Women's Job List

Senior Field Representative Resume

(mobile) (residence)

Over years executive and senior-level regional and country director international and US domestic non-profit representation and management experience in Africa, North America and Southeast Asia.
· International and headquarters-based organizational representation, diplomacy and protocol
· effective partnership, corporate relations and networking
· strong administrative and financial management, detailed budgeting, audit compliance
· committed human resources teamwork, support, staff care and professional career growth
· comprehensive program/project development, design, implementation and strategic planning
· outstanding public speaking, marketing, verbal and written communications
· personable, outgoing global and multi-cultural understanding, presence and outreach
Representation, Protocol, Partnership, Networking, Donor and Board Relationships and Initiatives
§ Regional and Country Director representation in more than African countries and in Indonesia
§ Ensured American Red Cross Indonesia support and collaboration during catastrophic disasters that befell Indonesia during earthquakes, floods, volcano eruptions through quick action monetary programs, immediate deployment of American Red Cross in-country staff
§ Regional and Country Director representation in more than African countries and in Indonesia
§ Appointment to the Roche Pharmaceuticals African American Breast Cancer Advisory Board
§ Supervised a successful Donor Trip (donors represented contributions of more than $ million towards American Red Cross tsunami efforts) with NHQ and in-country staff assistance
§ March Hosting of Plan International Board of Director’s Meeting bringing together over International and National Directors for a detailed quarterly meeting
§ Secured operating and registration authority with the Government of Rwanda, opening and staffing the UMCOR Rwanda office, an extremely difficult, yet significant protocol achievement

Management and Fiscal Integrity Human Resources, Staff Development
§ Supervised Finance Division in first consultative American Red Cross Indonesia consultative audit in which findings indicated that funds management was exemplary, senior management and staff was risk conscious and were informed and adhered to procedures and policies and that needed and necessary systems were in place and operating properly
§ Successful program and financial audits conducted in countries served, compliance procedures in place
§ Provided sound fiscal management of two UMCOR/UNHCR refugee projects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo totalling more than three million dollars (US)
§ Supervised hiring and placement of more than international and local staff during the tsunami rebuilding and rehabilitation in Indonesia
§ Provided leadership support for development of Staff Care Programs in all countries served

Operations, Support and Security
§ Supervised staffing and set-ups of support/operational divisions: human resources, logistics, security and reinforced administrative and financial procedures in several African countries and Indonesia
§ Ensured development of internal security systems, manuals and polices which included security updates, mock evacuations and security awareness training for each African country post and Indonesia
§ Provided the leadership and technical direction for the Plan Togo Corporate Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System, the Corporate Child Sponsorship System and the General Ledger Financial Management tracking system
§ Successfully evacuated over fifty () UMCOR staff, volunteers and church members during the Great Lakes/East Africa Conflict of –
§ Supervised and directed emergency relief operations for returning Rwandan refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
§ Conception, development and design of a Country Evacuation Strategy and Policy Manual as a result of continuing political unrest in Togo. Manual became the security prototype for the Plan West Africa Region
§ Established and managed the East Africa Aviation Program which included a King Air Beech craft nine-seater airplane appropriately named “UMCOR-AIR”
Program Development and Strategic Planning
§ By February , % of key long-term programs and projects successfully planned for American Red Cross activities in Indonesia
§ Supervised and lead the development and implementation of the five year comprehensive strategic development plan, including an annual yearly plan and supplemental accountability framework strategy
§ Supervised development of the Plan Togo Comprehensive Country Strategic Plan
§ Development of a detailed community engagement and accountability division to ensure compliance and indigenous community support for community-based programs in Africa and Indonesia
§ Refining/Redesigning and Securing a million (USD) USAID Public/Private Global Development Alliance Grant for the Republic of Georgia for a women’s wellness center
§ Successful deployment of refurbished x-ray and breast cancer screening equipment and training teams to Georgia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan and Zambia
§ Leadership and Supervision in USAID RFA and RFP technical grant writing to support health, child survival, women’s wellness, global alliance and public/private partnerships in Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Liberia, Zambia, Mozambique and Tanzania
§ Leadership and Supervision in development and design of the PLAN Togo Rights of the Child Program which garnered country-wide and international attention

