Women's Job List

Facilitator, Coordinator, Service Provider Resume


Fox Hollow, Avon, CT .

Leadership and Activities

Team Leader, Landmark Volunteers, Gould Farm, Monterey, MA & Sharon Audubon Center, CT; July , July- August .
Instructed two-week high school volunteer programs. Guided dialogues on importance of service work, incorporating service into daily life at home, and current social issues. Mentored students and interns on age related topics such as college, relationships, etc.

World Partners Fellowship, American Jewish World Service, RAINS, Tamale, Ghana; November , - April , .
Researched domestic violence in Northern Ghana to document the need for a safe house. Assisted in facilitating workshops on HIV/AIDS and child trafficking for teachers, chiefs, and other community leaders. Strengthened the Human Trafficking and Girls Education Departments by providing resources, statistics, human rights research, and informational documents.

Instructor Internship, Outward Bound Discovery, Yulee, Florida; May-Sept .
Utilized reality therapy to facilitate at-risk and committed delinquent teenagers in character development, decision-making, and social responsibility. Facilitated day jail alternative programs and intercept courses. Developed individualized goal plans.

Assistant, Goucher College Athletic Department, Baltimore, MD; October - May .
Provided administrative support to Athletic Trainer by organizing and filing important paper work, entering computer data, running errands, and maintaining the training room facilities. Kept inventory of supplies and provided care for athletes.

Coordinator, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD; March- April .
Organized students and student organizations to attend Rally for Darfur. Educated Goucher students for better understanding and awareness of genocide in Sudan. Organized fundraising and funding for transportation for students to Rally in D.C.

Ropes Course Facilitator, Genesee Valley, Parkton, MD; Summer and .
Utilized experiential learning skills to facilitate group activities. Strengthened trust, communication, and life skills among upper to middle class children, inner city youth, and adjudicated youth. Enhanced self-confidence and problem solving skills using different methods of experiential learning within a ropes course setting.

Facilitator, Help Increase the Peace & Peer Mediation, Bernard Harris Elementary School, Baltimore, MD; Fall .
Trained rd and th graders in an inner city school effective communication skills. Introduced concepts of emotionally appropriate vocabulary and personal awareness. Facilitated dialogue on race, violence, and peer mediation. Empowered students to take active roles in their school and at home.

Community Service Experiences

Volunteer, House of Ruth, Baltimore, MD. March- May .
Assisted in child care facility at shelter for victims of domestic violence. Provided women time to find permanent housing, job search, and pull their lives back together. Served as role-model for children.

Volunteer, Hillel’s Katrina/ Rita Recovery Rebuild Alternative Spring, Mississippi. March- May .
Assisted in community rebuilding efforts to provide support for displaced low-income families. Organized follow up by representing volunteers in allocating a donation to local elementary school.

Volunteer, Corrymeela, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland August .
Served as a resource to implement week-long group programs at a conflict resolution center for disadvantaged groups of Northern Ireland. Provided support for disabled adults and their families to spend time together. Modeled non-violent behavior for children with incarcerated fathers and histories of domestic violence.

Volunteer, Loreto Day School, Calcutta, India, January-April .
Improved English skills for first generation learners through reinforcement of lessons and confidence building. Empowered girls to break cycle of poverty.

Volunteer, Rainbow School, Calcutta, India, January- April .
Mentored street kids to give them motivation to continue with their education by building self-esteem and self worth. Worked through language barriers to develop a connection.

Participant, College Corps American Jewish World Service, Ghana and Ukraine, Summer .
Lived in Ghanaian village and helped build a school for the community, participated in first dialogue between community and Western people. Worked with local Ukrainian youth to clean cemeteries.


Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, May
Cumulative GPA .: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Minor in Women’s Studies
Semester Abroad, International Partnership for Service Learning, Loreto College, Calcutta, India Spring .
Intensive Course Abroad, Inequality & Social Transformation, South Africa, January
Scholarships and Awards, All Academic Award for maintaining GPA over . while athlete, , . Gates Leadership Award.
Certifications, TESOL/TESL teacher Certification, Wilderness First Responder