Women's Job List

Commodity Analyst Resume

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OBJECTIVE: Position as Administrative Manager/Business Data Analyst

My background, training and people skills qualify me for the position of administrative manager and/or business data analyst. I would like to continue training in my field and advance to a challenging position utilizing my current skills so that I can be a valuable asset to the company I work for.

Woodbury University (/-/) Degree: BS
Major: Office Administration GPA: . out of .

Date: / -/ Title: Administrative Mgr/Operations Mgr/Commodity Analyst Organization: Avnet, Inc.
Defense/Aerospace Business Unit
Provides management with business analysis, recommendations, and projections relative to overall profit and loss control. Assists in the preparation of quarterly and annual operating budgets. Audits financial reports to ensure integrity of data. Reviews Accounts Payable Registers, and various assessment reports for irregularities. Coordinates discrepancy resolution between corporate, operations, and area centers.

Executes new and existing policies and procedures. Executes and manages the compliance of corporate operations directives. Guides and trains accountable personnel in the interpretation and application of corporate policies and procedures.

Develops recommendations to achieve better utilization and provide maximum return on investment of resources. Oversees management of facilities, capital and equipment to ensure its functionality, productivity, and security. Reviews and approves facility and equipment expenditures to ensure compliance with corporate policies and procedures. Participates in cost negotiations with suppliers for resources such as: telephone systems, computer and networking systems, office supplies, leased equipment, and building space.

Manages departmental employee files. Controls the payroll, commissions, income plan and CPF process. Assists with the scheduling and planning of all DBU meetings.

Independently researches and abstracts complex information in preparation for meetings and special projects. Writes reports and prepares budgets for manager’s approval. Proofreads and edits work of manager. Reviews and prepares expense reports for principal manager’s approval. May monitor expense reports of principal manager’s staff.

Operates stand-alone word processors, personal computers, or CRT’s to perform the full scope of word processing applications, including merge-mail letters as well as documents containing complex financial or statistical data or scientific, technical or legal terminology. Enter and manipulate data on spreadsheet, database, or file management programs.

Coordinates with internal and external executive-level staff to accomplish moderately complex activities such as scheduling, identifying outside speakers, and developing agendas or recreational programs for both local and non-local group meetings or events. Assures that managers direct reports meet scheduled administrative deadlines as assigned to them, such as monthly reports.

Prepares and distributes minutes of staff meetings. Sets up and maintains confidential files for principal manager(s).

Date: / - / Title: Administrative Secretary Organization:Avnet, Inc., Def/Aero DBU
Under limited supervision and within general guidelines, provides support to department by performing advanced secretarial/administrative duties that require the exercise of independent judgment and discretion. Duties may include composition of routine and non-routine documents, word processing, transcription, control of confidential files, the screening of telephone calls and visitors.

Terri Griggs Resume (Page Cont’d)

Date: / - / Title: Administrative Assistant Organization: CT Engineering

Duties: / - /: Provided administrative support at TRW for the Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs department. Duties included: Making travel arrangements, preparing expense reports, and coordinating meetings. Created large database program using Lotus to evaluate the disposal of hazardous waste through the TRW facility.

/ - /: Provided computer support at Science Applications, Inc. Duties included: Assisting with proposal activities (i.e., typing charts and reports) and assistant with inputs to Access database program.

/ - /: Provided secretarial support at Hughes Aircraft for the Health & Safety department. Duties included: Making travel arrangements, preparing expense reports, ordering and maintaining office supplies, creating and updating video library, and coordinating Health & Safety training sessions.

Avnet, Inc. / - /: Provided administrative support for two vice presidents and sales representatives in the Military Sales and Marketing Department. Duties included: Making travel arrangements, preparing expense reports, ordering and managing office supplies, and creating and typing charts and reports using Harvard Graphics and Word Perfect for bi-weekly and monthly presentations.

CT Eng. / - /: Provided secretarial support at TRW on the Milstar Program. Duties included: Making travel arrangements, preparing expense reports, coordinating meetings, ordering and maintaining office supplies, keeping appointment calendars, typing (i.e., viewgraphs, memos, letters, etc.). Assisted with editing, typing (i.e., complex graphics charts using McDraw), proofing, and coordinating proposal packages).

/ - /: Provided secretarial support to manager and engineers at TRW on the TDRS Program. Duties included: Making travel arrangements and preparing expense reports, coordinating meetings, ordering and maintaining office supplies, keeping appointment calendars, typing (i.e., weekly reports, viewgraphs, memos, letters, etc.).