Public Relations, Media and Communications Support
§ Successful portrayal and representation of American Red Cross achievements in print, radio and broadcast mediums, particularly for the First and Second Year Indonesia Tsunami Anniversaries
§ Instituted and guided initiatives to ensure American Red Cross support to communities: community bulletin boards, community complaint forms and a community hotline
§ Development and Design of several children’s related public relations campaigns including a child rights radio project, “Devio Be Radio” and activity manual, strategies to increase children’s participation in programs, development of a youth-to-youth HIV/AID’s peer education campaign and initiatives against child labor, child poverty and child trafficking
§ Increased the profile and image of Plan Togo within the organization worldwide, with the Government of Togo and with international organizations such as UNICEF, Save the Children and CARE


Senior Field Representative
The American Red Cross - Tsunami Recovery Program – Indonesia, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
June – April
Completed overseas assignment as the Senior Field Representative (SFR) for the American Red Cross’s $ million dollar tsunami relief recovery and rehabilitation program for Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Simultaneously served as Head of Programs. Since June , achieved effective partnership recognition with local government and partners, strong start-up and implementation of five key multi-million dollar long-term development programs including avian flu, supervised and led first successful consultative audit, ensured consistent and conscientious teamwork, promotion and professional development of Indonesian staff, ensured development of internal security systems, human resources, logistics and operations divisions with instructional manuals and polices. By February , ensured that approximately % of approved funds allocated for programs and projects were staffed, up and running, successfully planned and led the development of the five year comprehensive strategic development plan, including the annual yearly plan and a precedent setting accountability framework plan, further ensuring sustainability with appropriate monitoring, log-frame development and appropriate exit strategies by . Supervised five direct reports and led a staff of international and local staff.

Program Coordinator
The America Red Cross – Tsunami Recovery Program – Indonesia. Banda Aceh, Indonesia
October – May
Responsible for managing, overseeing and supervising all programs and programmatic activity for the American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program in Indonesia, consisting of several multi-million dollar programs to address relief, recovery and rehabilitation needs following the devastation of the tsunami of December . Specific duties and responsibilities include teamwork/team building within the delegation, supervision and management of all program managers and staff, technical oversight, collaborative proposal/budget writing and submission, project identification, design and development and partnership networking. Directly supervised fifteen staff.

Director of International Development and Programs
Carelift International, Philadelphia, PA
March – December
Responsible for representation, programming, management, supervision, strategic planning and direction of Carelift’s International medical provision equipment programs implemented in Europe and Eurasia. Special emphasis placed on expanding the current program and developing appropriate, strategic partnerships within Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia. Targeted emphasis on aligning medical equipment and supply operations with sound program delivery and development which resulted in a $ million dollar USAID grant to provide cancer screening equipment and training for a women’s wellness program in the Republic of Georgia. Direct supervision of five national staff and five overseas staff.

Plan International, Inc. Woking, Surrey England

Sponsorship and Grants Manager
PLAN International – Tanzania, East Africa
September – March
Served as the coordination and representational focal point for the Grants/Sponsorship Department of PLAN Tanzania, a five million dollar community development/child focused program. Responsible for setting the sponsorship leadership, vision, networking and grants development strategy standards.

Country Director
PLAN International Togo – West Africa
June - September
Served as the Country Director for Togo, a . million dollar program performing duties of representation, coordination, administration and diplomatic protocol. Provided the leadership and technical direction in the development of the Country Strategic Plan, the Corporate Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System, the Child Sponsorship Corporate System and the General Ledger financial management tracking system. Small and large-scale grants were successfully conceived and Plan Togo gained successful recognition and status as a leader in child-trafficking and women’s micro-finance initiatives.

Head of Mission, East Africa Programs
UMCOR, The United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York, New York
April - April
Official UMCOR Representative for East Africa and Somalia. Responsible for building, designing and upgrading UMCOR\'s program and project activities within East Africa and Somalia which included administrative, programmatic and financial oversight of UMCOR programs in the Great Lakes Region, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Organized and managed the aircraft UMCOR deployed to the region for emergency and refugee relief, program and staff use. Successfully secured operating and registration authority with the Government of Rwanda, opening and staffing the UMCOR office in Rwanda (an extremely difficult yet significant protocol achievement) Supervised over thirty- five () international and local staff persons.

