Women's Job List

Association Services Counselor Resume

Kathleen M. Klipstein, A. A. S.

W. Burdick Avenue, Milwaukee, WI * *

&#; Knowledge of the economic, cultural, and social consequences of white-collar crime.
&#; Educated in the philosophy and development of the criminal justice system, agencies, and institutions.
&#; Knowledge of the complexities of locating, collecting, and analyzing evidence from a crime scene.
&#; Understanding of the principles of searching the crime scene for specific types of evidence, such as fingerprints, forensic identifiable material, and other items of evidentiary value.
&#; Understanding of the legal significance of evidence and how to provide the expert testimony necessary to substantiate the results of examined evidence.
&#; Educated in the principles of scientific analysis of trace evidence and controlled substances.

KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice
Awarded January * GPA . – credits
Dean’s List October term for GPA of .
Dean’s List November term for GPA of .
President’s List January term for GPA of .

Switched degree course, June , to Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, pending graduation December . Prior to degree change completed Crime Scene Technician Certificate courses, May .

• CSI: Photography and Fingerprinting – credits – B+
• Courtroom Presentation of Scientific Evidence – credits – A

USBC, Greendale, WI Association Services Counselor -present
• Handle high-volume inbound calls
• Act as point of contact for difficult callers

WALGREENS, Greenfield, WI Photo Specialist -
• Developed film
• Stocked shelves

Milwaukee County Police Citizen Academy graduated April ,
West Allis Police Citizen Academy – started week course September ,

MS Word; PowerPoint; Excel; Outlook and Internet Research. Type , alpha/numeric data entry.