Women's Job List

president Resume

Bright Avenue, Whittier, California,
Mobile: /, Fax: /

To become an integral part of a dynamic facilitating/ training/ consulting institution, to demonstrate and further develop my presentation and facilitating skills, communication & writing skills, and overall/specialized business knowledge.

The Precision Roofing & Construction Company, President, - Present
Built a licensed and insured roofing and general construction corporation with . million in annual sales. Trained general managers, production managers, sales representatives, crews and staff. Multitasked with sales, production, advertising, and accounting. Created a professional, continuous-learning environment using the latest specifications and technologies. Maintained a company philosophy of growth, quality and safety. Created close interpersonal relations with architects, designers, engineers, inspectors and other significant partners in the industry with Precision personnel and the community at large. Managed long-term commercial accounts, repeat clientele and pursued spec-construction projects, historically significant projects & custom building opportunities.

Pasadena City College, Instructor, –
Developed and taught Conversational Spanish I, II, and III to working adults in evening classes.

Workplace Learning Resource Center & The Workplace Improvement Center, Facilitator/Trainer, –
For ARCO Oil, developed Customer Service Slide Presentation delivered at the Downey Embassy Suites and other locations throughout California. For Sempra Energy, created and trained in Vocational Spanish in the Downtown, Los Angeles location. For Rialto Steel, developed and instructed Industry Specific Workplace English & Workplace Spanish, and Safety in the Workplace.

Jackson Dawson Marketing, Logistics Travel Coordinator, –
Planned and purchased all travel itinerary, coordinated all rental vehicles, & booked all hotels for all facilitators, managers and set-up crews traveling nationwide for the ‘Ride and Drive Program’(s). Within cities, highlighted restaurants, home improvement stores, large truck rentals & more, for crew comfort and preparedness against travel problems.

J Marketing Services Advertising Company, Media Coordinator,–
Bought media space on behalf of tech clients in tech-specific media, including publications, newspapers, and radio. Interviewed media sales consultants, detailed research in pursuit of the best media vehicles for the clients’ message based on the target audience. Purchased media space daily, maintained logs, purchase orders, billings to inside accounting, and client files current.

Rio Hondo College, AA, Basic Education and Business
California State University, Fullerton, BA, Communications/Marketing-Advertising
University of San Diego, Professional Preparation for Adult Vocational Instruction
State of California, Teaching Credential for adults in: Marketing, Social Sciences, English as a Second Language, Elementary & Secondary Basic Skills
Credentialed for Occupational Spanish Trainer at Community Colleges
State of California Certified in Real Estate Finance and Real Estate Practice
Covey Institute, Time Management Skills
Langevin, Train-the-Trainer Certificate
Anthony Robbins, Unleash the Power Within


• Presentation/Facilitator/Trainer Skilled
• Experienced in Research and Program Development
• Creative, artistic, design-function minded
• Interpersonal skilled with experience in business development with major corporations, businesses, owners, upper management and associations
• Bilingual Spanish, read and write
• A leader, a team player, a problem-solver
• Willing to travel, as necessary

References available upon request.