The Most Visited Job Board For Women For Over 20 Years
Iroquois Circle
Baraboo, WI
Feb -May Civilian Contractor
Herndon, VA
Prior to my deployment to Iraq in mid-April , I was at the Army’s National Grounds Intelligence Center in Charlottesville, VA. I developed the POI for NGIC’s Combat Forensic training course, created a power point presentation on Powdering and Lifting and Recording Friction Ridge Skin as well as participated as an instructor in training the th Infantry Division in Hawaii.
Apr -Dec CEXC–Iraq Biometric’s Sup
Herndon, VA
Facilitated the physical move of the Department of Defense’s Iraq biometrics laboratory. Developed all protocols and procedures (technical and administrative) for the lab. Supervised forensic photographers, forensic latent print technicians and forensic latent print examiners. Maintain various statistical databases for the CEXC Commander and the Army’s National Grounds Intelligence Center in Charlottesville, VA. Attend weekly Biometrics Working Group video conference calls attended by personal from NGIC, SOCOM, CENTCOM, and the IZ who were linked by satellite.
Use ACE-V methodology of comparisons to identify suspects/detainees and provide quality control in the evaluation of latent prints being entered into the computer data base.
Provide expert experience in exploitation of items for latent prints using proper processing sequence utilizing ALS, chemicals, and powders.
Sep –June Forensic Examiner
FBI – Latent Print Unit
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Quantico, VA
Conduct examinations in an ASCLD/LAB accredited laboratory, utilizing a documented quality assurance program that includes annual proficiency testing; technical, peer and administrative reviews; and adherence to standard operating procedures.
Examine evidence for the presence and development of latent prints, compare latent prints with the prints of known individuals, conduct searches utilizing the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), generate reports summarizing the results, and testify as an expert witness as requested.
Process the hands and fingers of unknown deceased individuals for identification purposes, mix and test laboratory chemicals, as well as conduct research in the field of fingerprints for the development and validation of new latent print detection techniques.
Jun -Dec Medicolegal Death Investigator
Forensic Medical Management, PC
Nashville, TN
Responsibilities involved receiving and responding to the initial report of death or request for cremation, seeking and gathering facts and additional data in order to establish the Medical Examiner’s jurisdiction as well as communicating and coordinating with the Medical Examiner, family members, employers, witnesses, personnel from law enforcement agencies, hospital and other medical facilities’ staff, mortuary services personnel, insurance companies, and other agencies.
Other duties included responding to, inspecting, and documenting death or injury scenes or body location. Inspecting and documenting a scene incorporated note taking, photography, diagramming and sketching the appearance and condition of the locale, body, and other pertinent objects on, near, or associated with the body.
Jun –Nov Diener
St Raphael’s Hospital
New Haven, CT
Duties entailed assisting with all aspects of hospital autopsies, including body and autopsy suite preparation, evisceration (open to close), proper storage of the heart and brain (post-autopsy), as well as contacting the proper authority in cases of reportable deaths.
Mar –May University of New Haven
West Haven, CT
Master of Sci. in Forensic Science Degree (MSFS)
Major: Criminalistics/Death Investigation
Sep –Dec University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA)
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Sep –May UWC Baraboo/Sauk County
Baraboo, WI
Associate of Science Degree(AS)
Major: Biology
As a certified Physical Scientist / Forensic Examiner in the FBI Laboratory, I have examined evidence in numerous cases and conducted over , comparisons.
Feb Physiology of Friction Ridge Skin. Federal Bureau of Investigation (Quantico, VA) – hours
Sep –Aug Latent Print Physical Scientist / Forensic Examiner Certification Training Program. Federal Bureau of Investigation (Washington, DC) – years
Feb Blood Spatter Analysis, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (New York, NY) – days
Apr Medioclegal Death Investigation Course, University of Washington (St. Louis, MO) – days
March -May Community Emergency Response Team Certification course. (Arlington, VA) – hrs
–Present Chesapeake Bay Divison of the International Association for Identification (IAI) – Member
–Present American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators – Member
– National Association of Medical Examiners – Member
– American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) – General Section Member
International Association for Identification Conference, Ottawa, Canada – days
Pediatric Forensic Issues Conference, San Diego, CA – days
Tennessee Division of IAI Spring Conference, Nashville, TN – day
American Academy of Forensic Sciences Conference, New York, New York – day
Tennessee Division of IAI Spring Conference, Nashville, TN – day
Feb -Sep RFES Statistical Study, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
April Schwartz, R.L., Higginbotham, L.C., and Smith, D.R. The Effect of Un-du on Latent Print Development, Fingerprint Whorld () :-.
Aug Schwartz, R.L., Higginbotham, L.C., and Smith, D.R. The Effect of Un-du on Latent Print Development. Presented at the th International Association for Identification Educational Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Nov –Dec Schwartz, R.L., Higginbotham, L.C. and Smith, D.R. Validation of Un-du on Porous Items, Research Project, Federal Bureau of Investigation.