The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
Kathleen M. Klipstein, A. A. S.
W. Burdick Avenue, Milwaukee, WI * *
Knowledge of the economic, cultural, and social consequences of white-collar crime.
Educated in the philosophy and development of the criminal justice system, agencies, and institutions.
Knowledge of the complexities of locating, collecting, and analyzing evidence from a crime scene.
Understanding of the principles of searching the crime scene for specific types of evidence, such as fingerprints, forensic identifiable material, and other items of evidentiary value.
Understanding of the legal significance of evidence and how to provide the expert testimony necessary to substantiate the results of examined evidence.
Educated in the principles of scientific analysis of trace evidence and controlled substances.
KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice
Awarded January * GPA . – credits
Dean’s List October term for GPA of .
Dean’s List November term for GPA of .
President’s List January term for GPA of .
Switched degree course, June , to Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, pending graduation December . Prior to degree change completed Crime Scene Technician Certificate courses, May .
• CSI: Photography and Fingerprinting – credits – B+
• Courtroom Presentation of Scientific Evidence – credits – A
USBC, Greendale, WI Association Services Counselor -present
• Handle high-volume inbound calls
• Act as point of contact for difficult callers
WALGREENS, Greenfield, WI Photo Specialist -
• Developed film
• Stocked shelves
Milwaukee County Police Citizen Academy graduated April ,
West Allis Police Citizen Academy – started week course September ,
MS Word; PowerPoint; Excel; Outlook and Internet Research. Type , alpha/numeric data entry.