/ - /: Provided administrative support to manager and engineers at SAIC, Inc. Duties included: Making weekly travel arrangements and preparing expense reports for engineers, maintaining document database and document library, coordinating meetings, ordering and maintaining office supplies, typing (i.e., weekly reports, viewgraphs, memos, letters. etc.).

Date: / - / Title: Administrative Secretary Organization: Western Personnel
Duties: Provided secretarial support to manager, supervisor and a staff of administrators in the subcontract management group at Hughes Aircraft (ESG). Duties included: Preparing expense reports, making travel arrangements, coordinating meetings, ordering and maintaining office supplies, keeping appointment calendars and filing. Maintained personnel files and processed all necessary personnel paperwork. Training several secretaries on office procedures and on the use of PC software. Typing included reports and viewgraphs for weekly meetings, subcontract packages and multiple forms.

Date: / - / Title: Administrative Secretary Organization: Adia Personnel
Duties: Provided secretarial support to the marketing department at Computax (a computerized tax service company). Duties included: Answering phones (frequent client contact), making travel arrangements, and typing (i.e., expense reports, letters, memos, reports and viewgraphs). Sent e-mail and wires and assisted with checking computerized tax returns. Created and updated DBase program which was used to route weekly mass mailings to numerous divisions throughout the country.

Date: / - / Title: Administrative Secretary Organization: Volt Personnel
Duties: Provided secretarial support to several managers on a classified proposal phase at Hughes Aircraft, Space & Communications. Duties included: Typing (i.e., letters, viewgraphs, reports, charts), coordinating meetings, taking meeting minutes, putting together proposal packages; assisting contracts personnel in creating spreadsheets, bar and line graphs using Lotus; coordinating the typing phase of the proposal effort and training secretaries on the PC software. Created BASIC programs to input engineering symbols into documents and graphs.

Date: / - / Title: Administrative Secretary Organization: TRW Defense Systems Group
Duties: Provided secretarial support to a manager and three administrators. Duties included: making travel arrangements, coordinating meetings, answering phones and typing letters, reports and forms.

Terri Griggs Resume (Page Cont’d)

Date: / - / Title: Secretary Organization: Staff Aids Inc.
Duties: Secretarial support at Hughes Aircraft, Radar Systems Group in the major subcontracts area. Duties included: Typing subcontract packages, purchase orders and charts for weekly meetings, answering heavy phones, filing and inputting data on a CRT terminal.

Date: / - / Title: Secretary Organization: Zip Personnel
Duties: Administrative support at Union Bank typing reports, taking dictation, dictaphone, policy typing, and general office work.

Date: / - / Title: Secretary Organization: Chubb & Son, Inc.,
Duties: Heavy dictaphone typing, filing and taking dictation.

Typing: WPM Shorthand: WPM
Office Machines: IBM PC, Macintosh, -Kay Adder, Memorywriter, Dictaphone
Software: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, Millennium, Genesis, Lotus , MacDraw Pro, WordPerfect, Wordstar, MultiMate, Multiplan, DBase III+, Persuasion, Harvard Graphics

SkillSoft Training Courses with emphasis on: Finance, Communication and Business training courses.

Additional Training Courses: HH Resources; Management Training & ; Operational Excellence (Handling Telephones); Strategic Business Unit Policy & Procedure Training; WebIntelligence Basics; Voyager-Sellside/Graphical Analysis; Voyager-Scorecard; CRM - Demand Creation; CRM Customer, SAP

TRW After Hours Program: Using Microcomputers; TRW Career Charting Course
Xerox Word Processor Training

Participated as Marketing Director for the Executive Policy Clinic at Woodbury University. The Clinic objective was to apply principles of management learned through university study to an actual business enterprise. Latest concepts of business principles were applied to the operation of this firm to find methods through which the organization could function more effectively. A thorough review of the company, its organization and interrelation of its various departments was made and there was consideration of all problems, which confront the executive in relation to his responsibilities and business policy. Our class selected for study Hilton Hotels. At the conclusion of the Executive Policy class, a panel presentation was made before the officials of the parent company detailing our recommendations. The firm was very pleased with the presentation and implemented many of our recommendations.

Revised filing system for an insurance company. The new system made filing easier and cut down on time consuming work.

Created a database system for the marketing department of a computerized tax company. This system helped to expedite distribution of mass mailings to various sales offices throughout the country.

After taking training courses in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), over a period of nine months participated as CRM Champion and assisted Avnet in rolling out this application to approximately employees in my branch. The purpose of this application was to significantly alter the way Avnet interacts and sells to our customers.

REFERENCES: Available upon request