Africare, Inc., Washington DC

Country Representative
Burkina Faso, West Africa () Niger ()
Official Burkina Faso and Niger Representative for Africare Inc., an American international development organization. Responsible for official representation, protocol, public relations and all country project development activities. Successfully supervised implementation of over twelve large, medium and small-scale projects during a three-year period. Most noteworthy accomplishments include securing World Bank financing, securing funding from UNICEF/Burkina Faso, conceiving, researching and writing a USAID-funded Phase I and Phase II Child Survival Project. Was awarded the Burkina Faso Medal for Meritorious Service by President Blasé Compaore. Supervised over thirty expatriate and local-hire employees.

Administrative Officer, Burkina Faso, Niger ()
Responsible for the daily administration and financial management of the regional office and related country projects.


Africare: Constituency Development Officer, Washington, D.C. ()
Responsible for fund-raising through developing and fostering increased understanding of African development in the United States through public relations, marketing and community outreach.

Africare: Resource/Research Associate, Washington, D.C. ()
Responsible for conducting research activities for project development for Africare within Africa, keeping abreast of the latest developments.

Research, Marketing and Business Development

Kaaren Johnson Associates, Silver Spring, Maryland

Documentalist, (Contractor) United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Served as a Personal Contract Services Documentalist with the Office of Sahel West Africa Affairs of the Africa Bureau of USAID.

The Philip B. Benson Company, Washington, D.C.

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Responsible for conceiving, designing and developing targeted marketing and public relations strategies for a document research and retrieval firm specializing in researching and retrieving information from various US government agencies.

Director of Research at the Securities and Exchange Commission
Responsible for researching, processing and forwarding securities and financial document discovery requests from the Securities and Exchange Commission

January – October
Business Owner: “Cultural Concepts and Connections” (in development)
Philadelphia, PA USA
Founder and Owner of “Cultural Concepts and Connections” (in development) a privately owned firm providing international public relations and consultation services.

December – March
International Business Consultant
Burkina Faso and Ghana West Africa
Responsible for designing, promoting and managing an international business venture involving the sale of ice cream, milk and other dairy products in Burkina Faso.

April – May
International Consultant, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)
Washington D.C.
Short-term consultant for the International Division of the National Council of Negro Women. Researched and wrote project proposals on self-help projects for African Women in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malaria. programs in Egypt, Zambia and Senegal.


· Executive, Regional, Senior-Level Director Management, Representation, Leadership
· Host Country Agreement Development, Contractual and Legal Status Issues, In-Country Operating/Negotiation Skills, Conflict Mitigation
· Administration, Human Resources, Logistics and Operations Management
· Budget Supervision, Preparation and Financial Management including audit compliance t
· Specialized Program/Project Identification, Research, Design, Development, Evaluation and Monitoring, Strategic Planning, Policy and Organizational Development
· Supervision, management and effective roll-out of general operations, program, financial, human resources and data/information management systems
· Human Resources, Staff Training, Empowerment, Team/Confidence Building
· Grants Identification, Research and Writing, including RFA’s and RFP’s, Business Plans)
· Targeted Networking, Events Planning, Marketing, Public Relations
· Multi-country Strategic Public/Private Alliance Partnership and Development
· Government/Regulatory Research
· USAID, UN, World Bank, DIFD, EU, Multi and Bi-Lateral Donor Development/Relations
· Large Scale Emergency Disaster Relief/Management (long and short-term), Evacuation Procedures, Security /Systems Set-Up, Manual/Guidelines Development
· Specialized Project/Program Experience: Integrated Health, HIV-Aids, Gender, Water and Sanitation, Refugee Assistance, Child Sponsorship, Child Survival Projects, Child Trafficking/Child Labor, Micro-Finance, Women’s Health Issues: Breast Cancer Education and Awareness, Women’s Wellness, NGO Development, Growth and Sustainability

Business Administration, Development of Library/Computerized Systems

The American University Washington, D.C.

Native English Speaker French: Fluent Speaker, Good Reading/Writing

IT: Personal Computer Programs/Software Operations, Microsoft Windows and Associated Programs: Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, Power Point

The United States and Europe
Eurasia: Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Bosnia, Croatia,
Africa: Burundi, Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, The Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Kenya,
Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal Somalia, Togo, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Asia: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka

Medal for Meritorious Service to Burkina Faso ()
Outstanding Young Woman of America ()
Dale Carnegie Graduate Assistant ()
American University Most Outstanding Senior Woman ()
Who\'s Who in American Colleges and Universities ()
OAASATAU Outstanding Senior ()

References Furnished Upon Request