Women's Job List

Data Entry / Computer Resume

Ms. R Maheswari
No. , st ‘B’ Cross Road,
rd Stage, th Block,

Sub: Application for the post of Data Entry / Computer Operator

The following is my bio data, which I am sure will find it appealing and interesting.

Personal Informations

Name : R. Maheswari

Father’s Name : G Raghavan

Date of Birth : --

Sex : Female

Marital Status : Married (Divorced)

Religion : Hindu

Other Information

Qualification : PUC (Commerce)
Studied upto nd year B.Com)

Technical Qualification: Passed English Typing @ wpm.
Passed English Shorthand @ wpm.

Computer Knowledge : MS Windows (Word & Excel), Internet, E-mail, Lotus,
Wordstar, Foxpro, etc.

Experience : Worked as a Steno cum Secretary & Computer Operator in
Private Concerns for years.

Knowledge of handling independently all office routine
Correspondence, preparing tender enquiries, etc.
Preparing all documents in Ms Windows (Word & Excel),
E-mail, Internet, Fax Operating/Electronic Typewriting,etc.
Typing in computer with a high speed i.e. experience of
Working in Call centre.

Languages Known : English, Kannada, Hindi, Marathi & Tamil.

Present Salary: Rs. /-

Expected Salary: Above Rs. ,/-

Having given an opportunity in your esteemed organization, I am sure to prove my ability in terms of quality & quantity of work with all my sincerity and dedication. My vast experience would be an asset to your organization. I do anticipate a favourable reply form your end.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


Place: Bangalore


Ms. R Maheswari
No. , st ‘B’ Cross Road,
rd Stage, th Block,

Sub: Application for the post of Data Entry / Computer Operator

The following is my bio data, which I am sure will find it appealing and interesting.

Personal Informations

Name : R. Maheswari

Father’s Name : G Raghavan

Date of Birth : --

Sex : Female

Marital Status : Married (Divorced)

Religion : Hindu

Other Information

Qualification : PUC (Commerce)
Studied upto nd year B.Com)

Technical Qualification: Passed English Typing @ wpm.
Passed English Shorthand @ wpm.

Computer Knowledge : MS Windows (Word & Excel), Internet, E-mail, Lotus,
Wordstar, Foxpro, etc.

Experience : Worked as a Steno cum Secretary & Computer Operator in
Private Concerns for years.

Knowledge of handling independently all office routine
Correspondence, preparing tender enquiries, etc.
Preparing all documents in Ms Windows (Word & Excel),
E-mail, Internet, Fax Operating/Electronic Typewriting,etc.
Typing in computer with a high speed i.e. experience of
Working in Call centre.

Languages Known : English, Kannada, Hindi, Marathi & Tamil.

Present Salary: Rs. /-

Expected Salary: Above Rs. ,/-

Having given an opportunity in your esteemed organization, I am sure to prove my ability in terms of quality & quantity of work with all my sincerity and dedication. My vast experience would be an asset to your organization. I do anticipate a favourable reply form your end.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


Place: Bangalore
