Women's Job List

Educational Consultant Resume


– Current President. Educational Consultant, Noronha Networks, Inc.
Organize, host, and facilitate professional development seminars, workshops, and career fairs for professionals, adults and teens. Coordinate city-wide educational and cultural events. Serve as media spokesperson and manage media relationships. Created, hosted, and executive produced “The Community Connection” radio show. Served as public affairs representative. Created designed, and maintained the community affairs website www.CommunityandBeyond.com. Former featured columnist for Clarksville, Tennessee/Fort Campbell, Kentucky newspaper and e-columnist for www.soloops.com.

– Current Adjunct Faculty, Central Texas College.
Continuing Education (Currently), Office Technology ().
Curriculum Development. Coordinate and deliver timely courses and programs for professional, young adult, and teen learners as requested and/or needed for the Central Texas region.

– Coordinator, Central Texas College, Distance Learning/eArmyU. Responsible for recruitment/hiring/retention, benefits and policy management, and departmental training and development. Served as key point of contact for all registration efforts of distance learning, military, and eArmyU students (nationwide). Liaised with IBM ensuring policy/program management and pre/post-class Internet measures were complete per department, state, region, and Army contract regulations.

– Coordinator, APSU Center for Extended Education.
Coordinated and marketed non-credit and customized courses to fulfill the educational needs of the adult community, youth, military, government, and local business and industry. Responsible for recruitment/hiring/retention, orientation and program management, and training and development of staff and instructors. Represented college at community events, area schools, job fairs, and on educational panels. Strategically positioned and promoted course offerings via sales presentations to key points of contacts in the Tennessee/Kentucky region.

– Retail/Customer Service Training Manager. (Retailers included J.C. Penney Co. Inc., Montgomery Wards, and Wilson’s Leather Store). Areas: Kansas City, MO; Topeka, KS; Clarksville, TN. Responsible for the recruitment, training, staffing, scheduling, and retention of management and sales associates for assigned area/district. Represented retailer at area school district programs, community events, and citywide business expos and job fairs. Duties also included sales, planning, buying, and merchandising of products in my areas of responsibility.

EDUCATION: Central Missouri State University (CMSU) Warrensburg, MO
B. S., Business Administration,

Capella University Minneapolis, MN

INFORMATION: Experience in MS Office Suite – Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, and Publisher. AceWare. WebCT. Respondus. Datatel. HP. PC. Mac. Website building and maintenance. Blogging.

CIVIC SERVICE: Board of Directors - City of Killeen, Killeen Volunteers, Inc. (Texas)
Board of Directors - Killeen ISD Education Foundation (Texas)
Member - Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce (Texas)
President, Vice-President, member - Clarksville Human Relations Commission (Tennessee), a Mayoral appointment.

REFERENCES: Available upon request.