended PPT to assist in the writing of Individual Education Plan.
Supervised and evaluated teacher and teacher aide in the classroom.
Supervised student teachers and evaluated them as needed.
Conducted bi-weekly supervisory meetings with the teacher and teacher aide.
Consulted with outside agencies such as Yale Child Study Center, Involving staff and students in the
Implementation of the curriculum.
Joined committees to assist in planning family activities.
Acted as spokes person for Head Start to seek funding at City Council meetings.

-Teacher-Good Shepard Day Care Center, Milford, CT
Classroom of children six weeks through three years old.
Assisted the Director, Educational Consultant and two Co-workers in design of the classroom. Assisted in the
Development of curriculum for different aged children in one classroom.
Consulted with Board of Education Staff, Special Needs Teacher, Occupational and Physical Therapist in the
Caring and teaching of a special needs student.

-Head Teacher-West Haven Green Nursery School, West Haven, Ct
Developed and implemented weekly lesson plans for two three year old classes.
Assessed students to discuss progress for parent/teacher conferences.
Consulted with Board of Education staff when special needs were appropriate for student.
Evaluated teachers yearly for annual review.

Teacher-West Haven Green Nursery School, West Haven, Ct
Assisted Head Teacher in planning and implementing weekly lesson plan.
Led class when Head Teacher was absent.
Assisted Head Teacher in assessments of students education for parent/teacher conferences.

South Central Community College Graduated
Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education
Phi Betta Kappa Honor Society
Award Recognition:
Biography printed in th edition of the Annual National Dean’s List

Available upon request