The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
*Persevere and you’ll get there”
Articulate, intelligent, persistent and resourceful.
Can you use those qualities?
Successful year track record with major Department of Defense employer holding
diverse staff and management positions. Extensive interfacing with highest levels
of management - government personnel, public officials and agencies. Special
expertise in developing and managing equal employment/affirmative action programs
and race relations education programs.
* Established/managed new programs
* Developed administrative procedures for new office
* Developed administrative management directives
* Supervised clerical office personnel
Sales Marketing
* Increased sales activity with new prospects/inactive accounts, increasing
sales by %
* Canvassed door-to-door raising funds for community center - consistently
exceeding goals
resulting in % increased annual contributions
Public Relations
* Attended national conferences as agency representative
* Served on agency boards and committees
* Counseled employees assisting in developing career development
plans resulting in advancement
* Completed Sales/Marketing training
* Completed Race Relations Education Facilitation training
* Completed various Human Resources job-related training courses (equivalent to BA)